The Hong Kong Engineer is the official journal of the HKIE published at the beginning of each month.
Starting from the January 2020 issue, Hong Kong Engineer has adopted an enhanced Journal logo, and new grids of covers and editorial pages. Its revamped digital version Hong Kong Engineer Online with a contemporary and mobile-responsive design has also been launched and accessible at http://www.hkengineer.org.hk. Both web and PDF versions are available.
Editorial contents of the Hong Kong Engineer consist of the following:
- The Dragon and the Beaver - an editorial column prepared by the Secretary
- Update - news of projects and engineering development
- Letter to the Editor - readers' feedback
- Cover Story - in-depth feature of an engineering trend or project
- Technology Focus - technological developments of interest to engineers
- Engineers and the Environment - addresses environmental issues, technologies and the role of engineers in environmental improvements
- Feature stories on engineering topic
- Institution & Division Activities - reports of activities organised by the Institution or Divisions/Committees, such as the annual dinner, workshops, seminars, technical visits, etc
- Notice to Members – information such as member subscriptions, CPD requirements, changes in policies, etc
- Membership – a list of membership approved by Council of the Institution
- General Information (only available in print and PDF) - a contact list of the Council Members, Division Chairmen, Discipline Representatives, and Overseas Chapter Chairman
- LegCo News - the Engineering Constituency's representative's update on his work
Editorial contributions are most welcome.
Article for consideration for publications should be submitted to editor@hkie.org.hk. Advertising and subscription rates are available on request. Please refer to the contents page of the Hong Kong Engineer for full details.