(香港,二零一五年三月十九日) 香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」) 將於2015年3月至4月期間舉辦「工程與你」活動。配合學會本年度的主題「啟發新一代 工程展未來」(Inspire the Young),是次大型活動以工程展覽為重點,透過互動及具趣味性的新穎方式,向市民彰顯工程師的卓越成就,同場並展出流動裝置遊戲程式設計比賽2015及「工程與你」攝影比賽2015之得獎作品,連同工程半日遊及講座等公眾參與活動,讓新一代深入認識工程專業與日常生活息息相關,以及如何透過創新工程提升人類的生活質素。學會期望此活動有助啟發年輕人對工程的興趣,為業界培育新世代專才。
為了突顯工程業界對香港經濟發展之重要性,學會今日特別安排新聞界參觀香港最新建設之世界級物流設施國泰航空貨運站。香港國際機場的吞吐量位於世界前列,2014年處理之貨運量創下438 萬公噸的紀錄新高。耗資港幣59億元興建之國泰航空貨運站,自2013年投入運作後,將機場的處理貨運能力提高達五成至740萬公噸。其設計和興建涉及工程業界內眾多不同的專業界別,由土木、岩土、結構、建造、屋宇裝備、製造及工業、機械,以至控制、自動化及儀器儀表、電機、電子、環境、消防及資訊科技,可說是業界通力合作完成的一件「結晶品」。貨運站糅合了創新設計並廣泛應用先進科技系統,包括全自動的物料處理系統,並結合適時操作營運概念、資訊主導的運作及提升處理轉口貨物的能力的三大特點,有助鞏固香港作為亞洲區內首選空運樞紐的地位。
張志剛會長表示:「香港工程師學會現時有32,000 名會員,涵蓋21個工程專業。學會的使命是『持續發揮優質工程專業』。向年青人推廣工程專業一直是學會的工作重點,今年更以『啟發新一代 工程展未來』作為前進方針。為推動社會的可持續發展,香港需要培育一班充滿熱誠且勇於接受挑戰的年輕工程師。因此,學會特別舉辦『工程與你』活動,內容更針對新世代的潮流喜好而設計,讓年輕人了解工程專業的多元化,工作既有活力又充滿意義,從而吸引更多優秀的年輕人才加入工程專業行列,合力構建美好香港未來。」
(一) 「動感維港」多媒體展區及互動遊戲
(二) 流動裝置遊戲程式設計比賽2015
(三) 「工程與你」攝影比賽2015
地點 | : | 3月28日 (星期六) 至4月15日 (星期三) 香港科學館一樓大堂 |
開放時間 | : | 星期一、二、三及五 - 上午10:00至晚上7:00 星期六、日及公眾假期 - 上午10:00至晚上9:00 逢星期四 休館 |
費用 | : | 免費入場,歡迎參觀 |
查詢電話 | : | 2732 3232 |
除了工程展覽外,活動亦安排了一系列「工程與你」半日遊及講座 (詳情請參閱附件一)。預先報名的市民可參觀香港的世界級工程項目,實地了解工程對香港社會發展和經濟民生的重要性。講座系列則邀請到多名政府官員及工程師擔任嘉賓講者,就「點廢成金」、鐵路建設、「轉廢為能」及供水發展等不同課題分享寶貴經驗,讓市民了解卓越工程如何提升我們的生活質素。

香港工程師學會會長張志剛工程師(左) 及


香港工程師學會 傳訊統籌經理張鳳宜小姐 傳媒熱線:6398 4599 電話︰2895 4446 傳真︰2882 6825 電郵︰corpcom@hkie.org.hk |
恒信公關國際有限公司 新聞服務總監陳德成先生 電話︰3960 1903 傳真︰2827 1337 電郵︰kevinchan@bentleyhk.com |
(Hong Kong, 19 March 2015) The "Engineering and You" programme organised by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) will take place from March to April 2015. Building on HKIE's theme for the Session, "Inspire the Young", the programme's key event is an engaging and interactive exhibition of the distinguished achievements of engineers in Hong Kong. The exhibition will also include winning entries of the HKIE Mobile Game Apps Competition 2015 and the "Engineering and You" Photo Competition 2015. In addition, project site visits and lectures that are open to general public will also be arranged in the programme. These activities will help the younger generation understand the important role engineering plays in our daily lives and show how engineers apply innovative technology to enhance our quality of life. By inspiring the young and sparking their interest in engineering, the HKIE hopes to nourish a new generation of talents for the profession.
To demonstrate the vital role the engineering profession plays in Hong Kong's economic development, the HKIE today arranged a media tour to the Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal (CPCT), Hong Kong's newest world-class logistics facility. As one of the largest and leading air cargo hubs in the world, the Hong Kong International Airport set a new annual record in 2014 with cargo throughput reaching 4.38 million tonnes. Following commencement of its operations in 2013, the HK$5.9 billion CPCT has increased the airport's air cargo handling capacity by 50% annually to 7.4 million tonnes. The purpose-built CPCT has involved the collaborative efforts from various engineering disciplines, from civil, geotechnical, structural, building, building services, manufacturing & industrial and mechanical; to control, automation & instrumentation, electrical, electronics, environmental, fire and information technology. It also incorporates innovative features and advanced technology systems including the fully-automated Materials Handling System. This System complements three other unique features; namely, just-in-time operations, information-driven operations and enhanced transhipment capability to empower the facility to consolidate Hong Kong's leading position as a preferred air cargo hub in Asia.
Ir Victor CHEUNG Chi Kong, President of the HKIE, said, "The trading and logistics sector is the largest among the four pillar industries in Hong Kong. At the Budget announced earlier, the Hong Kong Government identified the provision of high value-added services as essential for the trading and logistics industry. In this respect, air cargo services are of growing importance. Apart from adding new facilities and adopting innovative technology, we have to ensure the adequate availability of logistics engineering professionals to enhance the competitiveness of the logistics industry. In view of this, the HKIE set up the Logistics & Transportation Discipline in 2010 to prescribe and define the qualifications of professional logistics and transportation engineers and technologists. The Discipline also identifies the profession's educational, training and experience requirements and conducts assessments for admission to membership, now growing to over 300, with the aim of enhancing the professionalism of logistics and transportation engineers. In 2014, the Logistics & Transportation Division was set up to provide learned society activities for members' continuous professional development and to raise their standing and visibility in the community."
"The HKIE currently has 32,000 members covering 21 engineering disciplines. Our vision is 'Sustained Excellence in the Engineering Profession'. The HKIE has long been committed to promoting the engineering profession among young people, and 'Inspire the Young' has been adopted as the theme for this Session. To support the sustainable development of Hong Kong, we must nurture more young engineers who are enthusiastic and passionate about their work. Organised by the HKIE, the 'Engineering and You' programme is thoughtfully designed to meet the aspirations and preferences of the next generation. It will provide an excellent opportunity for young people to learn more about the diverse disciplines of the engineering profession. By showcasing the dynamic and meaningful aspects of engineering work, we hope to engage and attract the younger generation to join the profession in building a better future for Hong Kong," added President Victor CHEUNG Chi Kong.
Details of the "Engineering and You" programme:
"Engineering and You" – Exhibition
(1) Multi-media Zone and Interactive Games
The Multi-media Zone showcases the unique characteristics of selected large-scale infrastructure projects, landmark developments and historical buildings in a lively and innovative way. It aims to enhance public awareness of the critical role engineers play in the social and economic development of Hong Kong and how they improve the quality of life in our community. Participants can also enjoy a number of interactive games, such as "Eco-Hero Challenge" to promote green living; "Energy Quest: Race for the Future" to experience the fun of energy-efficient driving; and "Fantasy Pod: Engineering & You" which provides participants with the opportunity to be photographed alongside Hong Kong's award-winning engineering projects.
(2) The HKIE Mobile Game Apps Competition 2015
Mobile devices such as smartphones are an integral part of our daily lives. The Competition encourages people who are interested in the design of mobile game applications (apps) and engineering technology to unleash their creativity and potential in integrating technology and engineering. By showcasing the winning mobile game apps, the Competition will facilitate the sharing of engineering knowledge and ideas among the public in an interesting, interactive and novel way to achieve the goal of promoting the engineering profession in Hong Kong.
(3) "Engineering and You" Photo Competition 2015
Through the winning photos which captured interesting aspects of engineering projects, the public can gain an appreciation of Hong Kong's distinctive engineering achievements and experience the wonder of the engineering world. The Competition aims to raise public awareness of the contributions of engineers in different disciplines who dedicate their expertise and efforts to enhance the quality of life in Hong Kong and drive the continuous development of our city.
Information about the "Engineering and You" Exhibition:
Date | : | 28 March 2015 (Saturday) to 15 April 2015 (Wednesday) |
Venue | : | Main Lobby, 1/F, Hong Kong Science Museum |
Opening Hours | : | Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays: 10:00am to 7:00pm Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: 10:00am to 9:00pm Thursdays: closed |
Admission | : | Free of charge |
Enquiries | : | 2732 3232 |
"Engineering and You" Project Site Visits and Lectures
Apart from the exhibitions, there will be a series of informative "Engineering and You" Project Site Visits and Lectures (please refer to Appendix 1 for details). Registered members of the public will be taken on a tour of world-class projects in Hong Kong. By the end of these tours, participants will understand the positive impact these engineering projects have had on the city's development, economy and the everyday lives of its people. The Lectures will be presented by guest speakers from government departments and the engineering profession, who will share their insights on various topics including waste treatment, rail development, waste recycling and water supply in Hong Kong. These Lectures will enable attendees to better understand how engineering excellence enhances our quality of life.
For more details about the "Engineering and You" programme, please visit: http://inspire-the-young.hkie.org.hk.

Ir Victor CHEUNG Chi Kong, President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (left)
and Ir Kelvin KO, Chief Executive Officer of Cathay Pacific Services Limited
introduced the Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal (CPCT),
Hong Kong's newest world-class logistics facility.

Ir Victor CHEUNG Chi Kong, President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (right)
and Ir Kelvin KO, Chief Executive Officer of Cathay Pacific Services Limited
are pictured in front of the fully-automated Materials Handling System
at the Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal. The facility incorporates innovative features
and advanced technology systems to sustain Hong Kong's competitiveness
as a preferred air cargo hub in Asia.

The Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal contributes to environmental conservation
through the adoption of engineering innovations in its operations.
Ir Victor CHEUNG Chi Kong, President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (second from left),
Ir Kelvin KO, Chief Executive Officer of Cathay Pacific Services Limited (fourth from left)
and Ir Paul WON, Head of Engineering of Cathay Pacific Services Limited (first from left)
are pictured in front of the Solar Panel Passenger Steps.
For media enquiries, please contact:
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Ms Sara Cheung Manager – Corporate Communications Media Hotline: 6398 4599 Tel: 2895 4446 Fax: 2882 6825 Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk |
Bentley Communications Mr Kevin Chan, Press Services Director Tel: 3960 1903 Fax: 2827 1337 Email: kevinchan@bentleyhk.com |
Appendix 1:"Engineering and You" Events
(香港,2014年11月10日) 香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」) 推出第一首學會會歌「天工」,歌名取自成語「巧奪天工」。學會很榮幸邀請了在樂壇享負盛名的倫永亮先生作曲及鄭國江先生填詞,並以此歌表揚工程師一直以來對香港社會持續發展所作出的貢獻。「天工」一曲除展現了工程師的專業、創新、靈活及盡責的特質外,亦充分表達了工程界團結一致,開先繼往,竭盡所能為社會服務的精神。
學會同時為會歌度身訂造了一輯音樂影片及卡拉OK版影片,以豐富的工程項目照片呈現各項基建工程對香港發展的貢獻。影片現已上載至學會網頁(http://www.hkie.org.hk/v-channel)及 YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/hkiechannel),歡迎市民瀏覽。
電話:2895 4446 / 6398 4599
傳真:2203 4133
張志剛會長(中) 帶領會員於會長就職晚宴上首度獻唱「天工」。
(Hong Kong, 10 November 2014) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) is most excited to announce the release of "Tian Gong", in Chinese "天工", the first song of the HKIE. The name of the song is taken from the Chinese proverb "巧奪天工", meaning "a superb engineering masterpiece that excels nature". With the joint effort of two heavy-weight musicians, Mr Anthony Lun (Composer) and Mr Cheng Kok-kong (Lyricist), the song is written to signify the devotion and commitment engineers have contributed to the continuous development of Hong Kong from the past, until now and to the future. The song highlighted engineers' professionalism, innovation and creativity, high sense of responsibility, and all together, the solidarity of engineering profession in serving the community with remarkable achievements.
The music video and karaoke version of the song, which lively showcase the renowned engineers-related projects in Hong Kong could be viewed at the HKIE website http://www.hkie.org.hk/v-channel or the YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/hkiechannel.
For enquiries, please contact:
The Corporate Communications Section of the HKIE
Tel : 2895 4446/ 6398 4599
Fax : 2203 4133
Email : corpcom@hkie.org.hk
President Ir Victor Cheung (middle) made his impressive performance of "Tian Gong" with members at the Presidential Dinner held on 15 September 2014.
(香港,八月十二日)香港工程師學會(下稱「學會」)會長張志剛工程師於今天舉行的傳媒午餐聚會上介紹學會本年度的方向。 張會長致歡迎辭時強調︰「『啟發新一代工程展未來』將會是學會本年度的前進方針。香港,甚至是全球皆面臨都市化、氣候變化和人口老化等所帶來的挑戰,要推動可持續發展確實有賴一班充滿熱誠且勇於接受挑戰的優秀工程師。要確保有足夠的工程師以應付社會發展的需求,必須吸納更多優秀的年輕人才加入工程專業。本人的目標是要讓年輕人了解工程專業充滿意義及活力的一面,以及如何鼓勵年青一代發掘自己的潛能去貢獻社會,建設香港。」 張會長表示本年度將繼續以提升工程師的專業形象以及栽培新一代為工作目標。學會將會舉辦手機應用程式設計比賽及攝影比賽,讓市民及青少年可以發揮創意,加深對工程專業的認識。另外,學會將為中學生舉辦訓練營及「工程師的一天」等活動,讓他們從中發掘工程專業的奧秘,增加興趣及了解工程師的工作。學會亦會舉辦導賞遊,帶領家長及子女參觀一些偉大的工程項目,讓他們認識工程專業對社會的貢獻,期望家長能鼓勵子女加入工程專業,實踐抱負,貢獻社會。 除了為工程畢業生舉辦「工程青雲路」工作坊外,張會長今年亦繼續推行「師傳薈」計劃,以培育年青工程師在工程專業的發展。透過參與此計劃,這群年青工程師將會跟隨張會長參與不同的活動及會議,讓他們了解資深工程師的日常工作範疇,並汲取工作以外及公共事務方面的經驗。張會長強調︰「我希望藉著這些活動,為學會培育一群充滿熱誠的年青工程師,並引發他們的潛能及興趣。」 張會長表示本年度另一亮點是學會即將推出一首名為「天工」的主題曲。學會很榮幸邀請了在樂壇享負盛名的倫永亮先生作曲及鄭國江先生填詞。此外,學會正在製作一輯全新的學會宣傳短片,以展示工程師的成就及貢獻。 有關傳媒查詢,請聯絡: 香港工程師學會 傳訊統籌經理張鳳宜小姐 傳媒熱線:63984599 電話︰28954446 傳真︰22034133 電郵︰corpcom@hkie.org.hk ![]() 香港工程師學會會長張志剛工程師(左六)、上任會長、副會長、前任會長、執行委員會委員、秘書長及資歷審核總監合照。 (12 August 2014, Hong Kong) President Ir Victor Cheung Chi-kong is pleased to announce the new initiatives of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) in enhancing the visibility of the engineering profession at the media luncheon today. Ir Cheung emphasised in the welcoming remarks, "'Inspire the Young' will be the theme for the Institution for the year ahead. The sustainable development of Hong Kong and the wider world will need a steady supply of high-calibre engineers with the passion and dedication to tackle challenges associated with issues such as urbanisation, climate change and an ageing population. To maintain this supply of new bloods, we must attract young talents to pursue careers in engineering. My goal is to show them what a meaningful and dynamic profession engineering is and how they can contribute to society and realise their potential by embracing it." Ir Cheung remarked that the effort to raise the image of engineers and promote our profession to the public and to inspire the young will continue. The HKIE Apps Competition as well as a photo competition will be organised to enhance public perception of engineering achievements. Besides, activities such as a day camp and "A Day as an Engineer" to set the young kids off on a journey of engineering discovery will be rolled out. Site visits to engineering projects will also be organised for families to impress upon the parents on the exciting and fulfilling careers offered by engineering. In addition to the "Graduate Engineer Day", the HKIE President's Protégé Scheme (PPS) is continued this year as part of the HKIE's commitment to nourish young engineers. These young engineers will shadow the President to attend significant events and observe how a senior figure in the industry operates in the year to come. Ir Cheung highlighted, "Through all these activities, the Institution can nurture these enthusiastic young engineers in the engineering profession, and in return, they will contribute more for the benefit and advancement of the society." Ir Cheung indicated that another highlight of the Session is the new HKIE Theme Song written by Mr Anthony Lun, with lyrics by Mr Cheng Kok-kong, both are heavyweights of the local music industry. Besides, the HKIE new Corporate Video is on the drawing board to showcase the achievements of Hong Kong engineers. For media enquiries, please contact: The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Ms Sara CHEUNG Manager – Corporate Communications Media Hotline: 6398 4599 Tel: 2895 4446 Fax: 2203 4133 Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk ![]() Group Photo of the President of the HKIE, Ir Victor C K Cheung (left 6th), the Immediate Past President, Vice Presidents, Past Presidents, Executive members, Chief Executive and Secretary, and Director of Qualifications cum Registrar. |
(香港,2014 年6 月27 日) 香港工程師學會(學會)欣然公布張志剛工程師於2014 年6 月26 日舉行的第39 屆會員周年大會上榮任第40 屆會長。陳健碩工程師則任期屆滿,成為上任會長。
張會長強調「啟發新一代 工程展未來」將會是學會本年度的前進方針。香港,甚至是全球正面臨都市化、氣候變化和人口老化等挑戰,要推動可持續發展確實有賴一班充滿熱誠且勇於接受挑戰的優秀工程師。張會長提到︰「要確保有足夠的工程師以應付社會發展的需求,必須吸納更多優秀的年輕人才加入工程專業。本人的目標是要讓年輕人了解工程專業充滿意義及活力的一面,以及如何發掘自己的潛能去貢獻社會。」
電話:2895 4446 / 6398 4599
傳真:2203 4133
1. 張志剛工程師的簡歷
2. 二零一四至二零一五年度理事會名單
(Hong Kong, 27 June 2014) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (The HKIE) is pleased to announce the installation of Ir Victor Cheung Chi-kong as the 40th President for Session 2014/2015 at The HKIE 39th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 26 June 2014. Ir Raymond Chan Kin-sek has become the Immediate Past President.
Ir Cheung, the newly installed President, is dedicated to working hand in hand with members to achieve their common goals for the benefit and advancement of the Institution, the engineering profession and the community.
Ir Cheung highlighted that “Inspire the Young” will be the theme for the Institution for the year ahead. He emphasised that, the sustainable development of Hong Kong and the wider world will need a steady supply of high-calibre engineers with the passion and dedication to tackle challenges associated with issues such as urbanisation, climate change and an ageing population. “To maintain this supply of new bloods, we must attract young talents to pursue careers in engineering. My goal is to show them what a meaningful and dynamic profession engineering is and how they can contribute to society and realise their potential by embracing it.” Ir Cheung remarked.
With his extensive professional and management experience, strong commitment and enthusiasm in serving the profession, Ir Cheung is well positioned in representing and leading the HKIE to new levels of achievement. He particularly has a heart for the young generation.
The AGM also announced that Ir Chan Chi-chiu and Ir Joseph K H Choi were successfully re-elected as the Vice Presidents and Ir Thomas K C Chan was elected the new Vice President in this Session. The five new Elected Ordinary Members of the Council are Ir Geoffrey L Chan, Ir Francis W C Kung, Ir Leo K K Leung, Ir Peter Y Wong and Ir Yim Wai-kit. Please refer to the attached full list of Council Members of the HKIE for Session 2014/2015.
For enquiries, please contact:
The Corporate Communications Section of the HKIE
Tel : 2895 4446/ 6398 4599
Fax : 2203 4133
Email : corpcom@hkie.org.hk
1. Biography of Ir Victor Cheung Chi Kong
2. Full list of Council Members of the HKIE for Session 2014/2015
Ir Victor C K Cheung, the newly installed President of the HKIE
The newly installed President of the HKIE, Ir Victor C K Cheung (left) and
the Immediate Past President, Ir Raymond K S Chan (right)
Ir Victor C K Cheung delivering his speech after the installation
The 39th Annual General Meeting of the HKIE
香港工程師學會、香港園境師學會、香港規劃師學會及香港測量師學會(下稱「四個專業學會」) 有
面理解有關議題的關鍵, 以解決長遠土地及房屋供應的問題。
(一) 土地供應緊絀
(二) 重要長遠土地供應來源
可供發展土地面積約佔300 多公頃,包括90 多公頃房屋用地,以提供約60,700 個住宅單位,等同於
(三) 必要前期準備
(四) 平衡效益
(五) 配合新市鎮發展
聯絡我們 Contact Us
香港工程師學會 |
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers |
9/F Island Beverley, No. 1 Great George Street Causeway Bay Hong Kong |
T : 2895 4446 |
F : 2577 7791 |
香港園境師學會 |
The Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects |
P.O. BOX 20561, Johnston Road |
T : 2896 2833 |
F : 2896 3938 |
香港規劃師學會 |
The Hong Kong Institute of Planners |
Unit No. 201, 2/F, Prosperity |
T : 2915 6212 |
F : 2915 7616 |
香港測量師學會 |
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors |
Room 1205,12/F, Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, |
T : 2526 3679 |
F : 2868 4612 |