The HKIE issued electronic membership cards (e-membership cards) as a replacement of the physical cards to Student Members from Financial Year 2021-2022, and the same arrangement has been made for Graduate Members, Companions and Affiliates from Financial Year 2022-2023. To pursue with the digitalisation plan, the HKIE is pleased to extend this service of e-membership card for Corporate Members (Fellows, Members) and Associate Members from Financial Year 2024-2025.
The e-membership card will be available five working days after the settlement of membership subscription for that financial year. Members can access their e-membership cards online in the Members Login area under “Services” > “My Membership Card” on the HKIE website.
In addition to the issue of e-membership card, Corporate and Associate Members in need will be offered a choice of receiving a physical membership card for use upon entering construction sites. The statement “This member of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers has satisfied the Commissioner for Labour in respect of Section 6BA(4), Cap. 59” will be included in the physical membership card only.
To facilitate the issuance of physical membership cards, the following arrangements will be made for Corporate Members and Associate Members respectively.
Corporate Members
Upon membership renewal for each financial year, Members will be invited to indicate their preference for a physical membership card and to make declaration on satisfying the CPD hours as required related to health & safety for the past 12 months preceding the renewal of membership (i.e. since 1 April of the previous year). Upon the settlement of the membership subscription fee and completion of the declaration, the physical membership card will be issued accordingly.
Associate Members
For Associate Members who would like to obtain a physical membership card, they will also need to indicate their preference and submit the Declaration Form and CPD Record indicating their achievement of 10 hours of CPD in occupational safety and health in the past 12 months for checking. This arrangement is the same as before.