Publication of the history of the engineering profession
Upon the Plinth of a Barren Rock: 130 Years of Engineering Development in Hong Kong
Further to the publication of the book《篳路藍縷 以啟山林── 香港工程發展130年》which shares the research findings on the history of the engineering profession and the Institution from 1842 to 1975, the Institution is pleased to announce that the English version of the book, entitled《Upon the Plinth of a Barren Rock: 130 Years of Engineering Development in Hong Kong》, published by Chung Hwa Book Co (HK) Ltd, is now available for purchase.
As members' benefit, members can purchase the book at a discounted price of HK$100 (original selling price is HK$198). Members can place order either by returning the Order Form with a cheque to the Institution or in person at the HKIE reception. Please refer to the Order Form for details. For enquiries, please contact our reception desk at 2895 4446.
The Chinese version 《篳路藍縷 以啟山林── 香港工程發展130年》 is also available for sale at a discounted price of HK$100. (Order Form for the Chinese version 《篳路藍縷 以啟山林── 香港工程發展130年》)