《卜國明工程師 - 香港工程師學會會長》
填海在香港,包括近岸填海及人工島填海,並不是新事物,香港工程師擁有豐富填海經驗。香港有近7,000公頃發展土地是從填海得來的 (見附圖A)。包括大家熟悉的大部份新市鎮(如沙田、大埔、將軍澳),很大部份的九龍及港島北,以至差不多整個赤鱲角新機場及迪士尼等。近十年也有約1,000公頃的新填海土地(機場三跑、港珠澳大橋香港口岸人工島、東涌東),均是在妥善控制工程成本和質素的情況下完成填海。
1 填海區的沉降
在物理定律上所有物件(結構物)在受荷載重力情況下,都會「移動 」deform,移動才能承受荷載的重力。大家只要做一個簡單實驗,拿一把塑膠間尺,頭尾支撐,中間先後分別承載一塊擦子膠及一個手提電話,間尺中間下墜的幅度會是不同的。一般大廈、橋樑的椿柱及橫樑,在荷載情況下,也會輕微移動,只是很多時肉眼看不見。重點是產生的「移動」是否屬設計預期之內。
在沉降方面,香港海床一般都存在一層厚厚的「淤泥」或稱海相黏土(Marine Clay/Mud)。淤泥有一個特性就是含水份高,在含水的狀態下是不能承受重力的,會「唧嚟唧去」;市民去過泥灘一定玩過「淤泥」。但若能把水份排走,固結 (consolidated) 的淤泥就會變得堅硬,可以承受重力。只可惜,淤泥的「滲透性」(permeability) 很低,在沒有特別協助的情況下,淤泥中水份排走可能是要經過幾十年的時間。因此以往填海很多時就是把海底的淤泥挖掉,運往淤泥坑傾倒,再買回砂料回填挖走的坑,才在原海床上面填海。這方法不甚環保,所費不少。
後期填海工程為環保理由,主填海部份採用不浚挖淤泥,改以打排水帶 (band drain) 加預壓荷載 (preloading Surcharge) 來加速淤泥中的水份經排水帶排出,從而做到原地固結。但厚厚的淤泥,在排出水份後,體積會大量縮小;20米厚的淤泥,固結後體積可以減少六至八米,這個就是大家認知的「沉降」。因此工程師是要在填海工程建造期間,完成這部份主固結 (Primary consolidation) 。但淤泥再有一個特性就是總會有少量的「剩餘沉降」Residual settlement,是可能要經過4、50年才完全完成的,儘管大部份剩餘沉降在主固結達到後的兩至三年內出現 (首兩三年一般仍會是地盤範圍,進行上蓋地基、基建或公共設施鋪設等工序)。 因此在所有填海工程 (及其上蓋或基建發展的工程) ,工程師一般都會在設計上預計有300毫米至500毫米的剩餘沉降,在填海工程「完成」後未來發生。
2 海堤穩定性
海堤是一個厚厚的「擋土牆」,頂着主填海重量引致的龐大橫向壓力。因此它的穩定性 (Stability) 是很重要。
2010年前香港所有填海海堤部份下的淤泥均全部被挖走傾倒,為的就是確保穩定性。但港珠澳大橋香港口岸人工島的工程師便為了要更進一步保護環境、海洋生態,在參考世界其他地方的經驗後,引進了全港首創的「全不浚挖填海方法」。方案是把32米直徑 (大約一條四線分隔行車道兩邊加起來的闊度) 約30米高 (10層樓) 的大鐵桶打進海床,插穿約20多米厚淤泥層,直達沖積層約五米。然後把這些大鐵桶緊扣起來,並中間回填物料,造成圍堰或穩固的「臨時」海堤,隨後進行主填海。全不浚挖方案可額外省回挖走、傾倒2,200萬立方米的淤泥 (約9,600個標準泳池容量) ,約同量的砂料回填物及減少約半的工程期間水中懸浮粒子及運輸要求,大大減少天然資源消耗,改善水質,減低碳排放。
如上所述,當主填海的巨大重量引致的橫向壓力下,大圓筒上部必然會出現橫向移動,才能承受那巨大的橫向壓力。但由於底部牢牢插入沖積層,並沒有出現移動。同樣,這些只是施工期間的移動,且是設計上預期的,因此屬於正常。但由於有個別圓筒頂部出現比設計上有較大的移動才穩定下來,被坊間誤稱為「人工島飄移」。如附圖B所示,大圓桶只是整個海堤設計的一個「臨時圍堰」,當建造期間因固結過程而引致的移動都穩定下來,永久斜面海堤的堆石及作為定界的蓋頂seawall coping 才按設計測量圖標建成,整個填海才算完成;沒有所謂「出界」的情況。隨後的上蓋工程等亦順利完成通車。
而機場三跑道系統、東涌東和綜合廢物管理設施第 1期項目 (即石鼓洲焚化爐) 的填海工程,則採用「深層水泥拌合法」 (Deep Cement Mixing) 去加固海堤下的淤泥,形成地基,在處理海堤穩定性和沉降方面效果良好;在部份主填海使用,更有助縮短造地時間以盡早開展樓宇建築及基建工程。
3 日本關西機場數十年沉降的情況會否在香港發生?
日本關西機場位處的海域,其海床以下的表土沉積物厚度接近400米 (註:香港中部水域的淤泥層平均厚約20米、沖積層 (Alluvium) 厚約30米,即表土沉積物厚度約50米) 。關西機場位處地帶長期受板塊活動影響,地質結構複雜,特厚的沉積層由多層相互交替的淤泥層及砂土組成,令其固結系數 (Coefficient of consolidation) 遠高於香港常見的沉積層,在受壓下會產生大幅沉降 。加上關西機場海域水深達20米 (香港中部水域水深平均約8米) ,大量填海物料對機場下海床造成龐大壓力。自關西機場在1987年開始施工至今累積沉降已接近14米,從1994年完工後也沉降接近4米,現時每年的沉降幅度仍有約6厘米。
但我們也不應過於杞人憂天,為擔心幾百至一千年後水位上升的可能情況來作為反對填海的說項。市民其實可以簡單想一想,若出現如坊間所說幾百、1000年後的水位上升,整個香港、全球的情境會是什麼樣?事實上除致力減排外,世界上現在不少地方,包括發達國家,均在以填海,或正在研究以填海來應對水位上升的威脅 (例如紐約市受過 Sandy 颱風襲擊後,研究以填海將海岸線推出並提高土地平整水平,或在海岸位置後面的合適地點加設擋水設施,從而保護內陸已發展的較低低窪地區;荷蘭、丹麥亦有類似計劃) 。
1 沿岸災害的分析和預測
然而工程師又應該怎樣設計人工島填海來應對這氣候變化帶來的可見風險? 如附圖C所示,沿岸受海浪風暴潮等威脅是可以預計的。
在香港,今天的平均海平面水平 (即A線) 是1.3mPD。工程師及天文科學家等,在根據過往天文記錄,包括天文大潮及超級颱風如山竹等,在考慮百年一遇的風暴吹襲下,維港內由風暴潮引致的水位 (參考鰂魚涌潮汐站) 會有機會上升至約+3.9mPD (B線) 即上升約2.6米。
a. 由於全球溫度提升,部份海洋冰架溶化引致海平面整體上升 (Sea Level Rise) 。政府相關部門是在按設計標準及參考聯合國政府間氣候變化專門委員會 (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,IPCC) 的評估報告,採用電腦模型分析預測,在中濃度溫室氣體排放情景 (或然率超過90%) 下,至2100年海平面整體上升會是約0.6米,即約+4.5mPD (C線) 。
b. 全球暖化會引致海水溫度提升,因此未來的風暴可能會是更加威力強大,因此,在颱風吹襲香港時,會引致「額外」的風暴潮 (即D線) 。在考慮「新的」百年一遇風暴吹襲下,政府的估算是水位會額外上升約0.2米。因此,總體而言,科學估算至本世紀末,香港最大可能性遇到的情況是在遇見「新」超級颶風的情況時,在維港內沿岸水位會上升至約+4.7mPD。
2 循序漸進的策略
然而,工程師不會止於此。在所有設計上都會預留空間 buffer 或 安全系數Factor of Safety ,以應對超預期的情況出現。另外,更會計算風暴吹襲時所產生的海浪以設計海堤的高度及海浪防禦設施。因此工程師會在海堤預留一些空間,在頂着波浪及越堤浪等的影響之餘,更可兼顧全球暖化下的「萬一」出現高濃度温室汽體排放情景。這個就是考慮到氣候變化會有不確定性 (例如世界各國承諾採取減碳行動) ,所以工程師建議採用循序漸進的策略 (Progressive Adaptive Approach) 訂定沿岸基建設施的初步計劃。
在這策略下,在設計時預留一些彈性,又稱「應變設計容量」 (design allowance) ,日後可以按實際需要優化沿岸基建設施,例如提升擋浪牆的高度。這就是附圖C中的E線,在加入約0.5米的「應變設計容量」,高度將約為5.2mPD。這個設計高度可以在第一天設計人工島時一併做,但亦可以在擋浪牆基座預留承載力,將來才提升。這策略具有足夠的靈活性和適應性,可以按未來實際氣候變化的趨勢而適時進一步提升人工島應對氣候變化的能力。
3 海堤設計
另外海堤 (利用斜面堆石或放置弱波石) 及擋浪牆的不同設計 (如反射式) 更可有效吸收海浪能量,減低越堤浪的威脅;亦可盡量利用潮間帶興建生態海岸線,以增加生物多樣性。沿岸更可設計能融合緩跑單車步行的約20米闊休閑徑,作為面對未來極端天氣的緩衝區。
坊間有質疑不浚挖式填海好,浚挖式填海好,填海就是不環保。從來發展與保育或環保都是需要平衡,不能倚重一方。難道發展新界就沒有環保問題,沒有濕地、雀鳥要保育嗎?香港環境影響評估條例對所有環境影響課題,如水質、生態、空氣、噪音、廢物管理等是有嚴格規定要求。若人工島填海滿足不了環評條例下的技術備忘錄Technical Memorandum ,並獲環境諮詢委員會接納相關環評報告,環保署署長是不會發出環境許可證的。據筆者認識,中部水域並非生態環境敏感區,亦非海豚出沒地。
坊間有質疑政府現建議的深層水泥拌合法 (或口岸人工島的大圓筒方案) 也會攪動起海床的淤泥,影響水質,整死石珊瑚。只要相關人士曾有機會往參觀真正填海工程的進行,特別是「全不浚挖」的,便會發現進行工程的海域均會進行緩解對水質影響的措施,包括在海床鋪設砂墊層 (sand blanket) 和架設隔泥幕 (silt curtain) ,確保攪拌工序 (或打圓筒工序) 所揚起的水中懸浮粒子不會漂出施工範圍外;且要定期在環保署指定的位置進行採集水樣本化驗,確保附近海洋生態環境不受影響。
Y 型水道/近岸填海/熱島效應
發展新界 vs 交椅洲人工島
坊間亦存在着一個說法,既然已建議發展北部都會區,且新界仍有很多空地 (例如棕地) 「未曾善用」,為何還進行填海?
事實上,香港長久以來都是地少人多,可供發展 (除房屋外事實上還有其他用地需要) 土地不足。這個政府已有交代,筆者無意為其解釋。但想提供數個資料給公眾參考。
- 發展新界土地往往涉及收回一些私人土地。所需費用並不便宜 (註:第一級別農地 (適用於發展用途所需土地) 補償金額為每呎$1,510;即一公頃土地收回成本需要約5億。這個補償金不比填海費用 (約每公頃 1億多) 便宜) 。收回土地後,該土地仍要作清拆及相關土地平整的投資。
- 大幅發展新界亦涉及可行性研究、環評及城規程序等,收地亦需經法律程序,並非即食麵。亦經常遇到反對、「不遷不拆」等訴求、或甚至法庭挑戰延誤。
- 收回新界土地,只是左袋去右袋,香港並沒有新增可用土地。被收回的棕地上的作業 (不少是有實際經濟價值,例如物流、倉庫) ,亦需要找重置。
- 新界發展區很多時受着地理環境因素,是會「三尖八角」,並不能作出有效率的城市規劃。
筆者曾參與新界發展項目研究及棕地開拓。所須程序及時間不比填海快,還記得政府於數年前,檢視全新界棕地狀況,並向立法會交代;合適發展的,已有計劃收回。亦曾在進行棕地發展時,遇着「不遷不拆」的反對,需經漫長時間 (超過一年) 才能實際收回土地發展。
因此在這為香港開發土地房屋問題上我們的立場是,支持多條腿走路 multi prong approach; 不論填海、發展新界、及發展一小部份郊野公園邊陲地,適宜同步進行,以免耽誤時間。那個方案走得到,那個方案就是好方案,可為市民盡早提供土地。
填海物料一般主要採用公眾填料、機製砂及海砂。本港每年平均約產生1,500萬公噸新增公眾填料,大部分經分類篩選後可直接運往作填海填料。篩選出來較大的石塊或混凝土塊只要作適當處理 (壓碎) 亦可用於填海。這些公眾填料過往曾用於口岸人工島、三跑工程、東涌東填海;效果良好,並不存在「只有少量壓碎後的填料」可供填海。過去在香港沒有足夠填海工程吸納時,剩餘的公眾填料更有運往台山處理。雖然交椅洲人工島約需2、3億噸的填料,但整個填海工程可能要超過10年才做完;因此公眾填料有機會佔整體填料所需的一半。另外,隨着陸續有大型的土地平整及道路基建工程開展 (例如:新界西堆填區擴建) ,預計這些項目亦會產生大量泥土及砂石,估計未來會每年產生高於1,500萬噸。
我們建議政府應盡量將人工島發展成就業機會自給自足、以碳中和營運為目標的智慧型藍綠海綿城市。區內居民跟上班、上課地點以採用「15分鐘生活圈」 概念來規劃設計,鼓勵居民綠色出行交通模式,如踩單車、步行等。構建一個集工作、居住及休閒娛樂的核心商業區,創造宜居社區。另外,交椅洲位處之新增土地能提供調遷空間,支援香港島和九龍舊區重建所引起的連鎖搬遷流動。
在交通連接上,人工島設計有策略性的鐵路及高流量幹道,分別連接香港島及大嶼山 (再連接新界西北) 。因此並不會引致額外的「安保風險」。青衣島、大嶼山及我們的國際機場,也是在一個島上,難道沒有「安保」的擔心嗎?「安保」是要關心的,但亦不應因噎廢食。
坊間質疑政府刻意調低成本預測,以搏取市民支持,為日後超支埋下炸彈。另外亦擔心5,800 億 (2022年9月價格) 工程埋單 (以Money of the Day 計算) 會過萬億,掏空庫房。
局外人的確很難知道政府實際估算的細節。但專業工程師為工程做預算時是會以專業態度務求作出最準確造價估算,再加上可能出現的合理風險所引致的額外應急費用,不作大 (以免不必要鎖住資金) 也不作小 (自找麻煩?) 。但若工程進行時真的出現超出估計的風險,引致超支,政府/工程師是要向公眾解釋原因的,屆時公眾可詳細分析其理據。另外,根據近十年記錄,在5、 600 項工務工程中,只有約5%項目有超支;而該5、 600 項工程總費用實際支出是已獲立法會總批核預算的約90%。整體成本控制不差。
另外有一點觀察,就是在5,800億估算中,可以分開兩部份,分別是填海部份及陸上基建、交通與公共設施部份。後者 (約佔總費用的七成) 的費用其實在香港境內任何地方若要建設一個50至55萬人口的新發展區也是需要相關開支的。而前者填海部份的費用,則跟如果全1,000公頃都要在新界進行收回私人土地的特惠賠償費用 (約1,5101億) 有點相近。大家還須留意,在收回土地後仍要花錢作土地平整。我們亦建議社會應看待土地開發、基建工程都是一個為社會未來發展的投資項目,為發展創造容量,為未來作好準備,改善市民生活空間。為香港長遠發展考慮,我們應該建立足夠的土地庫Land Bank,亦應該檢討及制定一個每位市民的最少平均居住面積,讓香港市民「住好啲」。
1 註:筆者無意指若在新界發展是要收回1,000公頃私人土地
(香港,2023年3月23日) 政府建議透過調整三條過海隧道收費以改變駕車人士出行習慣,從而理順過海交通,紓緩過海隧道的擠塞情況,並將為三條隧道訂立不同時段不同收費方案。香港工程師學會歡迎有關建議,有關方案建基於數據模型,以科學為本,並利用新科技優化交通管理,這亦是學會長久以來,建議香港推動智慧城市發展的其中一個重要環節。
電話:2895 4446
傳真:2882 6825
(Hong Kong, 23 March 2023) The Administration has recommended adjusting the toll levels of the three road harbour crossings (RHCs) so as to change motorists' commuting patterns with a view to rationalising cross-harbour traffic and alleviating the congestion at RHCs. Time-varying tolls at the three RHCs will also be instituted. The HKIE welcomes these recommendations, which are scientifically based, founded on data models, and have drawn on new technologies to enhance traffic management. This is precisely one of the long-recurring important motifs in the HKIE’s recommendations for the development of Hong Kong as a Smart City.
In a city as small and densely populated as Hong Kong, where economic activities are dense, transport infrastructure projects should be pursued with the judicious use of resources and the optimised use of road network as their guiding principles. The HKIE endorses the toll adjustment plans currently being proposed by the Administration, holding that they exemplify those principles by contributing to the suppression and diversion of cross-harbour vehicular flow during peak periods and making the most of RHCs’ capacities.
The HKIE believes that the new toll plans will be of benefit to various sectors of society: they will effectively alleviate the traffic congestions as exist in RHCs during peak periods, reduce the time spent by commuters in traffic, imperceptibly raise society’s productivity, and enhance air and environmental quality.
The alleviation of traffic congestions at RHCs will result in a corresponding alleviation of traffic problems at previously affected key non-cross-harbour roads. When other projects are launched in the future, more flexible transportation options will be at disposal, which would be conducive to societal development.
With the extensive use of HKeToll in the future, the technology of time-varying tolls can be more advantageously applied to some of the non-tunnel busy road sections. The HKIE suggests that the Administration carry out timely reviews of the use of Electronic Toll Collection System in Hong Kong for the purpose of further relieving road traffic congestion during peak periods. The HKIE is much obliged to share its professional opinions with the Administration.
For media enquiries, please contact:
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Corporate Communications Section
Tel: 2895 4446
Fax: 2882 6825
Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk
(香港,2023年3月17日) 香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」) 於今天的第45屆周年晚宴中,共頒發了4項工程界殊榮予傑出工程師,表揚他們對學會、業界,以至社會整體作出的貢獻。學會非常榮幸邀請到香港特別行政區署理行政長官陳國基先生為主禮嘉賓,以及建造業議會主席何安誠工程師為大會榮譽嘉賓。
李教授、工程師曾經擔任多個香港大型市政基建項目的專家顧問,採用前沿的水動力學及創新技術來解決複雜的工程難題,包括全港首個地下蓄洪結構的設計及運作效率的改善、全港最長的雨水排放隧道以及全港最大型的水污染淨化項目 (淨化海港計劃)。他跟漁農自然護理署、環境保護署、渠務署及水務署在多個有關水安全問題上展開長期合作,包括水工結構性能、各種排放對環境水體的影響、實時預測近海水污染風險及飲用水質素等。他亦是領導交椅洲人工島填海及海岸抗禦專家委員會的專家委員。
李教授、工程師的研究將水力學應用於環境議題,獲多個專業獎項,當中包括美國土木工程師學會Hunter Rouse水力工程獎、國家科學技術進步獎、美國土木工程師學會Karl Emil Hilgard水力研究獎、裘槎優秀科研者獎、大禹水利科學技術獎,以及建造業議會可持續建築組創新獎。
蔡博士、工程師獲頒多項有關山泥傾瀉的青年學者國際研究獎項,包括國際岩土工程聯合會 (Federation of International Geo-Engineering Societies) 第三屆Hutchinson Lecture,以及聯合國教科文組織國際滑坡協會2022年度Oldrich Hungr Award。此外,他的研究被授予聯合國教科文組織國際滑坡協會的期刊Landslides 2019年度最佳論文獎、香港工程師學會岩土分部2022年度最佳論文獎、國際土力學與岩土工程學會2021年度青年之星講座獎(Bright Spark Lecture)、英國土木工程師協會2017年度特爾福德優質獎 (Telford Premium Prize)、加拿大岩土學會2017年度R.M. Quigley Award,以及香港科技大學賽馬會高等研究院在2015至2019年所頒授的青年獎學金。
蔡博士、工程師致力在本地和國際分享防範山泥傾瀉的研究成果。他現為聯合國教科文組織國際滑坡協會執委會代表、Debris Flow and Steep Creek Hazards Mitigation Committee of the Association of Geohazard Professionals的主席、香港工程師學會岩土分部委員會事務委員、國際土力學與岩土工程學會TC208邊坡專業委員會主席提名成員,亦是國際岩土工程聯合會轄下天然邊坡與滑坡專業委員會、香港工程師學會岩土分部委員會、香港岩土工程學會及中國青年科技工作者協會等組織的成員。他的研究被應用於9份本地工程指引。此外,蔡博士、工程師亦擔任多份岩土工程高評級期刊的編輯或編委會成員,目前已發表多達82篇科學引文索引(Science Citation Index) 論文。
電話:2895 4446
傳真:2882 6825
會長卜國明工程師 (左) 頒發「名譽資深會員」予李行偉教授、工程師 (右)
會長卜國明工程師 (左) 頒發「名譽資深會員」予盧偉國博士、工程師(右)
會長卜國明工程師 (左) 頒發「香港工程師學會榮譽大獎2023」予得主韋志成工程師 (右)
會長卜國明工程師 (左) 頒發「會長特設成就獎2023」予獲獎者楊暉工程師 (右)
會長卜國明工程師 (左) 頒發「傑出青年工程師獎2023」予得獎者蔡灝暉博士、工程師 (右)
(Hong Kong, 17 March 2023) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (the HKIE) honoured a select group of engineers for their contributions to the Institution, industry, and society at its 45th Annual Dinner today (17 March).
Among the guests who graced the occasion with their presence, the HKIE was honoured to have Mr Chan Kwok Ki, Acting Chief Executive of the HKSAR Government, as the Principal Guest, and Ir Thomas Ho, Chairman of the Construction Industry Council, as the Guest of Honour.
The President of the HKIE, Ir Aaron K M Bok presented the four engineering awards. The HKIE Honorary Fellows were awarded to Ir Prof Joseph H W Lee and Ir Dr The Hon Lo Wai Kwok; The HKIE Gold Medal went to Ir Wai Chi Sing; The President's Award went to Ir Jenny F Yeung; and the Young Engineer of the Year Award was presented to Ir Dr Clarence E Choi.
The HKIE Honorary Fellow 2023
Each year, especially distinguished members may be elected as Honorary Fellows for the remarkable services that they have rendered to the Institution, the engineering industry, or a scientific discipline. This year two Fellows were elected.
Ir Prof Joseph H W Lee is currently Vice-Chancellor and President of the Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST). He is also President of the International Association for Hydro-environment Engineering and Research, and the first Chinese to head the prestigious Delft-founded water engineering organisation. He is a Founding Editor of Elsevier's Journal of Hydro-environment Research, and his papers have appeared frequently in top international journals. He is a Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering in the UK and a Past President of Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences.
Ir Prof Lee has acted as a consulting engineer applying sophisticated hydraulic theories and innovative ideas to many of Hong Kong's mega municipal projects. These include the design and operational performance optimisation of the first underground flood storage structures, the longest rainwater intercepting tunnel, and the largest water pollution abatement project (Harbour Area Treatment Scheme). He has worked with the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, the Environmental Protection Department, the Drainage Services Department, and the Water Supplies Department on issues such as hydraulic structures performance, hydro-environmental responses of water bodies, real time water pollutant level predictions and drinking water quality. He is the Lead Panelist on the Expert Panel on Reclamation and Coastal Resilience, and Artificial Islands in the Central Waters of Hong Kong.
Ir Prof Lee has served on a wide range of statutory and advisory bodies, including the Central Policy Unit, the Land and Development Advisory Committee, the Advisory Council on the Environment, the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, and the Public Policy Research Scheme Assessment Panel.
He has received many awards for his research on environmental hydraulics. These include the ASCE Hunter Rouse Hydraulic Engineering Award, the China State Scientific and Technological Progress Award, the ASCE Karl Emil Hilgard Hydraulic Prize, the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship, the Da Yu (大禹) Water Science & Technology Prize, and the Hong Kong Construction Industry Council's Innovation (Sustainability) Award.
Prior to joining MUST in 2021, Ir Prof Lee worked as a scholar and in university senior management at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) from 2010 to 2020. His posts included Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies and Chair Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (2010 to 2016); the Elman Family Professor of Engineering and Public Policy (2017 to 2018); and Senior Advisor to the President (2018 to 2020).
Prior to joining HKUST in 2010, he was at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) for 30 years. Joining as a Lecturer in 1980, he became the Redmond Chair Professor of Civil Engineering in 1996. He was HKU Dean of Engineering from 2000 to 2003, and then Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Staffing) from 2004 to 2010.
Ir Prof Lee received his bachelor and postgraduate degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Ir Dr The Hon Lo Wai Kwok, is a Member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong (LegCo) and has been representing the Engineering Functional Constituency for over 10 years. He is Chairman of the Panel on Housing and Chairman of the Public Works Subcommittee under the Finance Committee, where he facilitates assessment and approval of public works projects. As a bridge between the engineering industry, LegCo and the Government, he occupies major roles in the planning and development of Hong Kong's long-term sustainable infrastructure.
In recognition of his contributions to Hong Kong, he received the Medal of Honour in 2001, was appointed a Justice of the Peace in 2004, and was granted the Bronze Bauhinia Star in 2009, the Silver Bauhinia Star in 2015 and the Gold Bauhinia Star in 2021.
Before becoming a LegCo member, Ir Dr The Hon Lo had accumulated more than 30 years of experience in engineering, industrial management, and technology innovation. In recognition of his entrepreneurial achievements, he was voted one of Hong Kong's “Ten Outstanding Young Persons” in 1992 and also received the “Young Industrialist Award” in the same year.
He has served in many public positions in relation to housing, infrastructure building and maintenance, technology, industry, education, and the environment. Currently, he is a member of the Airport Authority Hong Kong Board of Directors, the Lantau Development Advisory Committee, and the Advisory Committee on the Northern Metropolis. He is also Honorary Chairman of the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency and Chairman of the Business and Professionals Alliance of Hong Kong,
He was the Founding Chairman of the Hong Kong Green Strategy Alliance, and is a Past President of the Hong Kong Professionals and Senior Executives Association. He was a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference from 2018 to 2023, and was also a member of China Association for Science and Technology from 2006 to 2021.
On the tertiary educational front, he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of CityU Enterprises Limited from 2008 to 2021. He is also an Honorary Fellow of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the Vocational Training Council, and the City University of Hong Kong.
Ir Dr The Hon Lo has been a full member of the HKIE since 1982 and has served on numerous division committees and boards. He was President for Session 2007/2008 and was inducted into the HKIE Hall of Fame in 2015. He helped introduce new disciplines including Aircraft Engineering, Fire Engineering, and Transport and Logistics.
Ir Dr The Hon Lo holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering from The University of Hong Kong. He also has a Master of Business Administration from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. In addition, he has an Engineering Doctorate from the University of Warwick, where he is an Industrial Fellow.
The HKIE Gold Medal 2023
Each year, the Gold Medal is awarded to an outstanding member in recognition of his/her specific contributions to or achievements in his/her engineering field. This year, the Medal went to Ir Wai Chi Sing.
Ir Wai is a singularly experienced civil engineer and administrator. He joined the HKSAR Government after receiving his BSc in Civil Engineering from HKU in 1977. Later, in 1986, he earned an MSc in Transportation Engineering from Purdue University. Throughout his long career as a civil servant, he served in many capacities in the Transport Department, the Highways Department, and the Development Bureau.
Dedicating his professional career to developing the transportation and highways of Hong Kong, Ir Wai contributed significantly to the city's infrastructure development. During his tenure as Director of Highways from 2006 to 2010, he oversaw the implementations, public engagements, and legislative procedures of many important mega highway projects, including the Central-Wanchai Bypass, the Island East Corridor Link, the main sector of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, and Tuen Mun–Chek Lap Kok Link.
As Permanent Secretary (Works) of the Development Bureau from 2010 to 2015, he worked on numerous important projects. He oversaw a HK$70 billion public sector infrastructure development programme, facilitated public works policies on construction safety, worked with the Construction Industry Council on construction industry reform, reviewed conservation policy on the city's built heritage with the Antiquities Advisory Board, drew up strategies for Kowloon East's transformation, and liaised with Mainland authorities to enhance Hong Kong professionals' recognition under the China Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA).
After his retirement in 2015, Ir Wai was appointed Managing Director of the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) in 2016. With the aim of improving the livelihoods of residents in older districts, Ir Wai transformed the URA in every respect through a holistic and forward-looking approach to urban regeneration. The URA is now known for its professionalism and innovation, a reputation gained by its adoption of smart technologies including 5G networks, artificial intelligence, Building Information Modelling and Modular Integrated Construction.
Ir Wai has been a dedicated educator, nurturing future engineers for the development of Hong Kong. He has been an honorary professor, chairman and advisor of engineering departments at various tertiary institutions such as HKU, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His other services include being a member and alternate director of the West Kowloon District Authority, a non-executive director of the MTR Corporation, and a board member of the Ocean Park Corporation.
Ir Wai received the Gold Bauhinia Star in 2015 for distinguished service to the community and was appointed a Justice of the Peace in 2016.
The President's Award 2023
The President's Award was set up by the Institution to recognise the dedicated and valuable services of members of any class who had served the Institution with distinction. This year, the award went to Ir Jenny F Yeung.
Ir Yeung is currently a Deputy Head of the Geotechnical Engineering Office of the Civil Engineering and Development Department of the HKSAR Government. She was the first female student to graduate with a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Civil and Structural Engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 1995. Subsequently, she acquired a Master of Philosophy in Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Cambridge on the Chevening/Cambridge Scholarship.
She has also worked in the Development Bureau, where she worked on land supply strategies, including cavern development and reclamation for the sustainable development of Hong Kong. She was awarded Secretary for the Civil Service's Commendation in 2012 in recognition of her outstanding service to the Government and the public. In 2016, she was promoted to Chief Geotechnical Engineer, being the first female to take up this post in Government.
Ir Yeung has served the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers for the past 30 years. She was awarded “Trainee of the Year” and “Young Engineer of the Year” in 1997 and 2006 respectively. She has held a variety of key positions in the Institution, including the Council, the Executive, the Young Members Committee, the Public Service Committee and various division committees, as well as on the Engineers' Registration Board.
She is particularly passionate about nurturing young engineers. She is experienced in organising delegations to mainland China to enhance young engineers' knowledge of the development of the country. She has also encouraged and inspired young students, especially female ones, to choose careers in engineering. Ir Yeung was elected a Member of the Election Committee (Engineering Subsector) for the elections of the Chief Executive of the HKSAR and the Hong Kong delegates to the National People's Congress. In 2021, she was also awarded Outstanding Alumni by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the HKUST.
Young Engineer of the Year Award 2023
The Young Engineer of the Year Award aims to recognise outstanding young engineers for their significant contributions to, and outstanding achievements in, the profession, the community of Hong Kong, and the HKIE. This year, Ir Dr Clarence E Choi received the Award.
Ir Dr Choi obtained his BSc in Civil Engineering from the University of Calgary with distinction and a PhD from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He worked as a geotechnical engineer before re-joining HKUST as Research Assistant Professor in 2015. In 2019, he was appointed Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at HKU, where he leads an international research team tackling landslide and ground improvement problems.
Ir Dr Choi has received several prestigious international landslide research awards for young scholars. These include the 3rd Hutchinson Lecture from the Federation of International Geo-Engineering Societies and the 2022 Oldrich Hungr Award from the UNESCO International Consortium of Landslides. In addition, he was awarded the 2019 Best Paper Award from the Consortium's Landslides Journal; the HKIE 2022 Best Geotechnical Paper Award; the 2021 Bright Spark Lecture from the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering; the 2017 Telford Premium Prize from the Institution of Civil Engineers; the 2017 R.M. Quigley Award from the Canadian Geotechnical Society, and 2015-2019 Junior Fellowship from HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study.
Ir Dr Choi is a local and international ambassador for the profession. He is a Board Representative of UNESCO's International Consortium of Landslides; Chair of the Debris Flow and Steep Creek Hazards Mitigation Committee of the Association of Geohazard Professionals; Chair of the HKIE's Geotechnical Pioneers Committee, and Chair-Nominated Member of TC208 on Slope Stability of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. He is also a nominated member of the Joint Technical Committee No. 1 on Natural Slopes and Landslides of the Federation of International Geo-Engineering Societies; the HKIE's Geotechnical Division Committee; the HK Geotechnical Society; and the China Youth Science and Technologists Association. His work helped to develop nine technical design documents in Hong Kong. He is also Editor and Editorial Board member of numerous top journals in his discipline, having personally contributed over 82 SCI publications.
Certificates of Merit for the Young Engineer of the Year Award 2023 went to Ir Furla S Y Chan; Ir Jason K W Cheung, and Ir Kwok Kai Yuen.
This year's awardees have set the bar exceptionally high in terms of what engineers can do for their community with their professional services and knowledge; nevertheless, the HKIE is confident that its members will always be keen to outdo themselves and strive to follow in the footsteps of these distinguished awardees to secure a better future for Hong Kong.
For media enquiries, please contact:
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Corporation Communications Section
Tel: 2895 4446
Fax: 2882 6825
Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk
Ir Aaron K M Bok, the HKIE's President, delivering his Address
The Honourable Chan Kwok Ki, Acting Chief Executive of the HKSAR, delivering his Address as the Principal Guest
Ir Thomas O S Ho, Chairman of Construction Industry Council, delivering his Address as the Guest of Honour
Ir Prof Joseph H W Lee (Right), the HKIE Honorary Fellow 2023, with the President
Ir Dr The Hon Lo Wai-kwok (Right), the HKIE Honorary Fellow 2023, with the President
Ir Wai Chi Sing (Right) being presented The HKIE Gold Medal 2023 by the President
Ir Jenny Yeung (Right) being presented with the President's Award 2023 by the President
Ir Dr Clarence Edward Choi (Right) being presented with Young Engineer of the Year Award (YEYA) 2023 by the President
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說明 |
運輸及物流局局長林世雄工程師(左四)在香港工程師學會會長卜國明工程師(左三)及高級副會長李志康博士、工程師(右三)陪同下擔任「香港工程師學會單車及跑步籌款活動」暨「香港工程師週2023」閉幕禮主禮嘉賓。 |
運輸及物流局局長林世雄工程師(右四)為「香港工程師學會單車及跑步籌款活動」主持鳴槍起步儀式。 |
參與「香港工程師學會單車及跑步籌款活動」的工程師及親友們在將軍澳海濱整裝待發。 |
在香港工程師學會會長卜國明工程師帶領之下,學會會員及親友們一同享受單車遊及跑步賽事,更途經香港新地標「將軍澳跨灣大橋」。 |
會長卜國明工程師及高級副會長李志康博士、工程師身體力行,親身落場與會員及其親友一同參加「香港工程師學會單車及跑步籌款活動」,共同享受運動樂趣之餘,亦在將軍澳海濱「打卡」留念。 |
胡康泰 (Henry Woo) / 陳浩煌 (Harold Chan)
電話:(852) 9510 1288 / (852) 5422 2393
電郵:henry.woo@hkstrategies.com / harold.chan@hkstrategies.com
電話:(852) 2895 4446
傳真:(852) 2882 6825
The Hong Kong Engineers Week 2023 ended on a high note
with the Fundraising Cycling and Run that unifies the industry
and nurtures future professionals for the society
(Hong Kong, 12 March 2023) The Hong Kong Engineers Week 2023 (HKEW 2023), which is organised by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (hereafter "HKIE"), came to a climactic finale yesterday at Tseung Kwan O Promenade with the HKIE Fundraising Cycling and Run cum the HKEW 2023 Closing Ceremony. Officiating at the HKEW 2023 Closing Ceremony was Ir Lam Sai-hung, GBS, JP, Secretary for Transport and Logistics. In the company of the HKIE's President Ir Aaron K M Bok and its Senior Vice President Ir Dr Barry C H Lee, Ir Lam sounded the starting horn and kickstarted the Fundraising Cycling and Run.
Ir Aaron Bok, President of the HKIE, said, "The 9-day HKEW 2023 has come to a successful conclusion. The engineering industry's strenuous efforts is reflected in the entire process, from planning to implementation. The events in the HKEW 2023 illustrate the connections between the engineering profession and our daily lives; they also attest to the industry’s dedication to our society over the years. On behalf of the HKIE, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the industry and the public for their unconditional support and participation. The HKEW 2023 echoes the Presidential Theme for this Session, “Proud to be Engineers”, and it is hoped that members would not only be proud of being professional engineers but also help promote the diversity, job nature, and contributions of the profession, nurturing young engineering hopefuls and encouraging them to join the profession so as to carry the torch forward for the future of Hong Kong's rapid development.”
The HKEW 2023 featured a series of exciting events with "Our Future, We Engineer" as its theme, revealing the impressive diversity of engineering to everyone and promoting the profession. As the finale of the HKEW 2023, the HKIE Fundraising Cycling and Run saw HKIE members and their relatives taking to their bicycles and stretching their legs for a run as individuals or part of a family team, passing through the Cross Bay Link in Tseung Kwan O, a new landmark in Hong Kong. The funds raised in the event will be used to foster the next generation of engineering talent for the future development of Hong Kong.
As an event whose scale is one of the largest in the history of the HKIE, the HKEW 2023 featured an exciting line-up of events from 3 to 11 March, including the HKIE Grand Award Competition, the HKIE International Conference, the HKIE Fundraising Cycling and Run and the Innovation Competition: "Our Liveable City, We Engineer". Among these events, the HKEW Carnival and the HKIE Public Exhibition had a massive turnout, deepening the public’s and the younger generation’s understanding of Hong Kong’s engineers.
For more details, please visit:
The Hong Kong Engineers Week 2023’s Official Website: https://hkengineersweek.com/zh-hant/
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers’ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheHKIE
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers’ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_hkie/
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers’ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-hkie/
Picture |
Happenings |
Ir Lam Sai-hung, GBS, JP, Secretary for Transport and Logistics (fourth left), kickstarted the HKIE Fundraising Cycling and Run and officiated at the Closing Ceremony of HKEW 2023 in the company of the HKIE’s President Ir Aaron K M Bok (third left) and its Senior Vice President Ir Dr Barry C H Lee (third right). |
Ir Lam Sai-hung, GBS, JP, Secretary for Transport and Logistics (fourth right), sounded the starting horn for The HKIE Fundraising Cycling and Run. |
HKIE members and their family members getting ready for the HKIE Fundraising Cycling and Run at the Tseung Kwan O Promenade. |
Led by HKIE President Ir Aaron K M Bok, members of HKIE and their relatives and friends enjoyed cycling and run events passing through the Cross Bay Link in Tseung Kwan O, a new landmark in Hong Kong. |
HKIE President Ir Aaron K M Bok and Senior Vice President Ir Dr Barry C H Lee took part in the HKIE Fundraising Cycling and Run with the engineering community and relatives and friends, enjoying the fun of sports and having photos together. |
Download the images: Link
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The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Corporate Communications Section
Tel: (852) 2895 4446
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Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk
(香港,2023年3月9日) 香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」) 於今天舉行「香港工程師學會大獎」頒獎典禮,表揚學會會員於各個領域的卓越項目,學會很榮幸邀請到香港特別行政區房屋局局長何永賢女士擔任大會榮譽嘉賓。
「香港工程師學會大獎2023」是一個新設獎項,旨在肯定工程專業人士對香港發展的成就和貢獻。其中,「香港工程師學會大獎2023——創意」沿用「香港工程師學會創意獎」的兩個分組,分別為分組I─發明,以及分組 II─創新應用,兩個分組下另設青年會員組,供35歲或以下會員參加。
分組I─發明 大獎 |
張彤博士、工程師,徐浩光博士、工程師及徐仕基工程師 獲獎作品:用於污水監測的緊湊型採樣裝置 |
分組II─創新應用 大獎 |
鍾國輝教授、工程師 獲獎作品:高強 S690鋼創新工程技術及應用 |
大獎 |
唐嘉信博士、工程師及陳卓銘工程師 獲獎作品:3D列印技術在醫療上的應用:從高風險程序之培訓到尖端的臨床應用,包括腦動脈瘤、顱骨成形術、機械人部分腎切除術、血管插管和胸腔穿刺術 |
大獎 |
伍偉康工程師、盧國中工程師、麥偉隆工程師及李瑞焯工程師 獲獎作品:港珠澳大橋香港口岸 |
獲獎作品:高強 S690鋼創新工程技術及應用
- 使用高強度S690鋼的創新施工技術,具有經證實的結構充份性和改進的結構經濟性;
- 通過使用機器人焊接系統開發高強度S690鋼截面的有效焊接,確保焊接後10至70毫米厚鋼板的機械性能僅有微量或幾乎沒有減少;
- 符合香港現行工程實踐的高強度S690鋼的焊接截面、連接和接頭的合理化結構設計方法; 以及
- 高強度S690鋼在建築和土木工程項目中的創新應用。
本年度,學會亦同時頒發優異獎予參與分組I的張壽昌工程師 (獲獎作品:AI改裝車輛識別系統)、謝茂基工程師及張建偉工程師 (獲獎作品:Novel extendable deep mixing rod for low headroom (4-Stage Extendable Rod System, ERS4)。
分組II的得獎者分別為黃志威工程師、陳欽明工程師、蔡思敏工程師及葛明教授、工程師 (獲獎作品:智能隧道質量檢測系統),以及陳志剛工程師、李成添工程師、白諫鳴工程師和張彤博士、工程師 (獲獎作品:應用工程及資訊科技進行全港污水監測)。
另外,學會頒發香港工程師學會大獎2023──工業優異獎予杜思源博士、工程師(獲獎作品:MVN 仿自然生態淨水系统),彭啟輝先生及鄺嘉明先生 (獲獎作品:數據驅動智能鐵路軌道維修),李德仁工程師、黃國治工程師及莊達騰工程師 (獲獎作品:自動混凝土磚測試系統),周治平工程師 (獲獎作品:廚餘再生俠);及鄧進明博士、工程師 (獲獎作品:Llewellyn and Partners Company Limited)。
- 傑出及優美的建築設計,令旅檢大樓成整個口岸的地標;
- 天幕採用組裝合成預製組件,包括所有配件及水電裝置,最重組件達 680 噸。先起吊、再水平頂進的安裝方法,為香港首次應用相關技術;及
- 區域性冷卻系統每年節省 350 萬度電及2,500 噸碳排放。
另外,學會頒發香港工程師學會大獎2023──基建工程優異獎予曾國柱博士、工程師,黃曉陽博士、工程師,陳惠芬工程師及郭偉程工程師 (獲獎作品:金鐘站擴建:四綫轉乘的超級車站),及梁中立工程師、岑肇雄博士、工程師及闞軍工程師 (獲獎作品:將軍澳跨灣連接路)。
電話:2895 4446
傳真:2882 6825
會長卜國明工程師 (右十三)、房屋局局長何永賢女士 (右十四)與各大獎得主合照
(9 March 2023, Hong Kong) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Grand Award Presentation Ceremony was held today, recognising members’ brilliant contributions in different aspects. We are honoured to have Ms Winnie Ho Wing Yin, the Secretary for Housing, as the Guest of Honour.
The HKIE Grand Award 2023 is a brand-new award of the Institution that aims to recognise the achievements and contributions of the engineering profession towards the development of Hong Kong. The HKIE Grand Award 2023 – Innovation Category followed the division of “The HKIE Innovation Award”, dividing into Sub-category I – An Invention and Sub-category II – An Innovative Application respectively. There are Young Member Groups under both sub-category which opens to members aged 35 or below.
President Ir Aaron K M Bok expressed his gratification at the various projects presented to the panel, “The winning entries cover three major categories of innovation, industrial and infrastructure. They bring benefits to public health, medical, construction and transportation infrastructure and beyond, showcasing how engineers contribute to the growth of society in different aspects.”
The HKIE Grand Award 2023 – Innovation Category
Grand Prize, Sub-category I – An Invention |
Ir Dr Zhang Tong, Ir Dr Chui Ho Kwong Samuel and Ir Chui Si Kay Peter Awarded Project: A customisable in-manhole sampling robot for sewerage surveillance |
Grand Prize, Sub-category II – An Innovative Application |
Ir Prof Chung Kwok Fai Awarded Project: Innovative construction technology and application of high strength S690 steel in construction |
The HKIE Grand Award 2023 – Industrial Category
Grand Prize |
Ir Dr Tong Ka Shun Carrison and Ir Chan Cheuk Ming Oliver Awarded Project: 3D Printing Techniques in Healthcare: From High Risk Procedure Trainings to the era of Advanced Clinical Applications including Brain Aneurysm, Cranioplasty, Robotic Partial Nephrectomy, Vascular Cannulation, and Thoracentesis |
The HKIE Grand Award 2023 – Infrastructure Category
Grand Prize |
Ir Ng Wai Hong, Ir Lo Kwok Chung David, Ir Mak Wai Lung and Ir Lee Shui Cheuk Patrick Awarded Project: Hong Kong – Zhuhai – Macao Bridge Hong Kong Port |
Awarded Projects of The HKIE Grand Award 2023
The HKIE Grand Award 2023 - Innovation Category
Sub-category I - An Invention
Awardees: Ir Dr Tong Zhang, Ir Dr Chui Ho Kwong Samuel and Ir Chui Si Kay Peter
Submission: A customisable in-manhole sampling robot for sewerage surveillance
A conventional sewage sampling device is designed to be installed on the ground and may cause inconvenience to road users. The newly invented in-manhole sampling robot is compact enough to be installed inside a manhole. In addition, the sampling time is programmable via a mobile app. Coupled with the Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT), the sampling robot can achieve real-time operating condition through remote cloud monitoring. With this invention, sewage sampling can be carried out “anytime, anywhere” throughout the city’s sewerage network. It has been widely used in the SARS-CoV-2 virus sewage surveillance of Hong Kong during the past two years and has contributed significantly to the fight against COVID-19.
With its potentials to survey different biomarkers in sewage enable public health monitoring, and detect emerging infectious diseases, this device may prove essential to our smart city development in the future.
Sub-category II - An Innovative Application
Awardee: Ir Prof Chung Kwok Fai
Submission: Innovative construction technology and application of high strength S690 steel in construction
In order to improve productivity of the construction industry in Hong Kong, Chinese National Engineering Research Centre for Steel Construction (Hong Kong Branch) (CNERC) conducted an extensive programme on research and technology transfer over the past seven years to achieve:
- an innovative construction technology using high-strength S690 steel with proven structural adequacy and improved structural economy for construction;
- development of effective welding on sections of high-strength S690 steel using a robotic welding system which ensures little or virtually no reduction in mechanical properties of 10-to-70 mm thick steel plates after welding;
- rationalised methods for structural design of welded sections, connections and joints of high-strength S690 steel which conform to current engineering practice in Hong Kong; and
- innovative applications of high-strength S690 steel in building and civil engineering projects.
Our innovation enables a modern construction technology using high-strength S690 steel to achieve significant reductions in construction materials, manpower and carbon footprint. Typical applications include long-span roof structures and footbridges, large-scale noise closure, piles supporting heavily loaded structures and buildings, and supporting members in road bridges.
Ir Prof Chung is Professor of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Director of CNERC at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
The Merit of Sub-category I went to Ir Cheung Sau Cheong Andrew (Submission: AIMER - Artificial Intelligence on Modified Exhaust Recognition); Ir Tse Mau Kay Keith and Ir Cheung Chris (Submission: Novel extendable deep mixing rod for low headroom (4-Stage Extendable Rod System, ERS4)).
The Merit of Sub-category II went to Ir Wong Chi Wai Tommy, Ir Chan Yam Ming, Ir Choy See Mun Celia and Ir Prof Ge Ming (Submission: 3S Tunnel Defect Inspector); and Ir Chen Che Kong, Ir Lee Sing Tim Wallace, Ir Pak Kan Ming Eddie and Ir Dr Zhang Tong (Submission: Territorial sewage surveillance in Hong Kong with engineering and IT applications).
Besides, the Merit of Sub-category II (Young Member Group) went to Ir Ho Ka Kit (Submission: Application of advanced technologies in condition survey for drainage and sewerage systems)
The HKIE Grand Award 2023 - Industrial Category
Awardees: Ir Dr Tong Ka Shun Carrison and Ir Chan Cheuk Ming Oliver
Submission: 3D Printing Techniques in Healthcare: From High Risk Procedure Trainings to the era of Advanced Clinical Applications including Brain Aneurysm, Cranioplasty, Robotic Partial Nephrectomy, Vascular Cannulation, and Thoracentesis
During the COVID-19 pandemic, global supply chain disruptions varied dramatically. In-house manufacturing is a possible solution to the uncertainty over the delivery of imperative advanced medical items such as neurosurgical implants and the maintenance of healthcare provisions. Apart from developing cutting-edge technology that allows patient-centred care during surgical intervention, urgency exists for various kinds of medical professional training.
By analysing numerous medical images, the team applied the data to modify the 3D printing technique. Engineers are able to make diverse products, including patient-specific implants and disease models for pre-operative planning for complex surgeries, for patients and healthcare professionals in a hospital environment within a short time. The wide range of in-house developed products are now applied to different specialties in our hospital, including intensive care, neurosurgery, surgery, medicine and radiology.
Ir Dr Tong is formerly a medical physicist of the Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital. Ir Chan is currently a biomedical engineer in the Hospital Authority. The design of various products has already obtained patent protection. The team will continue to work with other healthcare professionals to develop further products that support the needs of individual patients.
Besides, the Merit went to Ir Dr To See Yuen Anthony (Submission: MVN – The Natural Wastewater Treatment System); Mr Pang Kai Fai Andy and Mr Kwong Ka Ming Kelvin (Submission: Data-driven Smart Maintenance in Permanent Way); Ir Lee Tak Yan Darkie, Ir Wong Kwok Chi Thomas and Ir Chuang Tat Tang Anthony (Submission: Automated System for Concrete Cube Testing); Ir Chow Chee Ping Jude (Submission: Food Transmarter); and Ir Dr Tang Chun Ming Llewellyn (Submission: Llewellyn and Partners Company Limited).
The HKIE Grand Award 2023 - Infrastructure Category
Awardees: Ir Ng Wai Hong, Ir Lo Kwok Chung David, Ir Mak Wai Lung and Ir Lee Shui Cheuk Patrick
Submission: Hong Kong – Zhuhai – Macao Bridge Hong Kong Port
The HZMB Project, with the HKP as the hub, is the gateway to the Greater Bay Area (GBA), the engine for economic growth in South China.
To overcome constraints of space and time, the project team applied innovative designs to create a legendary landmark with the following outstanding features:
- Superb and aesthetically pleasing architecture of the Passenger Clearance Building, the HKP’s emblem;
- The roof fabrication and erection methods are the first of their kind. All roof segments with fittings and building services were fabricated off-site using MiC. Installation was by lifting and then horizontal jacking with the heaviest segment weighing 680 tonnes; and
- The District Cooling System annually saves 3.5 million KWh of electricity and reduces CO2 emissions by 2,500 tonnes.
The HZMB project will bring about significant economic benefits by reducing travel time to the GBA’s western part from over four hours to just 40 minutes. With the concerted efforts of all parties involved in the construction, the HKP was completed in an amazing four-year period.
Ir Ng is the Deputy Project Manager and Ir Lo is the ex-Principal Project Coordinator of the Highways Department. Ir Mak is the Vice President of AECOM and Ir Lee is the Principal Resident Engineer.
Besides, the Certificate of Merit went to Ir Dr Tsang Kwok Chu Matthew, Ir Dr Wong Shao Young, Ir Chan Wai Fun Alice and Ir Kwok Wai Ching Vincent (Submission: Admiralty Station extension: the only mega station in MTR network with four-line interchanging); Ir Leung Chung Lap Michael, Ir Dr Sham Siu Hung Robin and Ir Kan Jun (Submission: Cross Bay Link, Tseung Kwan O).
Engineering profession is essential in driving the progression of the society. The Institution hopes awardees can continue to make good use of their professional knowledge and power of innovation to contribute to Hong Kong’s future development.
For media enquiries, please contact:
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Corporate Communications Section
Tel: 2895 4446
Fax: 2882 6825
Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk
Ir Aaron K M Bok, President of the HKIE, giving an address
Ms Winnie Ho, the Secretary for Housing, giving an address
HKIE President Ir Aaron K M Bok (13th right) and Guest of Honour Ms Winnie Ho, the Secretary for Housing (14th right) with awardees of the Grand Awards