11 November 2021
HKIE Structural Examination 2021/2022

Update on the HKIE Structural Examination

(Last Update: 11 November 2021)


Please be informed that the coming Written Examination of the HKIE Structural Examination will be held on Wednesday, 1 December 2021 at AsiaWorld-Expo (亞洲國際博覽館).


Details of the examination have already been sent out by post to eligible candidates.


Should you have any enquiry, please contact the Membership Section at 28902926 or


Preparatory Seminar for the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination)


We are pleased to announce that the HKIE Structural Division is going to organise a Preparatory Seminar which aims to better equip candidates who have applied for the coming HKIE Structural Examination.  The speakers will be the Chief Examiners of the Written Examination.  Details of the Seminar are as follows:



30 October 2021 (Saturday)


10:00 am – 12:00 noon (Registration starts at 09:15 am)


Chamber 3, InnoCentre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon

Registration Fee#:



100 (Walk-in registration is NOT available)

#The fee is non-refundable/ non-transferrable under any circumstances.




Candidates who wish to join the Seminar must register by returning the completed reply form and payment form of HK$150 by email to the HKIE ( on or before Tuesday, 26 October 2021.  The Seminar is open to all, but priority will be given to candidates who have applied for the Examination.  The registration for the Seminar will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis as limited seats available.


Reply Form for Preparatory Seminar for the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination)


A confirmation email will be sent to the successful applicants for the Seminar by 28 October 2021.  Presentation of the confirmation email for registration is required.


Please note that successful registration for the Seminar does not imply successful application for the Structural Examination.  Eligible applicants for the Examination will be informed of the detailed examination schedule three weeks before the date of the Examination that will be tentatively held in early December 2021.


Precaution measures


To minimise the risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19, the followings are the anti-infection precaution measures at the venue:


  • Temperature screenings are conducted before entering the venue, anyone with high temperature and/or fever detected are not allowed to enter the venue
  • All participants are required to complete a health declaration form before enter the venue
  • All participants are required to use the “LeaveHomeSafe” Mobile App for scanning the venue QR codes OR provide Venus Users’ record
  • All participants are required to wear a face mask
  • Hand sanitiser is available at the Registration Counter
  • Social distancing measures have been implemented, all participants are seated according to the pre-arranged seats
  • No eating and drinking


For enquiry, please contact Membership Section by phone at 2890 2926 or by email at


Application for the HKIE Structural Examination


The HKIE Structural Examination


The Institution is pleased to announce that the coming Written Examination of the HKIE Structural Examination will be tentatively held in December 2021.


Candidates passing the HKIE Structural Examination and meeting the experience requirements will be eligible to become a Corporate Member of the HKIE in the Structural Discipline.


The HKIE Structural Examination has the following features:-


  • It consists of two parts: (a) a Written Examination and (b) an Interview.
  • The Written Examination consists of two sections in the form of (a) multiple choice questions (one hour) and (b) design questions (six hours).
  • Passing the Written Examination is not a pre-requisite for taking the Interview or vice versa.


Candidates who wish to apply for or resit the HKIE Structural Examination must submit the relevant application form and fees by post or in person by 7:00 pm, 31 August 2021 (Tuesday).  Applications do not reach the Institution by the above application deadline will not be considered.


Please download the guidance notes below for detailed information on the requirements for taking the examination, application procedures and examination details:


Guidance Notes for Candidates applying for Membership in Structural Discipline by taking the HKIE Structural Examination


Application forms:


- Application for the class of Member or Additional Discipline for Corporate Member: Form 1/MD

- Application for a Resit: Application Form for Resit – The HKIE Structural Examination


Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination)


Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) in 2009 – 2020 are available for download now.


Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2009

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2010

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2011

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2012

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2013

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2014

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2015

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2016

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2017

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2018

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2019

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2020


If you have any queries, please contact the Membership Section by phone at 2890 2926 or by email at

30 October 2021
2021 Legislative Council Election Engineering Functional Constituency

Under the Improving Electoral System (Consolidated Amendments) Ordinance 2021 (Ordinance), the Legislative Council (LegCo) comprises 90 Members, among which 40 are Members returned by the 2021 Election Committee, 30 are Members returned by functional constituencies (FC), and 20 are Members returned by geographical constituencies through direct elections. There will be one member each from the Engineering FC and Technology and Innovation (T&I) FC.


The electorates of the Engineering FC remain individual votes where HKIE Corporate Members and Registered Professional Engineer (RPE) are eligible for registration. However, the electorates of the T&I FC are body voters, including the HKIE IT Division as one of the listed bodies.


In consideration of electorship of the two FCs, the Institution shall provide equal and fair services to all the candidates standing for election of the Engineering FC while communication services are not provided to candidates running for the T&I FC. Please click here for Notice and Guidelines for the Provision of Services for Candidates Standing for the Legislative Council Engineering Functional Constituency (2021).

Points to note regarding the 2021 LegCo Election:


Nomination period: 30 October to 12 November 2021
Polling Date: 19 December 2021


Reference information


The Electoral Affairs Commission released on 25 October 2021 the final Guidelines on Election-related Activities in respect of the Legislative Council Election, which can be accessed at


You may check your own registration particulars via the Online Voter Information Enquiry System of Registration and Electoral Office (REO) at, or contact the REO at 2891 1001 or via email at

04 August 2021
HKIE – Civil Discipline Professional Assessment 2021

Application Acknowledgement to Candidates


Please note that the application acknowledgement with login details for uploading the submission at our online platform has been sent to candidates by email on 30 July 2021. Candidates are reminded to submit the required documents in the below schedule:- 


From 30 July 2021 to 23:59 on 6 August 2021


Please refer to the "Guidance Notes for Professional Assessment - Civil Discipline" for the submission requirements.


If you have any queries, please contact the Membership Section by phone at 2890 2926 or by email at

05 July 2021
HKIE Structural Examination – Update of Eligibility in Session 2021/2022

HKIE Structural Examination – Update of Eligibility in Session 2021/2022


Further to the announcement made on 29 January 2019 about the changes related to the eligibility for the HKIE Structural Examination (the Examination) effective from Session 2021/2022, the Qualification and Membership Board at its meeting on 27 April 2021 approved to update the submission arrangements of Scheme “A” Training Completion Certificate as follows:


(a)   Formal Training Route


       (i)    Applicants must possess an accredited/recognised engineering degree or equivalent relevant to the Structural Discipline.


       (ii)   Applicants must have completed 3-year Scheme “A” Training in Civil1/Structural Discipline by [a date to be specified which is around one month before the written examination date] 2.


       1      For Civil Scheme “A” graduates, a self-declaration of 1.5 years of structural design experience is required.


       2      Completion of Scheme “A” Training: The submissions of both a satisfactory Scheme “A” Final Training Report by applicant’s Scheme “A” company by [a date to be specified which is around one month before the written examination date], and a certified true copy of the Training Completion Certificate by the applicant by [a date to be specified which is around three months after the written examination date].


(b)   General Experience Route


       (i)    Applicants must possess an accredited/recognised engineering degree or equivalent relevant to the Structural Discipline.


       (ii)   Applicants must have at least 5 years post-graduation relevant experience by [a date to be specified which is around one month before the written examination date].


(c)   Mature Route


       (i)    For applicants with an accredited/recognised engineering degree or equivalent:


  • They must be over 35 years old.
  • They must have at least 5 years post-graduation relevant experience by [a date to be specified which is around one month before the written examination date].


       (ii)   For applicants without an accredited/recognised engineering degree:


  • They must be over 35 years old.
  • They must have obtained relevant experience in posts of increasing responsibility over a period of at least 14 years by [a date to be specified which is around one month before the written examination date].


The revised eligibility above applies to the new applicants only.  All resit applicants within the four-year resit period can continue to enrol in the coming examinations without the need to meet the revised eligibility.  After the four-year resit period, resit applicants will need to submit a new application and meet the revised eligibility.


Details of the Examination and the related arrangements will be included in the Guidance Notes for Candidates applying for Membership in Structural Discipline by taking the HKIE Structural Examination in due course.

19 April 2021
HKIE Structural Examination 2020/2021

Resit application for applicants submitted their first application before 1 January 2013


The Qualification & Membership Board on 23 September 2020 resolved that the 4-year resit period shall be retrospective for the applications submitted for Professional Assessment before 1 January 2013.  A grace period, up to 30 June 2021, will be provided to allow these applicants to submit their resit application for the next attempt. It follows that from 1 July 2021 onwards, if these applicants would like to proceed for the next attempt, a fresh application has to be submitted.  Details please refer to the “Guidance Notes on Resit of Professional Assessment” which can be downloaded from our website under “Members” > “Downloads” > “Membership”.


If your first application for the Structural Examination was submitted before 1 January 2013, the 4-year resit period will be applicable to you from 1 July 2021 onwards.  Therefore, if you wish to apply for the final resit under the exemption arrangement, you must submit your completed Application for Resit (downloadable link: Form for Resit – The HKIE Structural Examination.pdf ), the required documents and the examination fee by 30 June 2021


You are advised to submit the resit application by courier or registered post.  In case we do not receive your resit application by 30 June 2021, you will need to submit a fresh application and to attend both the Written Examination and Interview in your next attempt.


Should you have any enquiry, please contact the Membership Section at 28902926 or


Update on the HKIE Structural Examination

(Last Update: 16 October 2020)


The AsiaWorld-Expo (AWE) will NOT be available for hosting the coming Written Examination as the Hong Kong Government decided to extend their anti-epidemic operations in the AWE.  Having considered by the Examination Board, the examination venue of the coming Written Examination on 30 November 2020 will be changed to the Kowloon Bay International Trade and Exhibition Centre (九龍灣國際展貿中心).


Eligible candidates for the Examination will be informed of the detailed examination schedule three weeks before the date of the Written Examination which will be held on 30 November 2020.


In view of the situation of COVID-19, special arrangements will be implemented in the Written Examination.  The candidates are urged to pay attention to the details of the notification to be sent with the eligibility letter.


Update on the HKIE Structural Examination

(Last Update: 30 September 2020)


Preparatory Seminar for the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination)


We are pleased to announce that the HKIE Structural Division is going to organise a Preparatory Seminar which aims to better equip candidates who have applied for the coming HKIE Structural Examination.  The speakers will be the Chief Examiners of the Written Examination.  Details of the Seminar are as follows:


Date: 24 October 2020

Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon (Registration starts at 09:15 am)

Venue: Wang Gungwu Lecture Hall, Graduate House, No. 3 University Drive, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Registration Fee: HK$150

Quota: 130 (Walk-in registration is NOT available)


Candidates who wish to join the Seminar must register by returning the completed reply form by fax or email to the HKIE together with a payment of HK$150 on or before Friday, 16 October 2020.  The Seminar is open to all, but priority will be given to candidates who have applied for the Examination. The registration for the Seminar will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis as limited seats available.


Reply Form for Preparatory Seminar for the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination)


A confirmation email will be sent to the successful applicants for the Seminar by 21 October 2020.  Presentation of the confirmation email for registration is required.


Please note that successful registration for the Seminar does not imply successful application for the Structural Examination.  Eligible applicants for the Examination will be informed of the detailed examination schedule three weeks before the date of the Examination that is scheduled to be held on Monday, 30 November 2020.


To minimise the risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19, the followings are the anti-infection precaution measures for the Seminar:


  • Temperature screenings are conducted before entering the venue, anyone with high temperature and/or fever detected may not enter the venue
  • All participants of the Seminar are required to wear a face mask at the venue
  • Hand sanitiser is available at the Registration Counter
  • Social distancing measures have been implemented, all participants of the Seminar are seated according to the pre-arranged seats
  • Eating and drinking are not allowed at the venue


For enquiry, please contact Membership Section by phone at 28902926 or by email at

Application for the HKIE Structural Examination


The HKIE Structural Examination


The Institution is pleased to announce that the coming Written Examination of the HKIE Structural Examination will be held on Monday, 30 November 2020 at AsiaWorld-Expo (亞洲國際博覽館).


Candidates passing the HKIE Structural Examination and meeting the experience requirements will be eligible to become a Corporate Member of the HKIE in the Structural Discipline.


The HKIE Structural Examination has the following features:-


  1. It consists of two parts: (a) a Written Examination and (b) an Interview.
  2. The Written Examination consists of two sections in the form of (a) multiple choice questions (one hour) and (b) design questions (six hours).
  3. Passing the Written Examination is not a pre-requisite for taking the Interview or vice versa.


Candidates who wish to apply for or resit the HKIE Structural Examination must submit the relevant application form and fees by post or in person by 7:00 pm, 31 August 2020 (Monday).  Applications do not reach the Institution by the above application deadline will not be considered.


Please download the guidance notes below for detailed information on the requirements for taking the examination, application procedures and examination details:


Guidance Notes for Candidates applying for Membership in Structural Discipline by taking the HKIE Structural Examination


Application forms:


- Application for the class of Member or Additional Discipline for Corporate Member: Form 1/MD

- Application for a Resit: Application Form for Resit – The HKIE Structural Examination


Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination)


Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) in 2009 - 2019 are available for download now.


Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2009

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2010

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2011

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2012

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2013

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2014

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2015

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2016

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2017

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2018

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) 2019


If you have any queries, please contact the Membership Section by phone at 28902926 or by email at

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