Message from the Trustees of the HKIE Benevolent Fund
On the expiry of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Benevolent Fund, a new HKIE Benevolent Fund was set up in September 2014. This new Benevolent Fund continues to provide financial assistance to the HKIE members, past members and their immediate families who are in financial needs temporarily or otherwise. The income of the Fund is from voluntary donations received from HKIE members. The Fund is registered as a charity and governed by the Trustees appointed by the Council. The Trustees are to be the Past Presidents of the Institution. The Institution has recently appointed Ir Dr Alex Chan, Ir Dr Andrew Chan, Ir Chan Chi Chiu and Ir James Kwan as the Trustees of the Fund.
It may be worth pointing out since that the Fund is limited in resources the Trustees are required to exercise great care in deciding applications that would deem to meet the criteria for assistance. While we are very sympathetic to financial set backs due to unemployment and investment failure of members or their immediate families, the Fund was not established for applications of these natures.
Guidelines for application of the Benevolent Fund are set out below for reference. For further information, please contact the Chief Executive and Secretary of the Institution.
- The applicant must be a HKIE member, a past member or his/her immediate family. Each application is judged solely on its own merit and the decision of the Trustees shall be final.
- Applications must be made in writing on the HKIE designated application form and to be accompanied by a declaration listing out the financial situation including details of all assets and liabilities, income and expenditure in the family, with the amount of support requested. An explanation of why public assistance is not adequate is also required. Application form is obtainable through the Secretariat at benevolent@hkie.org.hk.
- Where necessary, the applicant may be asked to attend an interview.
- The Fund can be provided in the following ways:
- By Grant – No repayment is required.
Applicable to those applicants where repayment cannot be reasonably expected in the foreseeable future or otherwise. - By Interest Free Loan – Repayment is required, by lump sum or installments.
Applicable to those applicants who are experiencing temporary financial difficulties.
- The Trustees will determine the final amount, payment and repayment terms of an application.