The Council at its meeting held on 18 January 2024 approved the Procedures and Schedule for Vice President (VP) Nomination for Session 2024/2025.
There will be one vacant post of VP and the nomination period is now open. The requirements of VP as stipulated in Article 16 Clause (b) of the Constitution are extracted below:
“The Vice Presidents shall be nominated by the Council from among the Fellows who have been Council Members for at least two years for election by Corporate Members on the day of the Annual General Meeting. …”
Each nomination shall be delivered to the Chief Executive and Secretary by completing the Nomination Form for election of VP for Session 2024/2025. Candidate shall also submit the following supplementary information on a single sided A4 paper for circulation to Council Members for consideration:
- personal information
- present position or occupation and brief work history
- membership and offices (present and/or former) held in the Institution
- a brief supporting statement
The original signed copy of the Nomination Form together with the supplementary information of the Candidate must be delivered to the Chief Executive and Secretary on or before Monday, 11 March 2024 at 5:30pm at:
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
9/F Island Beverley
No 1 Great George Street
Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
Further information regarding the VP nomination and election can refer to the different guidelines in the Member Login Area of the HKIE website.