(香港,2025年1月28日) 香港工程師學會(下稱「學會」)已就2025-26年度《財政預算案》諮詢提交建議,供財政司司長考慮。學會的建議重點關注鞏固香港經濟、促進發展,和應對外圍環境的不確定因素,就著五個主要範疇提出策略性措施的建議,以維護穩健的公共財政體系,並充分利用香港在内地和全球之間的樞紐地位。
- 發展優先次序和策略
- 優先發展交通網絡、公共房屋、可持續發展項目,和新型工業化項目;
- 探索靈活運用公私營機構合作 (Public-Private Partnership, PPP) 和私營機構注資 (Private Finance Initiative, PFI);
- 政府調整工程項目開展時間表,加推公共工程作為短期措施;及
- 實施中央「一站式」跨部門審批機制,進一步簡化流程。
- 新型工業化和創新科技
- 成立專門的低空經濟專責小組,爭取社會共識,重點推動低空經濟相關的基建發展;
- 為聘用本地工程師和技術人員的香港公司提供額外資助;及
- 提升現有資助計劃和加速器計劃的靈活性、可及性,和針對性。
- 可持續發展與碳中和
- 推進數字水務路線圖,節約對發展高科技產業相當重要的水資源;
- 撥款推動綠色燃料技術的研發及可應用於海上作業的試點項目;
- 為鼓勵採用綠色燃料提供稅務優惠;
- 探索利用水庫表面面積進行太陽能發電的可行性,而這些太陽能可用於生產綠氫;
- 投資回收設施,推動碳捕捉項目,推進回收技術;
- 增加電動車基礎設施,將其納入新發展區的城市規劃中,以及延長電動車首次登記稅的優惠政策,並簡化「一換一」計劃申請程序;
- 通過設立與國際標準接軌的專業碳交易平台、監管框架和統一碳審計標準,加強香港的碳交易市場;
- 制定和推廣用於評估可持續發展實踐績效的標準、準則,和評估工具;
- 多樣化的綠色金融產品範圍;及
- 將採購流程轉向「價值導向」招標模式 (Value-based Tendering),將整體質素、可持續性和生命周期成本納入為優先考慮因素。
- 提升工程人才供應和能力
- 將參與香港工程師學會工程畢業生培訓計劃而聘用工程畢業生作為見習生的政府補貼由每月5,610元提升至10,000元或以上;
- 在大型工程合約中加入條款,規定聘用一定數量的年輕工程師;
- 將高價值合約拆分,為中小型承包商創造機會;及
- 為新質生產力和新型工業化的培訓推出專項資助計劃。
- 支持建造和工業外展計劃
- 參考國際標準和國標,提高建築標準;
- 制定大灣區標準,促進本地使用優質、高成本效益的建築材料;
- 加強與内地合作,創造更多就業機會;及
- 擴大「職稱」評估範圍,納入更多工程界別。
電話:2895 4446
傳真:2882 6825
(28 January 2025, Hong Kong) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) has submitted recommendations to the Financial Secretary for consideration in formulating the 2025-26 Budget. Focused on bolstering Hong Kong’s economy, promoting development, and addressing external uncertainties, HKIE’s submission underscores key concerns and suggests strategic measures to uphold a resilient public finance system and leverage Hong Kong’s pivotal role between the Mainland and the global community.
- Development Priorities and Strategies
HKIE stresses that infrastructure development is vital for economic growth, societal investment, and job creation. To address economic challenges in development projects, HKIE recommends:
- Prioritising transportation networks, public housing, sustainability initiatives, and new industrialisation efforts;
- Exploring flexible adoption of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and Private Finance Initiative (PFI);
- Government adjustment of project timelines and temporary expansion of public work projects; and
- Implementing a centralised “one-stop” interdepartmental approval system for further streamlined processes.
- New Industrialisation and Innovation & Technology (I&T)
I&T and new industrialisation are key drivers of the city’s long-term prosperity. HKIE proposes:
- Establishing a dedicated task force for low-altitude economy and social consensus, emphasising investment in essential infrastructure;
- Providing additional subsidies for local companies employing Hong Kong engineers and technologists; and
- Enhancing customisation, accessibility, and targeted outreach of existing funds and accelerator schemes supporting I&T initiatives.
- Sustainability and Carbon Neutrality
While addressing development needs, HKIE emphasises the importance of sustainable practices and carbon neutrality. Recommendations to achieve these goals include:
- Advancing the digital water roadmap to conserve water resources crucial for high-tech industries;
- Allocating funds for the research and development (R&D) of green fuel technology and pilot projects demonstrating its viability in maritime operations;
- Providing tax incentives to encourage the adoption of green fuel technologies;
- Explore the feasibility of utilising reservoir surface areas for solar power, which could be harnessed for green hydrogen generation;
- Investing in recycling infrastructure, promoting carbon capture projects, and advancing recycling technologies;
- Enhancing electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure and incorporating it into urban planning in new development areas, as well as extending the First Registration Tax concessions for EVs and streamlining the “One-for-One Replacement Scheme” application;
- Strengthening Hong Kong’s carbon trading market with a professional trading platform, robust regulatory framework, and unified carbon auditing standards aligning with international standards;
- Developing and promoting standards, guidelines, and assessment tools for evaluating performance against sustainability practices;
- Diversifying the range of green financial products; and
- Shifting procurement processes towards a value-based tendering approach that prioritises overall quality, sustainability, and lifecycle costs considerations.
- Enhance Capacity and Availability of Engineering Workforce
To meet Hong Kong’s future manpower needs and enhance the expertise of the engineering workforce, HKIE suggests:
- Increasing the monthly subsidy for Scheme “A” Training from HK$5,610 per registered trainee to HK$10,000 or more;
- Introducing clauses in major contracts mandating the employment of a minimum number of young engineers;
- Breaking down high-value contracts to create opportunities for small- and medium-sized subcontractors; and
- Allocating dedicated funding for training in New Quality Productive Forces and New Industrialisation.
- Support Outbound Construction Industrial Initiatives
Given the significant growth in the Greater Bay Area (GBA), HKIE sees the opportunities available for the local engineering sector with enhanced integration. HKIE proposes:
- Enhancing building standards and benchmarking international standards and Guobiao;
- Establishing GBA standards to facilitate local use of high-quality, cost-effective construction materials;
- Collaborating with the Mainland to create more job opportunities; and
- Expanding the scope of “Professional Title” evaluation to include additional engineering disciplines.
HKIE, together with the engineering community in Hong Kong, remains committed to offering expertise for the city’s long-term prosperity and well-being.
For media enquiries, please contact:
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Corporate Communications Section
Tel: 2895 4446
Fax: 2882 6825
Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk
(香港,2024年12月18日) 香港工程師學會(「學會」)歡迎立法會通過建造業付款保障條例草案(「條例」),為改善業內付款情況訂立機制,推動行業良性發展。
電話:2895 4446
傳真:2882 6825
(Hong Kong, 18 December 2024) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) welcomes the passage of the Construction Industry Security of Payment (SOP) Bill by the Legislative Council (LegCo), marking a pivotal step towards enhancing payment practices in the construction industry and fostering its sustainable growth.
Payment delay has long plagued the construction industry. It potentially increases financial burdens on contracted parties and affects the livelihoods of industry practitioners, inevitably adding pressure to maintaining project schedules and quality. After years of effort, stakeholders from across the industry have reached a broad consensus in support of the introduction of the SOP legislation.
The HKIE is committed to facilitating the implementation of the adjudication mechanism. This mechanism is designed to swiftly and cost-effectively resolve disputes, shorten response times for payment claims and overdue payments, enhance payment practices and improve the business environment, ultimately curbing the practice of inflating bids due to payment uncertainties. Moreover, this will reduce instances of unpaid wages for construction workers, ensuring prompt and just compensation for their work.
President Ir Eric MA Siu-cheung stated, :With a diverse membership deeply engaged in the construction sector, HKIE welcomes the passage of this Bill by the LegCo. This milestone not only propels the industry towards robust growth but also safeguards the interests of all industry stakeholders, paving the way for a sustainable future in construction."
For media enquiries, please contact:
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Corporate Communications Section
Tel: 2895 4446
Fax: 2882 6825
Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk
(香港,2024年11月21日) 香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」)宣布推出首本介紹香港工程業界實踐聯合國可持續發展目標 (UNSDGs) 的電子書《Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals》(永續工程:香港對聯合國可持續發展目標的貢獻),集結本港近年超過40個標誌性的公私營工程項目,對應17個可持續發展目標,並從工程師角度深入淺出作出分析,以展示項目的特點和前瞻性科技,並提高業界以至公眾對UNSDGs的認識,攜手以行動支持可持續發展。
香港工程師學會會長馬紹祥工程師表示:「聯合國的可持續發展目標,旨在建設所有人更美好和更可持續的未來,當中很多目標都與工程息息相關。今次推出《Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals》,冀可讓公眾及業界更了解不同工程專業如何同時顧及環境、社會及經濟,實踐可持續發展,包括在工程設計、建造、翻新、營運和再使用方面積極相互配合,使用電子控制系統、物聯網、推動新型工業化、自動駕駛技術、可持續的能源系統等。」
國際工程聯盟 (International Engineering Alliance, IEA) 於2021年更新了《畢業要求和職業勝任力》(Graduate Attributes and Professional Competencies, GAPCs),以配合UNSDGs。作為IEA成員,學會正檢視把UNSDGs納入用作評審工程課程的《畢業要求》和申請成為會員所需的《能力標準》。學會新的《畢業要求》和《能力標準》預計於2026/27年實施。
另外,學會現正為《Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals》電子書舉行封面設計大賽,旨在讓學會會員及公眾可一同參與此書的創作,增加對UNSDGs及可持續發展的興趣,作品提交截止日期為2024年12月31日下午5時,詳情可瀏覽網址 https://www.hkie.org.hk/zh-hant/news/event_detail/679/ 。優勝作品有機會成為電子書下一版的新封面。
副會長兼工作小組顧問陳帆教授、工程師(右三) 、
工作小組主席郭偉信工程師 (左三)、
《Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals》
請按此連結瀏覽電子書《Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals》
附錄:《Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals》之香港可持續發展工程項目名單
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恆信公關國際有限公司 利建邦先生 電話:3960 1905
香港工程師學會傳訊統籌部 |
電話:2895 4446 |
傳真︰2882 6825 |
(21 November 2024, Hong Kong) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (“HKIE”) launched an eBook, Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which introduces Hong Kong engineering industry’s progress towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). The eBook showcases over 40 iconic engineering projects, corresponding to 17 UNSDGs, in both the public and private sectors in Hong Kong over the years and provides insights into their distinctive features and advanced technologies from engineers’ perspectives. Through this informative publication, the HKIE hopes to deepen understanding of UNSDGs in the industry and wider society and inspire collaborative efforts and active participation from all stakeholders to support sustainable development.
HKIE President Ir Eric MA said, “The UNSDGs aim to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. Engineering plays a major role in achieving many of the UNSDGs. Through the launch of Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, we hope to strengthen understanding among members of the public as well as within the engineering sector of how various engineering disciplines can integrate environmental, social and economic considerations into their practices. The engineering industry is in a unique position to lead sustainable development through actively collaborating across the aspects of engineering design, construction, renovation, operation and reuse, using electronic control systems, IoT, promoting new industrialisation, autonomous vehicle technology, sustainable energy systems, etc.”
“Last week, Vice President Ir Prof Frank CHAN led a delegation to the UN Climate Change Conference - COP29, where he shared the efforts taken by Hong Kong’s engineering industry to address the challenges of climate change, including strengthening the resilience and sustainability of urban infrastructure. The HKIE will continue to champion sustainable development, including continued updates of the eBook and encouraging industry sharing of sustainable projects, empowering engineers to put UNSDGs into practice as part of our commitment to building a better and more sustainable future for the planet,” President MA added.
The International Engineering Alliance (IEA) resolved the proposed changes of IEA Graduate Attributes and Professional Competencies (GAPCs) to align with the UNSDGs in 2021. As a Member of IEA, the HKIE will review its Graduate Attributes for accrediting engineering programmes and its Competence Standards for admitting members to factor in the UNSDGs. The reviews are in the pipeline and the new HKIE Graduate Attributes and Competence Standards are planned for implementation in 2026/27.
In addition, the HKIE is currently holding a cover design competition for the publication, Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The competition aims at encouraging members and the public to actively engage with the UNSDGs by participating in the creation of the eBook. The deadline for submission is 5:00pm on 31 December 2024. For details, please visit the website https://www.hkie.org.hk/zh-hant/news/event_detail/679/. The winning entry may become the cover of the future edition of this publication.
Ir Eric MA, President (4th left),
Ir Prof Frank CHAN, Vice President cum Advisor of the Working Group (3rd right),
Ir Wilson KWOK, Chairman of the Working Group (3rd left),
Ir Norman CHAN, Member of Working Group (2nd right),
Ir Kelvin TANG, Member of Working Group (2nd left),
Ir ZHOU Yan, Member of Working Group (1st right),
and Ir Prof Alfred SIT, Chief Executive and Secretary (1st left) attended the launch of
HKIE’s UNSDGs eBook Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Please click here for the eBook Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Appendix: Sustainable engineering projects in Hong Kong featured in Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
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This press release is issued by Bentley Communications on behalf of the HKIE. For further enquiries, please contact:
Bentley Communications Ltd. Mr Ian LI Tel:3960 1905
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Corporate Communications Section |
Tel: 2895 4446 |
Fax: 2882 6825 |
Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk
(香港,2024年10月16日) 香港工程師學會(下稱「學會」) 歡迎政府今日發表的《2024年施政報告》,對於多項惠及民生、經濟、社會發展等範疇的工作表示強烈支持,呼應「齊改革同發展、惠民生建未來」的主題。學會認同行政長官提出的一系列措施,不但有利香港整體的可持續發展,善用香港作為「超級聯繫人」及「超級增值人」的優勢,更是以行動回應第20屆三中全會通過有關深化改革的決定。
除要吸引及留住外地人才外,學會期望政府能於本地工程畢業生的培訓方面,增加向提供香港工程師學會工程畢業生培訓計劃的公司的資助金額從港元5,610提升至港元10,000或以上,並資助名額從272名增加到 1,000名,以鼓勵公司為工程畢業生提供更高的起薪,以吸引和挽留本地人才。
學會支持政府會於明年完成構建港口智慧系統,促進航運、港口及物流業持份者信息互聯互通,並舉辦更多大型活動,向全球宣揚香港海運實力,這與學會本年度的主題「一脈相承 縱深相連」理念一致,學會亦樂意配合政府作出相應推廣。
電話:2895 4446
傳真:2882 6825
(Hong Kong, 16 October 2024) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) welcomes the 2024 Policy Address released by the Government today, themed “Reform for Enhancing Development and Building Our Future Together”. The HKIE expresses strong support for the numerous initiatives therein that benefit livelihood, economy, social development, and other areas. It agrees with the series of measures proposed by the Chief Executive, which not only aid Hong Kong’s holistic sustainable development, leveraging the city’s strengths as a “Super Connector” and “Super Value-adder”, but also take tangible actions in response to the resolution to further deepen reform of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.
Innovation and New Industrialisation
The HKIE advocates conducting research activities, investing capital, and developing talent in the upstream sector; effecting the transformation and commercialisation of research outcomes in the midstream sector; and enacting industrial development in the downstream sector. We concur with the Government’s formulation of a medium to long-term development plan for new industrialisation in Hong Kong. We believe it will facilitate close collaboration among Government, industry, academia, research, and investment sectors, building a co-operative platform for new industrialisation in Hong Kong, comprehensively promoting innovation and technology (I&T) and new industrialisation across upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors, aligning with the nation’s drive to boost “new quality productive forces”.
The HKIE supports the Government’s establishment of a HK$10 billion “I&T Industry-Oriented Fund” to channel more market capital to invest in specified emerging and future industries of strategic importance with a view to building an I&T ecosystem systematically. The Fund takes into account industries where Hong Kong enjoys clear advantages and aligns with our suggestion about optimising the “Innovation and Technology Venture Fund,” investing in startups in strategic industries to enhance the ecosystem of local startups.
To foster the growth of startups, the Government plans to launch the “I&T Accelerator Pilot Scheme”, allocating HK$180 million in the form of matching funds to attract professional and experienced startup service providers in and beyond Hong Kong to set up accelerator bases in Hong Kong.
Engineers play a crucial role in helping to realise R&D outcomes in I&T. Within the scope of Hong Kong’s new industrialisation, designated academic and R&D institutions, the Government is recommended to consider offering preferential policies to leading enterprises and local industries hiring local engineers and technical personnel. Relaxing restrictions on inventor profit-sharing ratios should also be considered as an incentive to promote innovation and development of startups.
Attracting Talent
The HKIE believes that Hong Kong has the full potential to become an international hub for high-calibre talent, and welcomes the Government’s emphasis on talent policies. Among the multipronged strategies for talent trawling, we see positive impacts on industry development in updating the “Talent List”, expanding the list of universities under the “Top Talent Pass Scheme”, extending the validity period of the first visa of high-income talents under the scheme to three years. In addition, enhancing the “General Employment Policy” and the “Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals” by adding channels to attract young and experienced specialists in specified skilled trades facing acute manpower shortage to Hong Kong, as well as extending the pilot arrangement of including graduates from the GBA campuses of Hong Kong universities under the “Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates”, will help meet the industry’s talent needs and provide valuable human resources for building Hong Kong.
We note the Hong Kong Talent Engage (HKTE)’s plan to expand its network of collaborative partners and organise online and in-person job fairs with industries and employer organisations, enabling employers to directly match jobs with talents. The HKIE believes that the HKTE’s years of experience will allow it to promote the initiatives effectively, supporting the acquisition of talent that our city needs.
In addition to attracting and retaining foreign talents, we hope that the Government, with a view to training local engineering graduates, will increase the subsidies for companies that provide the HKIE Scheme “A” Graduate Training from HK$5,610 to HK$10,000 or above, and the quota from 272 to 1,000. This will encourage companies to offer higher starting salaries to engineering graduates, thereby attracting and retaining local talents.
The HKIE has made significant progress in expanding recognition of professional qualifications. Since the beginning of this year, we have successfully established the first evaluation mechanism of post titles for the first batch of Hong Kong engineering professionals, and we will continue to strengthen cooperation and dialogue with counterparts in the Mainland to expand the mechanism to other engineering disciplines. The HKIE hopes for the Government’s support in our endeavour to attract more engineering professionals to serve in Hong Kong. We also welcome the collaboration between the Government, Guangdong Province, and Macao to create “GBA Standards” for the skill level of skilled workers and pursue the “One Examination, Multiple Certification” arrangement. Through examinations adopting GBA Standards, individuals can concurrently obtain vocational skill certificates issued in the three regions, enhancing the training quality in the GBA’s construction industry and nurturing talents.
Land and Housing Supply
Increasing land supply is a critical aspect in improving citizens’ living environment and quality of life. The HKIE is glad to note the Government’s target to complete the approval procedures for the statutory environmental impact assessment process for the reclamation works under the Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands project next year. The Urban Renewal Authority will also submit renewal master plans for Tsuen Wan and Sham Shui Po after completing the technical assessments, along with formulating policy recommendations on the deployment of newly developed land in driving large-scale urban redevelopment projects.
The HKIE is pleased to note the Government’s adoption of our recommendations by encouraging departments to adopt a collaborative mindset and work style as “Facilitator” to streamline the development procedures of various projects. This includes leveraging industry resources to enhance speed and efficiency, and engaging industry professionals to handle the vetting work of small-scale or temporary structures through self-certification; reviewing the building design standards, and facilitating local application of cost-effective construction materials and technologies from the Mainland and overseas to reduce construction cost; and expanding the purview of the Development Projects Facilitation Office under the Development Bureau to facilitate co-ordination with departments in expediting the approval of land use and related matters for the development of I&T and other industries in the Northern Metropolis. We hope that departments can collaborate to facilitate project development, streamline land development procedures, and lay a solid foundation for simplifying administrative and development procedures.
Furthermore, the HKIE is encouraged by the Government’s adoption of our recommendation to further promote smart construction and management of public rental housing estates and facilitate the application of innovative technologies. This includes the application of Project Information Management and Analytics Platform in new public housing projects’ developing and construction processes; the adoption of MiC 2.0 method in new Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) projects at the planning and design stages; and the clear stipulations, in all new building (superstructure) tender documents, about the work procedures for which the use of construction robotics is permissible for the purpose of enhancing housing quality and construction speed.
Concurrently, the Government plans to launch the “MiC Manufacturer Certification Scheme” in synergy with the Mainland as a production base, leveraging the complementarity of the construction industries in Guangdong and Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s long-standing building standards will also be reviewed and enhanced, promoting local application of high-quality and cost-effective construction materials from the Mainland and overseas. This will also be beneficial for Guobiao’s expansion in international markets, an advantage that, in the HKIE’s belief, exemplifies how Hong Kong’s engineering sector’s role as a “Super Connector” is being leveraged.
We also welcome the Government’s legislative efforts to establish a rental system for subdivided units (SDUs) to ensure the gradual phasing out of substandard SDUs. The HKIE stands ready to provide professional advice on the compliance standards for SDUs’ conversion into “Basic Housing Units” in the hope of offering better living spaces for grassroots communities.
Education is an investment for the future, and the nurturing of talents must begin at a young age. In the realm of STEAM education in primary and secondary schools, the Education Bureau will establish the “Steering Committee on Strategic Development of Digital Education” to promote digital education, renew the Junior Secondary Science Curriculum, and provide support for teachers in using artificial intelligence (AI) in teaching. The HKIE acknowledges that these updates will help equip educators and students to embrace the opportunities and challenges engendered by the surge of AI. Additionally, we believe that by supporting teachers, through training, to increase the proportion of resources devoted to engineering practices’ incorporation into the current curriculum, we can spark more interest in science and engineering subjects among students. The HKIE urges the Government to review and revise existing university admission requirements for engineering subjects, as well as secondary school curriculum, to draw competent students with diverse skill sets to pursue engineering studies and careers.
In the realm of applied sciences, we believe that the Government’s plan to build a campus for the newly established Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology (an Institute under the Vocational Training Council) and develop its Lift and Escalator Technology Centre will positively impact the industry’s development.
Maritime Development
The HKIE is pleased to note the Government’s plan to establish the “Hong Kong Maritime and Port Development Board” to more effectively support the implementation of policies and promote the sustainable development of the city’s maritime industry. We agree with the Government’s multipronged approach to vigorously develop high value-added maritime and professional services. This includes stepping up the promotion of existing tax concessionary measures for maritime services, enhancing the preferential tax regime, fashioning Hong Kong into a green maritime centre, promoting the green transformation of registered ships, and offering green fuel bunkering facilities. We believe this will support Hong Kong in securing a leading position in green shipping.
We also support the Government’s initiative to complete the installation of a port community system next year to facilitate data flow and exchange among stakeholders in the maritime, port and logistics industries, and to organise more major events to showcase Hong Kong’s maritime strengths to the world. As this aligns with the HKIE’s theme for this Session, “Grow the Nexus, Link the Links”, we will be delighted to collaborate with the Government in promoting these efforts.
The HKIE agrees on the need to create more advantages for Hong Kong’s air cargo industry, with cooperation with the Greater Bay Area being one of the imperative directions. As the initial stage of first-phase construction for the permanent logistics park, “HKIA Dongguan Logistics Park”, will be completed by the end of next year, it will help introduce more high value-added logistics, cross-boundary e-commerce and courier service facilities. The Government is also considering extending the arrangements under the Air Transhipment Cargo Exemption Scheme to other intermodal cargo-transhipment modes to enhance competitiveness. We also support the Hong Kong International Airport’s exploration of new destinations and flights, particularly through civil aviation cooperation with countries involved in the “Belt and Road Initiative,” to complement and fully utilise the gradual openings of the passenger facilities in the Three-Runway System.
The HKIE welcomes the Government’s adoption of our recommendations to promote the development of low-altitude economy, designating venues for the exploration of drone deployments, including delivery, surveys, building maintenance, aerial photography, performances, search and rescue, and other possibilities. Amending relevant regulations and researching on the planning of low-altitude infrastructure will lay the foundation for development.
The HKIE is also pleased to note the Government’s plan to expand high value-added logistics services and release four quality logistics sites, supporting the development of the logistics industry. We also welcome the Government’s continued efforts to strengthen cooperation with the logistics sector in the western part of Guangdong and other neighbouring areas, leveraging the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge to expand the catchment area of our cargo services and facilitate more goods to transit through Hong Kong.
Smart City
The HKIE agrees with the Government’s continued efforts to promote waste reduction and recycling by increasing public recyclable collection points, food waste smart recycling bins or food waste collection facilities, as well as establishing a common legislative framework for the producer responsibility scheme applicable to different products, facilitating the future inclusion of products such as plastic beverage containers and beverage cartons progressively, expanding Hong Kong’s waste-to-resources capacities.
In terms of promoting green transportation, we welcome and support the allocation of approximately HK$750 million under the New Energy Transport Fund to the subsidisation of the taxi trade’s and franchised bus companies’ electric vehicles (EVs) purchase, and the launch of the Subsidy Scheme for Trials of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Heavy Vehicles to create a green transportation system. Efforts will also continue in taking forward the investigation and design of the smart and green mass transit systems in East Kowloon and Kai Tai, with a view to inviting tenders for the projects in Kai Tak and East Kowloon in 2025 and 2026 respectively. Additionally, the Government will earmark HK$300 million for a new scheme that subsidises the private sector’s installation of quick-charging facilities, thereby expanding the EV charging network. To promote green and low carbon hydrogen energy, the HKIE supports the Government’s active assistance with the establishment, by the industry, of a solar-to-hydrogen facility as a demonstration, and the formulation of an approach to hydrogen standard certification suitable to Hong Kong.
The HKIE is encouraged by the Government’s proactiveness in putting forward measures in multiple areas. The engineering sector will continue to devote its professional expertise to efforts at providing multi-area recommendations to the Government and supporting the implementation of the public-serving measures outlined in the Policy Address. Together, we will build a better Hong Kong.
For enquiries, please contact:
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Corporate Communications Section
Tel: 2895 4446
Fax: 2882 6825
Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk
(香港,2024年9月9日) 香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」) 今日舉行傳媒茶聚,介紹學會 2024/2025 年度主題「一脈相承 縱深相連」(“Grow the Nexus, Link the Links” ) ,強調香港工程界要發揮好「超級聯繫人」和「超級增值人」角色,協助內地工程師和企業「引進來、走出去」,為國家發展及香港經濟升級轉型出一分力,以打造香港成為國際高端人才聚集高地。
一、「提升學會治理 促進業界發展」 - 學會在香港的工程專業中扮演著重要角色,確保專業標準、促進持續學習和發展。學會在本年度將提升管治,繼續跟從策略性專業維新路綫圖,進行改革,提高學會的透明度和行業持份者與公眾之間的信任度,提升工程界的專業性和效率,從而更好地回應社會對工程師的期望,推動業界發展。
二、「培育人才 薪火相傳」 - 隨著本港陸續推出大型基建項目,如北部都會區、交椅洲人工島等,工程界求才若渴。有見及此,學會積極透過不同方法,全力吸引、培育及留住人才。
三、「促進會員團結」 - 學會亦致力促進會員間的團結、協作,包括透過舉辦多元化的會員活動,凝聚會員,建立更強大和相互支援的群體。學會早前成立創科支援平台Enginpreneurs,協助工程師將科研成果落地,目前已有三個項目成功獲得數碼港旗下的創業基金資助。
學會邁向50週年 回顧過去 建設未來
- 「香港工程師學會大獎」:回顧過去50年本港的工程發展,表揚業界出色的工程項目,並挑選得獎項目作巡迴展覽,加強公眾對工程專業的認識;
- 「香港工程師學會國際會議」: 與海外工程師交流合作,深入探討工程技術;
- 「全港工程嘉年華」:以有趣且深入淺出的方式,向公眾展現工程多樣性,彰顯工程師對社會的貢獻,吸引年青人才加入工程行業。
執行委員會委員方偉文工程師(左二)、執行委員會委員陸偉霖工程師(右一) 及
電話:3960 1905
電話:2895 4446
傳真︰2882 6825
(9 September 2024, Hong Kong) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (hereafter “the HKIE”) held a media gathering today, introducing “Grow the Nexus, Link the Links”, the HKIE’s Theme for Session 2024/2025. Emphasising the importance of Hong Kong’s engineering industry to fulfil its role as a “super-connector” and “super value-adder”, the Theme reflects a commitment to supporting Mainland engineers and enterprises in reaching beyond the region and accessing the global market, while attracting foreign talent and investment into the country. The HKIE aims to contribute to the nation’s development and Hong Kong’s economic transformation and advancement, creating a hub of international top-tier talent.
Ir Eric MA, President of the HKIE, said, “We strive to strengthen the Institution’s status as a hub of international engineering community, thereby leveraging Hong Kong’s advantages as a “super-connector” and “super value-adder” to facilitate extensive exchange and collaboration between the Mainland and international engineering industries. As a ‘bridge’, we foster cross-border connections, not only importing more advanced experiences and technologies from the international scene, but also facilitating more engineering enterprises and professionals in the Mainland to go global. These may be accomplished through a variety of exchange tours, study tours, the GBA Federation of Engineering Organisations (GFEO), frameworks for reciprocal recognition agreements, recognition arrangements for Mainland professional titles, etc. At the same time, the HKIE will continue to nurture local young engineers, helping them to integrate seamlessly into the broader developmental scheme of the nation.”
Ir MA continued, “Hong Kong’s engineering industry needs to move with the times. Apart from sustaining our advantages in traditional engineering and construction, we must leverage Hong Kong’s “eight centres” positioning as set out in the 14th Five-Year Plan, so that our engineering profession can play a more active role in emerging opportunities such as the advancement of Hong Kong as an international hub for innovation and technology, and the development of new quality productive forces. Together, we can create a better tomorrow.”
The HKIE proactively organises and participates in different conferences and exchange tours within the Mainland and beyond. These include the four-consecutive-day “ICEE Conference 2024”, which, co-hosted in July 2024 by the HKIE with professional bodies in China, Japan and Korea, explored the vital role of electrical engineering in advancing a smart society and low carbon emissions to foster a sustainable environment; as well as “高端人才北京交流團” in August 2024, which facilitated in-depth exchanges between Hong Kong and the Mainland on collaborations in the field of engineering technology and talent cultivation. Going forward, the HKIE will continue to roll out a variety of exchange activities, such as Division Chairmen’s Study Tour to Guilin/Nanning, Guangxi and Presidential Visits to the UK and Australia, to strengthen connections and dialogue with global engineering professional organisations.
Three Sub-Themes: Governance Enhancement, Nurture Engineering Talents, and Promote Member Unity
- Enhance Governance of the HKIE and Promote Industry Development – The HKIE plays a crucial role in Hong Kong’s engineering profession, ensuring professional standards while encouraging continuous learning and development. The HKIE will strengthen its governance during Session 2024/2025, continuing with the “Time to Change” Roadmap, executing reforms to enhance transparency and build trust between stakeholders in the industry and the public. At the same time, the Institution strives to advance the professionalism and efficiency of the trade to meet the society’s expectations of engineers and promote industry development.
- Nurture Talents and Pass on the Torch – With large-scale infrastructure projects in the pipeline, such as Northern Metropolis and Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands, the engineering industry is thirsting for talents. With this in view, the HKIE is committed to proactively attracting, nurturing and retaining talents through different means.
Besides the HKIE President's Protégé Scheme which imparts knowledge and experience to the next generation of young engineering talents, the HKIE continues to drive STEAM education in line with the Government’s emphasis. In collaboration with the Education Bureau, the HKIE has launched the “Fly High Engineering”, “One School One Engineer”, “Back To School” schemes. These schemes match engineering alumni to participating primary and secondary schools and provide schools with advice and support on engineering-related education, in the hope of cultivating youngsters’ interest in engineering from an early age and attracting them to the engineering profession. In addition, the Public Service Committee under the HKIE conducts educational and promotional programmes for secondary and tertiary school students. In terms of talent retention, the HKIE continues to organise different professional seminars to promote exchange and collaboration within the sector, encourage engineering graduates to enter the profession, and expand the reciprocal recognition agreements on qualifications with technologist and professional organisations in the Mainland and overseas.
- Promote Member Unity: The HKIE strives to promote member unity and cooperation. Through a diverse range of member activities, the HKIE aims to strengthen connections between members and create a stronger and mutually supportive group. The HKIE has set up “Enginpreneurs”, an innovation and technology support platform, to assist engineers with launching their scientific research projects. Currently, three projects have successfully received funding from Cyberport Macro Fund.
The HKIE at 50
Reflecting on the Past and Building for the Future
To celebrate its 50th anniversary next year, the HKIE will launch a series of activities to reflect on the past and build for the future. Details will be announced later. Key activities include:
- The HKIE Grand Award: A review of Hong Kong’s engineering projects over the past 50 years to commend outstanding projects; selected winning projects will be displayed at roving exhibitions to enhance public understanding of the engineering profession;
- The HKIE International Conference: To bring the international engineering community together to share ideas and discuss advanced engineering technologies;
- Hong Kong Engineering Carnival: To present the diversity of engineering disciplines and careers to the public and highlight the contribution of engineers to society in an interesting and easy-to-understand way, thereby attracting young talents to join the industry.
In addition, the HKIE has submitted its views regarding the Policy Address to be released in October. As the engineering industry will play an important role in a wide spectrum of future developments, the HKIE has made proposals in diverse areas, from innovative technology and new industrialisation, streamlined development procedures, talent cultivation, education, land and housing supply, aviation hubs, to infrastructure, smart city and sustainability. The HKIE hopes thereby to facilitate the all-round development of Hong Kong and the engineering industry, and, with Hong Kong’s advantages well-leveraged, build a better and brighter future.
President Ir Eric MA (3rd right), Vice President Ir Rupert LEUNG (2nd right),
Past President Ir Aaron BOK (3rd left),
Executive Ir Edmond FONG (2nd left), Executive Ir William LUK (1st right),
and Chief Executive and Secretary Ir Prof Alfred SIT (1st left)
attending the media gathering and sharing the HKIE’s latest developments
President Ir Eric MA (centre), the Executives, and the media spokespersons
President Ir Eric MA (6th right) and the President’s Protégés
This press release is issued by Bentley Communications on behalf of the HKIE. For further enquiries, please contact:
Bentley Communications Ltd.
Mr Ian Li
Tel:3960 1905
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Corporate Communications Section
Tel: 2895 4446
Fax: 2882 6825
Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk