Cycle 2024/25

The HKIE Young Engineers
Arthur & Louise May Memorial Scholarship 2024/25

(Application Deadline Extended to Friday, 20 December 2024)


Aims and Objectives

The Scholarship aims to encourage and support young engineers to further their education abroad for the benefit of the engineering profession and the local community at large. The Scholarship also supports those who are planning to attend professional development workshop organised by government departments, reputable public and professional bodies overseas and in Mainland China.  It is expected that the awardees will commit themselves to contributing to the engineering industry in Hong Kong after the completion of their studies.  

The Scholarship

Depending on the nature and duration of the education course or professional development workshop, a scholarship will be awarded to suitable candidate(s) for pursuing further education and attending professional development workshops organised by government departments, reputable public and professional bodies, both overseas and in Mainland China.  Preference would be given to practising engineers.

The ceiling of each successful application is HK$400,000.  The scholarship shall cover the tuition fee of the course or the fee of the professional development workshop, a return air ticket (economy class)/ high speed rail ticket (second class) and living expenses, paid in two instalments.


The applicant

  • aged under 35 on the date of application
  • a permanent resident of Hong Kong (Hong Kong permanent ID card holder)
  • a/an Associate Member/Graduate Member/Corporate Member of the HKIE
  • holds a bachelor degree in engineering or equivalent and with good academic standard with at least two years of engineering-related experience
  • is recommended by at least three referees (at least one from work place and one from academia)
  • with technical competence, leadership quality and good communication skills


The education course/professional development workshop
Non-degree granting courses (between one week to six months), post-graduate degree granting courses and professional development workshops (not less than one week) overseas and in Mainland China.

Deadline for application for the 2024/25 cycle
Saturday, 30 November 2024 (extended to Friday, 20 December 2024)

Ms Karen WONG
Division & Special Affairs Section
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Tel: 2895 4446


- Poster

- Guidance Notes and Application Form
- Results (coming soon)

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