With the implementation of the Competence-based Professional Assessment (PA) on 1 April 2019, applicants who would like to take the PA under the current assessment system have to submit their applications for the HKIE Membership by post on or before the postmark deadline on 31 March 2019. Applications submitted on or after 1 April 2019 will be processed under the competence-based system.
In Part 3 Procedure of Section 4 Professional Assessment in the booklet M3 Route to Membership reads that:
“3.1 Candidates should submit the Institution application form for Election or Transfer to the Class of Member (Form 1/M) with supporting signatures. Requisite periods of training and experience should be completed by the date of submission of the form unless specifically stated otherwise.
3.2 Together with the application form, candidates should submit reports, drawings and documents as detailed below……
3.3 The Institution may at any time refer the submission back to the candidates.”
The Qualification and Membership Board resolved that for the Membership applications submitted on or before 31 March 2019 which are found not in order, the following arrangements will apply in handling these applications:
(a) Applications will be rejected if the requisite periods of training and experience of the applicants have not been completed by the date of submission of the form, or the required submissions/signatures are not provided. Applicants are required to submit a new application.
(b) For the applications which are basically in order but require supplementary information, applicants will be given two weeks from the date of notification to submit the supplementary information. Applications will be rejected if the applicants are not able to provide the required supplementary information by the stated deadline. In that case, applicants are required to submit a new application.
If new applications are required to be submitted in the above two scenarios and made on or after 1 April 2019, the applicants have to submit the new Membership application form (Form 1/MD) for the competence-based system, and they will be arranged to take the Competence-based PA if the applications are in order.
The relevant documents for the competence-based system are available on the HKIE website at https://hkie.org.hk/en/membership/download_mem2.