Standing Committees
Planning Committee

Planning Committee is responsible to the Council for formulating the long-term strategies and reviewing and updating the development plans of the Institution.


Ir Dr LEE Chi Hong Barry, Chairman

Ir CHOW Kin Tak Alice

Ir Prof P L YUEN

Ir CHUNG Kwok Fai Edwin

Ir BOK Kwok Ming Aaron

Ir TANG Yuk Yee Gloria

Miss LAM Ka Man Carman



Administration Board

The Administration Board is responsible to the Council for the interpretation, development and implementation of policy on financial and administration matters, and for the co-ordination of administrative functions which involve more than one Board.


Ir CHOW Kin Tak Alice, Chairman

Ir MA Siu Cheung Eric
Ir Dr LEE Chi Hong Barry Ir Prof CHAN Fan Frank
Ir LEUNG Kwok Yiu Rupert Ir CHOW Lap Man
Ir LEUNG Hung Kwong Derrick Ir WONG Wai On Duncan


Finance and Investment Committee


Ir CHOW Lap Man, Chairman

Ir TONG Sidney Pui Keung, Deputy Chairman
Ir CHAN Chau Fat Ir TANG Sher Kin Kelvin
Ir CHEUNG Lai Shun Benedict Ir TANG Yuk Yee Gloria


Journal Editorial Committee


Ir LEUNG Hung Kwong Derrick, Chairman Ir PHUNG Wing Cheung Clifford, Deputy Chairman
Ir Dr SO Kin Lam Kevin Ir WONG Yiu Fai Joel
Ir Prof Ken HO  


Staff Resources Committee


Ir WONG Wai On Duncan, Chairman Ir CHOW Lap Man
Ir KO Chi Wai Gary Ir LEE Chi Ho Horace
Ir CHUNG Siu Ping Ian Ir CHAN Ying Ying Dorothy
Ir FONG Wai Man Edmond  
Learned Society Board

Learned Society Board is the forum for co-ordinating learned society activities carried out by its Divisions, Committees and Safety Specialist Committee. It is responsible to the Council for recommendation at strategic level (for subsequent implementation by Divisions or Committees which report to the Board), in the following issues:

  • upholding and enhancing the integrity and status of the Institution, through developing its professional, technical and ethical standards and gaining recognition and acceptance of them, both by other engineers and by users of engineering services - locally and internationally;
  • representing the profession to the public and to the Government, through identifying and keeping up to date a public relations policy and image for the Institution; and
  • promoting and advancing the science and practice engineering by e.g. attracting able recruits to the ranks of Corporate membership, facilitating their continuing professional development thereafter (whether by lectures, visits, courses or other means), and supporting studies of the long range effect of technological development on society.


Ir LEUNG Kwok Yiu Rupert, Chairman

Ir CHAN Wai Kwong

Ir TSE Lok Him Ir LAI Kwok Hung Sammy
Ir LI Kwun Jimmy Ir LI Chun Fai Alex
Ir Prof LOCK Fat Shing Louis Ir LAM Kin Chung Banson
Ir Dr SHUM Yu Hing Ir Dr CHAN Ka Lung Raymond
Ir Prof CHAN Siu Lai Ir FAN Kai To Jason
Ir Dr LEE Siew Wei Ir Dr NG To Yee Vincent
Ir Carmen CHU Ir SHAN Ming Yin Raymond
Ir Dr CHUNG Chi Yuen Jonathan Ir WONG Chi Keung Melvin
Ir Prof HO Vincent Simon Ir CHIN Sai Ping
Mr MAK Wai Hung Otto Ir TSE Wing Fung Victor
Miss KAM Wing Sum Keiko Ir YAU Lap Yan Terence
Ir LEUNG Man Yee Mandy Ir TANG Whai Tak
Ir Prof TO Wing Christopher Ir CHAK Chi Kin Peter
Ir Prof LEUNG Kwok Hi Michael



AP/RSE/RGE Committee


Ir YAU Lap Yan Terence, Chairman

Ir CHAN Bong Kwok

Ir LAU Chi Kin Ir Prof CHOY Siu Chung Adam
Ir SO Kwok Leung Derek Ir TSE Wai Keung Ben
Ir LAM Kam Ming Ir CHIN Sai Ping
Ir WONG Kong Loi Ir WONG Yiu Wang Andes
Ir NG Kin Shing Ken Ir YAU Kwok Fai Paul
Ir HO Ying Kit Tony  


Conference Committee


Ir TANG Whai Tak, Chairman

Ir Dr TO Ching Nok

Ir HO Hoo Yin Danny Ir TANG Yuk Yee Gloria
Ir Dr WONG Ka Fai Ir CHEUNG Kwan Wing Kenneth
Ir FONG Wai Man Edmond



Construction Dispute Resolution Committee


Ir Prof TO Wing Christopher, Chairman

Ir TONG Sidney Pui Keung

Ir Dr LEE Chi Hong Barry Ir Dr LIM Chaw Hyon Eric
Ir LEUNG Man Yee Mandy Ir FAN Kai To Jason
Ir YEUNG Ming Tai Ir TANG Ming Sum Michelle
Ir HUNG Kin Chung Roy Ir TANG Whai Tak
Ir WONG Cheuk Fai Peter Ir CHAN To Cheong Ben
Ir MAK Ka Wai Ir PONG Chung Lai Jeremy
Ir KWONG Hui Lok Anthony Ir LI Yan Chun Dennis
Ir LEE Yuk Yu Kevin Ir CHAN Yu Sum Sam
Ir LI Man Kong Vincent Ir Dr CHEUK Chi Yin Johnny
Ir CHEUNG Kwan Wing Kenneth  


Continuing Professional Development Committee


Ir CHAK Chi Kin Peter, Chairman

Ir TANG Sher Kin Kelvin #, Deputy Chairman

Ir TANG Yuk Yee Gloria

Ir MAK Ka Wun Karina

Ir HEUNG Chi Hang

Ir SZETO Yiu Kwan

Miss MAK Yim Ting

Ir TSE Mau Kay Keith

Ir LEE Ping Kuen

Ir CHAN Cheong Yue

Ir YUEN Ka Hing

Ir LO Pak Cheong

Ir Dr LAI Siu Kai

Ir YIM Tak Kuen Justina

Ir CHEE Lap Gee Regis

Ir POON Yin Wing

Ir CHAN Ka Nang

Ir POON Ronstar Ferris

Ir PAK Chun Wai

Ir POON Yat Fai Dicky

Ir CHENG Tsz Kwai

Ir WONG Woon Ki

Mr SZE Wing Suen

Ir AU Wai Yan

Mr LAM Tsz Yeung Martin

Ir LEE Yiu Kit Leslie

Ir LEE Kwun Chung Johnson

Ir LEUNG Chi Lap

(# in dual capacity)




HKIE Transactions Committee


Ir Prof LEUNG Kwok Hi Michael, Chairman Ir FONG Kwong Fai Square#, Deputy Chairman
Ir Dr SU Kai Leung Ray Ir Prof YANG Jun
Ir LEUNG Hung Kwong Derrick Ir Prof ZHENG Pai
Ir Dr HO Wang Hei Ivan Ir Dr LAI Wai Chiu King
Ir Dr CHEUK Chi Yin Johnny Ir Prof Ken HO
(# in dual capacity)



Public Service Committee


Ir LEUNG Man Yee Mandy, Chairman Ir KWONG Hui Lok Anthony#, Deputy Chairman
Ir HO Ying Kit Tony Ir YAU Lap Yan Terence

Ir HO Lok Ki

Mr TAI Chi Wah Tony

Ir ZA Wai Gin Tony

Ir YUE Wai Pui Keith
Ir TSE Kwok Chau Charles Ir YIP Chung Wa Giselle
Ir LEUNG Chi Tim Mr LAM Siu Ming Andy
Ir LEE Wai Tak Vincent Ir WONG Chun Yip
Ir NG Hang Wai Brian Ir HUNG Kin Chung Roy
Ir LUI Wai Kau Raymond Ir WONG Wai Shun Wilson
Ir CHOI Ka Yin Lewis Ir LAM Chi Sing
Ir Dr CHEUNG Ka Fu Ir CHAN Cheuk Ming Oliver
Ir TANG Kevin Mr SHING Wai Lam Johnny
Ir Prof CHI Wuh Jian Joseph Duncan Mr KWAN Ho Man Donald
Ir CHEUNG Lai Shun Benedict Ir CHIANG Tung Keung
(# in dual capacity)  


Accreditation Board

The Accreditation Board shall make recommendations to the Council on matters concerning the broad field of professional engineering education and in particular it shall:

  • accredit Hong Kong engineering degree and sub-degree courses to ensure that they meet the educational standards acceptable for admission as a Corporate and Associate Member of the HKIE; and
  • ascertain the equivalence and acceptability of accreditation systems in other countries and to enter into bilateral recognition agreements with those bodies having systems acceptable to the HKIE.


Ir Prof Philco WONG, Chairman

Ir Prof NGAN Hing Wan Alfonso, Deputy Chairman

Ir Prof CHAN Fan Frank Ir LO Pak Cheong
Ir LAI Kam Hung Steven Ir CHANG Che Son
Ir Prof LAU Kin Tak Alan Ir Prof WONG Sze Chun
Ir CHENG Ting Ning Albert Ir LEONG Weng Hong Francis
Ir MAN Kwoon Yin Kevin Ir CHUNG Chi Leong Colin
Ir KO Chi Wai Gary Ir Prof KWOK Yu Kwong Ricky
Ir Prof LEE Ho Man Jimmy Ir Prof LO Hong Kam
Ir YAU Kwok Ting Ir Prof TSANG Hin Kwok Danny
Ir Prof YAM Chi Ho Michael Prof Woo-Seung KIM

Prof Janis Elizabeth SWAN



Accreditation Board Executive Committee


Ir Prof Philco WONG, Chairman

Ir Prof NGAN Hing Wan Alfonso, Deputy Chairman
Ir CHENG Ting Ning Albert Ir LAI Kam Hung Steven
Ir Prof YAM Chi Ho Michael  


Accreditation Committee for Computer Science Programmes


Ir CHANG Che Son, Chairman

Ir Prof WONG Chi Wing Raymond, Deputy Chairman

Ir LAM Ka Chung Ronald Ir Dr CHEUNG King Sing Simon
Prof CHEUNG Kwok Wai William Prof JIA Xiao Hua
Ir Prof KING Kuo Chin Irwin Dr LEONG Hong Va
Prof SO Man Cho Anthony Ir Prof TSUI Yik Wai Herman
Prof TSE Chi Kong Michael Prof TSUI Chi Ying
Ir Prof LAM Tak Wah Ir WOO Hung Cheung Monde
Ir CHAN Hei Yim Leo  


Accreditation Committee for Higher Diploma Programmes


Ir LAI Kam Hung Steven, Chairman

Ir Dr TSE Chung Fai Norman, Deputy Chairman

Ir Dr FU Ming Sun Ir KO Chun Wa Johnason
Ir LAI Kin Wah Terrance Ir NG Man To
Dr LI Yiyang Ir CHAN K S Philip
Ir Dr MAK Shu Lun Ir Prof MUI Kwok Wai Horace
Ir TANG Siu Wah Alain Ir Dr LEE Chi Chung Tony
Mr YUEN Lai Man


Qualification and Membership Board

Qualification and Membership Board is responsible to the Council:

  • for the interpretation, development and implementation of Institution policy in respect of membership;
  • for the establishment and review of the regulations, procedures and criteria governing admission to the Institution, and transfer, for all classes of membership; and
  • for the proper, orderly and effective operation of the Institution's admission and transfer procedures.

In matters affecting other Boards, Q & M Board is subject to the co-ordination of Administration Board.


Ir Prof CHAN Fan Frank, Chairman

Ir CHIK Wai Keung Stephen#, Deputy Chairman

Ir Prof Philco WONG Ir LO Pak Cheong
Ir POON Kwok Ying Raymond Ir LEUNG Kwok Yiu Rupert
Ir MOK Kwok Ho Alcohol Ir LI Siu Kong Kenneth#
Ir NG Lai Ho Dave Ir Prof TONG Kai Yu
Ir Prof YAM Chi Ho Michael Ir Prof CHEN Guohua
Ir LAU Tai Wai David Ir TANG Siu Wah Alain
Ir YEUNG Kwong Tung Tony Ir CHAN Ho Wing
Ir KWONG Pui Fai Paul Ir WONG Siu Wai Kenny
Ir LAU Chi Kin Ir CHOW Hau Keung Vincent
Ir Dr LAU Chi Keung Ir Prof LEUNG Ho Fung
Ir SO Hung Tak Charles Ir CHIU Wing Cheong Herman
Ir SZETO Ka Sing Louis Ir Dr LO Yiu Tommy
Ir LEE Chee Kwan Ir Prof CHEUNG Ching Ngai
Ir TSE Wai Keung Ben (# in dual capacity)


Education & Examinations Committee


Ir LO Pak Cheong, Chairman

Ir LAU Ka Ming Ernest

Ir Prof SO Hau Yue Richard Ir KWONG Hui Lok Anthony
Ir Prof YUEN Kwok Kit Ir Dr CHING Wing Han
Ir MAK Tak Ming Stephen Ir MO Kwok Wai
Ir AU Tat Kay Walter Ir KWOK Wai Shun Wilson
Ir Prof LEUNG Yiu Cheong Dennis Ir Dr ZHOU Wenwen
Ir Dr LEE Wai Ming Ir LUK Pui Kwan Clare
Ir LEE Tsz Leung Chris Ir Prof LEUNG Kwong Sak
Ir Dr WONG Yin Cheung Eugene Ir Dr LIU Sai Lok Eric
Ir MAK Chiu Ki Ir CHAN Tain Fai
Ir KWOK Wai Man Ir Prof PAN Chin
Ir Prof CHAN Siu Lai Mr LEE Wood Wei
Mr PANG Hin Lam Simon Mr WONG Wing Fai


Fellowship Committee


Ir POON Kwok Ying Raymond, Chairman

Ir POON Wai Yin Paul#, Deputy Chairman

Ir CHAN Yun Cheung Ir CHAN Yim Cheong Paul
Ir CHIONG Kam Yueng Jacky Ir LEUNG Yu Wah Charles
Ir Prof LEUNG Yiu Cheong Ir NG Kwok Ho Victor
Ir Prof TONG Kai Yu Raymond (# in dual capacity)


Professional Assessment Committee


Ir CHIK Wai Keung Stephen, Chairman Ir MOK Kwok Ho
Ir POON Kwok Ying Raymond Ir LEUNG Kwok Tung Henry
Ir CHOI Pong Chi Alex Ir HO Hoo Yin Danny
Ir CHENG Wai Lung Ir Dr WONG Man Tak Douglas
Ir NG Pak Hung Simon Ir LAM Wing Keung
Ir YAN Ka Wing Ir LAI Kin Wah
Ir Prof LEUNG Kwok Hi Michael Ir CHENG Chun Ping Norman
Ir Prof CHAN Siu Lai Ir LEE Kin Fai
Ir Dr KWAN Shun Hang Ir Dr CHAN Chun Leung
Ir CHAN Ka Nang Ir Dr WAN Kin Man
Ir LUI Kam Leung Ir BROWN Daniel Alan
Ir TAM Chun Kit Ir Dr LUK Bing Lam
Ir LEE Chi Chuen Alexis Mr LEE Wood Wei


Quality Control Committee


Ir MOK Kwok Ho, Chairman

Ir LEUNG Kwok Tung Henry

Ir CHOI Pong Chi Alex Ir HO Hoo Yin Danny
Ir CHEUNG Wai Lung Ir Dr WONG Man Tak Douglas
Ir NG Pak Hung Simon Ir LAM Wing Keung
Ir YAN Ka Wing Ir LAI Kin Wah
Ir Prof LEUNG Kwok Hi Michael Ir CHENG Chun Ping Norman
Ir Prof CHAN Siu Lai Ir LEE Kin Fai
Ir Dr KWAN Shun Hang Ir Dr CHAN Chun Leung
Ir CHAN Ka Nang Ir Dr WAN Kin Man
Ir LUI Kam Leung Ir Daniel Alan BROWN
Ir TAM Chun Kit Ir Dr LUK Bing Lam
Ir LEE Chi Chuen Alexis  


Professional Certification Committee


Ir LEUNG Kwok Yiu Rupert, Chairman

Ir LEUNG Chi Suen Francis, Deputy Chairman

Ir WONG Siu Wai Kenny

Ir Dr LIM Chaw Hyon Eric

Ir CHAK Chi Kin Peter

Ir CHIK Wai Keung Stephen

Ir LO Pak Cheong



Training Committee


Ir LI Siu Kong Kenneth, Chairman Ir KWOK Wai Shun Wilson#, Deputy Chairman
Ir CHAN Cheong Yue Ir NG Pak Hung Simon
Ms Betty CHOI Ir TANG Lok On
Ir WONG Yuk Ming David Ir LAI Kwok Hung
Ir YEUNG Sau Kuen Sammy Ir CHEUNG Tsz Wing
Ir KONG Shui Sun Ir WONG Ka Wing Paul
Ir WOO Man Shing Ir CHAN Ho Wing
Ir AU Tat Kay Walter Ir Dr LAU Wai Cho Ivan
Ir PAU Wai Keung Ir NG Kar Wai
Ir Dr CHEUK Chi Yin Ir Dr NG To Yee Vincent
Ir Carmen CHU Ir Dr LAU Ming Ho Ritz
Ir LEE Yiu Kit Leslie Ir Dr NG Pui Lam
Ir LAU Chi Keung Ir FUNG Mang Tat Richard
Ir TANG Kevin Ir CHUNG Fuk Wai Simon
(# in dual capacity)


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