HKIE Awards
The HKIE Enginpreneurs Award 2021 (Submission Closed)

Submission deadline extended to: 21 May 2021 (Friday), 5:00pm (Hong Kong time)


Under the theme for Session 2020/2021: “Believing is Seeing - Innovation for Transformation”, the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) invites all HKIE members to join “The HKIE Enginpreneurs Award 2021 (the Award)” to demonstrate their innovative ideas in engineering which have potential of transforming into reality.


Building an Environmentally Sustainable Hong Kong



  • All classes of HKIE members from any disciplines
  • Contestant(s) may either enter the competition in his/ her individual capacity or in a team consisting of no more than 4 persons
    Membership Requirements
  • 1. Individual: MUST be a current member of the HKIE upon submission of their application
  • 2. Team: At least half of the team should comprise the HKIE members, whereas the team representative MUST be a HKIE member
  • Each HKIE member can submit ONE proposal for Individual and/ or ONE proposal for Team
  • All contestants / teams must adhere to the deadline(s), or else their submissions will be invalid
  • Each contestant / team must not accept or use any help from people not in their team
  • All the submissions MUST be original design and not yet submitted to other competition


Contest Stages

  • Stage 1: Idea submission (to be submitted by 21 May 2021, 5:00pm)
    Each contestant/ team must submit:
    1. A proposal describing their idea, which must include:
        ˗ A list of team members, if applicable
        ˗ An outline of the idea, listing the key features
        ˗ The target user(s) and impact on the society
        ˗ I & T implementation
        ˗ English: max. 1000 words / Chinese: max. 800 words
        ˗ max. of 2 photos/ graphics (optional)
    2. A video presenting their idea, covering
        ˗ benefits to the target user(s), impact on the society, etc
        ˗ I&T implementation
        ˗ length: max. 3 minutes
        ˗ format: min. resolution: 1920 x 1080p; max. file size: 500MB; file format: AVI, MPEG, WMV or MP4
  • Stage 2: Final Pitch (Elevator Pitch)
    Shortlisted finalists will have to attend the Final Pitch on 13 June 2021:
    1. To present their idea within 1 minute in freestyle in an elevator like corner and show the moving of the elevator on the screen (for vision effect)
    2. Q & A by judging panel

Judging Criteria
Stage 1

Component and its Weighting Criteria
Proposal (40%) 1. Statement of the problem
    - Description of the identified problem or issue
    - Explanation of how this problem affects / the issue can improve the daily lives
2. Address the issue
    - Description of the idea
    - Explanation of the idea’s value to solve the identified problem/ address the issue and the implementation plan
Video (60%) 1. General Appeal
    - Is the idea appealing, relevant, or exciting?
2. Innovation and Uniqueness
    - Does it work efficiently and effectively? What would be the impact to the society?
3. Quality of Experience
    - Is the idea feasible and simple for implementation? Does the idea complete and in a way the user would expect?


Stage 2

Component Criteria
1-min face-to-face presentation

1. General Appeal   

- Is the idea appealing, relevant, or exciting?

2. Innovation and Uniqueness   

- Does it work efficiently and effectively? What would be the impact to the society?

3. Quality of Experience   

- Is the idea feasible and simple for implementation? Does the idea complete and in a way the user would expect?

4. Others   

- Presentation skill, creativity, deck design, Q&A performance 

Q&A by judging panel


Submission Deadline

All submissions for Stage 1 must reach the HKIE Secretariat via online registration form * no later than 5:00pm (Hong Kong time) on 21 May 2021 (Friday).
Shortlisted finalists will be notified in mid-May 2021 for invitation of Final Pitch to be held on 13 June 2021.
* Please note that sign in of your personal Google account is required for registration.



  • Champion: cash prize of $20,000 and a trophy
  • 1st Runner up: cash prize of $15,000 and a trophy
  • 2nd Runner up: cash prize of $10,000 and a trophy
  • Other finalists: an award certificate
  • Each contestant / team who have submitted a qualified proposal and video, and have met all the aforementioned criteria will be given certificate of participation
  • Presentation of the Award will be made on 13 June 2021


For further information and enquiries, please contact
The HKIE Secretariat – Special Duties & Planning Section
The HKIE Secretariat
Tel: (852) 2895 4446
Fax: (852) 2882 6825


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