Press Releases
27 November 2023
香港工程師學會支持訂立建造業付款保障條例 確保工程進度和質素 HKIE Supports SOPL for Construction Industry Ensuring Progress & Quality

(香港,2023年11月27日) 香港工程師學會 (「學會」) 今日發表聲明,表示全力支持訂立建造業付款保障條例草案及引入審裁機制,以解決建造業長期以來面臨的拖欠付款問題,在保障工程中承建商、分包商等各方權益的同時,保障工程進度和質量水平。擬議的建造業付款保障條例涵蓋所有政府工程和部份達到指定金額的私營界別工程。 












電話:2895 4446    

傳真:2882 6825    





(Hong Kong, 27 November 2023) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (“HKIE”) expresses its full support for the enactment of the proposed Security of Payment Legislation for the Construction Industry (“SOPL”) and the introduction of an adjudication mechanism to address the long-standing issue of payment delays in the construction industry.  While safeguarding the rights and interests of parties involved in construction projects such as contractors and subcontractors, this legislation will also help ensure the progress and quality of construction projects.  The proposed SOPL covers contracts of all Government works and part of the private sector projects up to specified contract values.  


Payment delays have been a persistent issue affecting various stakeholders in the construction industry, exerting pressure on project timelines and quality, and impacting the livelihoods of industry workers.  To address this long-standing problem, the HKIE has consistently worked with and supported the Government’s efforts in promoting the proposed SOPL and introducing an adjudication mechanism to provide a means for claims, where independent adjudicators will handle disputes over payments. This ensures that construction workers receive their rightful payments on time and enhances the industry’s reputation and efficiency.  In the event that claimants do not receive payments within the prescribed period, they also have the right to choose to suspend work to compel the paying party to fulfill its payment obligations.  


President Ir Dr Barry Lee stated, “The proposed SOPL and the introduction of an adjudication mechanism are crucial steps for the development of the industry.  They not only protect the rights of relevant engineering professionals but also promote the sound development of the industry.  We welcome the Government and relevant stakeholders to collaborate to ensure the smooth passage and implementation of this important legislation.”  


The HKIE also calls on all parties to work together to create a fair and stable business environment for the construction industry, fostering sustainable development while ensuring timely completion of projects and improving quality and safety standards.  


For media enquiries, please contact:


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Corporate Communications Section


Tel: 2895 4446 / Fax: 2882 6825




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15 November 2023
香港工程師學會與廣東省工程師學會 簽訂互認框架協議 拓展工程師發展機遇

 (香港,2023年11月15日) 香港工程師學會(「學會」)一直以拓展工程師專業發展平台為己任,與各地多個工程團體合作,建立資格互認關係。日前,學會與廣東省工程師學會簽訂會員資格互認框架協議,率先以學會的土木、岩土、電機、和控制、自動化及儀器儀表4個工程界別對應內地5個專業作為試點,並將適時擴展到其他工程界別。藉此框架協議,為香港工程專才開拓更大的發展空間,亦能協助填補香港工程人才缺口。










電話:2895 4446      

傳真:2882 6825      



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會長李志康博士、工程師 (前排、右) 與

廣東省工程師學會執行會長劉桂雄 (前排、左)


由廣東省港澳辦黨組成員、副主任黃鍛煉 (後排、左一)

廣東省人力資源和社會保障廳黨組成員、副廳長、一級巡視員楊紅山 (後排、左二)、

廣東省科協黨組書記、專職副主席鄭慶順 (後排、左三)、

廣東省委常委、統戰部部長王瑞軍 (後排、中)、

學會上任會長卜國明工程師 (後排、右三)、

香港特別行政區政府發展局副秘書長何英傑工程師 (後排、右二) 及

學會高級副會長馬紹祥工程師 (後排、右一) 共同見證





27 October 2023
香港工程師學會歡迎2023年施政報告 The HKIE welcomes the 2023 Policy Address

(香港,2023年10月27日) 香港工程師學會(下稱「學會」) 歡迎政府日前發表的《2023年施政報告》,推動多項民生、經濟、社會發展等範疇的工作,體現對城市發展和市民生活質素的重視。學會認為行政長官提出的一系列措施,不但有利香港整體的可持續發展,更將為我們帶來新機遇。學會今日舉辦記者會,回應施政報告内容。




增加土地供應是改善市民居住環境及生活質素的重要一環。學會樂見政府在施政報告中展示開拓土地,解決土地短缺的決心,並計劃於2024年釋放土地作發展用途,當中包括:前南丫島石礦場約 20 公頃用地,分階段就荃灣及深水埗提出具規模的市區更新大綱藍圖及重整建議,港鐵在2024年底前就重新規劃港鐵紅磡站附近的鐵路設施用地,及改善紅磡和尖東一帶的連接性提交方案,以及開展大嶼山南部作生態旅遊或康樂用途項目的詳細設計工作等。




















除要吸引及留住外地人才外,學會期望政府能於本地工程畢業生的培訓方面,增加向提供香港工程師學會工程畢業生培訓計劃的公司的資助金額從港幣5,610元提升至10,000元或以上,並資助名額從272名增加到 1,000名,以鼓勵公司為工程畢業生提供更高的起薪,以吸引和挽留本地人才。

























































電話:2895 4446    

傳真:2882 6825    



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(Hong Kong, 27 October 2023) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (hereafter “the HKIE”) welcomes the 2023 Policy Address issued earlier by the Administration, which promotes various initiatives in areas related to livelihood, economic development, and social progress.  The Address demonstrates a stringent commitment to urban development and citizens' quality of life.  The HKIE believes that the measures proposed by the Chief Executive will not only contribute to Hong Kong’s overall sustainable development but also bring the city new opportunities.  The HKIE hosted a press conference today to address the content of the Policy Address.


Land and Housing Supply


Increasing land supply is an important aspect of improving the living environment and quality of life of citizens.  The HKIE is pleased to see the Administration's determination to develop land and address land shortage with its Policy Address.  The Administration also plans to release land for development purposes in 2024.  The plans include: approximately 20 hectares of land at the Ex-Lamma Quarry, planning studies for comprehensive urban renewal masterplans and restructuring proposals for Tsuen Wan and Sham Shui Po in phases, MTR’s submission of proposals by 2024’s end to re-plan the railway facility sites in the vicinity of the Hung Hom Station and to improve connectivity between Hung Hom and Tsim Sha Tsui East, and the commencement of detailed design work of the South Lantau eco-tourism or eco-recreation projects.


The HKIE is pleased to see the Administration adopting our recommendations to streamline statutory and administrative procedures as well as introducing more administrative measures to simplify procedures, such as completing straight-forward title-checking cases within 12 weeks to expedite disbursement of land resumption compensation, as well as relaxing the gross floor area (GFA) exemption for aboveground carparks to speed up the development process.  These will help solve the longstanding land supply conundrum.


The HKIE is also pleased to see the Administration adopting the latest engineering technology to expedite the approval of building plans, for example by using Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology to improve building design and speed up construction.  A roadmap will be promulgated this year for the full adoption of BIM in the preparation and approval of building plans for private development projects.  Additionally, the Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) approach will be adopted to enhance building quality and expedite construction.  All this reflects the Administration's commitment to speed, efficiency and quality in housing development.


The HKIE supports the Administration's efforts to enhance building safety and management in response to the ageing buildings in Hong Kong.  One of these efforts is the initiation of prosecution, from this quarter, against owners' corporations (OCs) or owners who have not complied with notices served under the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MBIS) and where there is a lack of progress.  Another is to propose amending the Buildings Ordinance to streamline prosecution procedures and lowering the prosecution threshold, as well as raising the penalties against non-compliance with notices served under the MBIS and the Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme, repair and investigation orders, unauthorised building works and other illegal building works.  The HKIE believes that these measures will encourage the society to address building safety issues more seriously.


Infrastructure and Development


With the implementation of large-scale projects such as the Northern Metropolis and the Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands, Hong Kong’s engineering industry will undoubtedly face challenges in terms of manpower and project management.  The HKIE is pleased to see the Administration's establishment of the Committee on the Financing of Major Development Projects and the Office for the Financing of Major Development Projects. Taking advantage of market capital and efficiency, these two bodies will advise on feasible investment and financing options.  For example, they will put forward proposals on the financing arrangements for the reclamation of the Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands, associated infrastructure and strategic transport infrastructure development, ensuring the financial sustainability of urban development.


Last year, the Administration gradually streamlined the submission and approval processes.  The HKIE hopes that it will continue to introduce measures to encourage the adoption of a collaborative, “facilitator” approach in thinking and work models among relevant personnel.  This will ensure the smooth implementation of infrastructure projects.


Talent Acquisition


The HKIE is pleased to see the Administration's commitment to talent policies and its continuous, intensified allocation of resources to “competing for enterprises and talents.”  These include the approaching establishment of the physical office of the Hong Kong Talent Engage (HKTE), which provides support for incoming talents, and the organisation of a “Global Talent Summit cum Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area High-quality Talent Development Conference”, which promotes regional exchange and co-operation in talent attraction.


The HKIE also supports measures such as the expansion of the coverage of universities under the Top Talent Pass Scheme to attract global talents, the increase of non-local students’ admission quota to Government-funded post-secondary institutions, the Vocational Professionals Admission Scheme, and the enhancement of learning and enrichment opportunities for international students.  The HKIE believes that these measures will attract more non-local students interested in pursuing engineering and technology-related degree programmes to come and stay in Hong Kong and contribute to its development as valuable human resources.


In addition to attracting and retaining talents from overseas, the HKIE hopes that the Administration will support the training of local engineering graduates specifically by increasing the subsidies from HK$5,610 to HK$10,000 or above and the subsidy quotas from 272 to 1,000 for companies that offer the HKIE Scheme “A” Training.  This will encourage these companies to offer higher entry salaries to engineering graduates, thereby attracting and retaining local talents.


The HKIE will continue to strengthen its cooperation and dialogues with the Mainland, expanding the reciprocal recognition of professional qualifications to more engineering disciplines.  In this, we hope to receive the Administration’s support so that we can attract more engineering professionals to come and serve in Hong Kong.


In terms of the “Trawl for Enterprises,” the HKIE appreciates that the Administration is committed to attracting enterprises pertinent to the “eight centres”, including those in the innovation industry, and developing “headquarters economy”.  This involves attracting corporate champions from the Mainland and various other countries to establish their headquarters, corporate divisions, and research centers in Hong Kong.




To educate is to invest in the future.  The HKIE fully agrees with the governance blueprint put forward in the Policy Address, a blueprint based on the principle that “Hong Kong will prosper only when its young people thrive”.  The HKIE is also pleased to see the Administration accepting feedback and actively nurturing local talents, thereby establishing a talent pool for the sustainable and prosperous development of Hong Kong.    


Talents must be nurtured at an early age.  The HKIE welcomes the further strengthened promotion of STEAM education in primary and secondary schools, including the introduction of Science subject in primary schools (with the curriculum framework to be announced in the 2023/24 school year) and the launch of a programme in support of the Mathematics curriculum.  Further steps are thereby taken to identify and nurture local STEAM elites, as well as cultivating the mindset and practical skills fundamental to engineers.  The HKIE had also previously suggested the Administration to promptly review and revise the admission requirements for university engineering programmes and the secondary school curriculum to attract versatile students to pursue academic or career development in engineering.


The HKIE supports the establishment of universities of applied sciences (UASs) and the raise of the status of vocational and professional education and training to attain qualifications at university degree level.  It also supports the establishment of the Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology, which provides pre-employment and on-the-job training for the IT sector, and the development of the Northern Metropolis University Tow, where post-secondary institutions are encouraged to strengthen co-operation with renowned Mainland and overseas institutions and create synergy by sharing resources and enhancing collaboration with the industry sector.  The HKIE is also in favour of increasing allowance of the Apprenticeship Scheme, enhancing cross-boundary mutual recognition of qualifications by e.g. arranging mutual recognition of sub-degree level qualifications including higher diploma qualifications, and putting the arrangement on trial for selected pilot areas.


The HKIE believes that increasing the proportion of resources dedicated to introducing engineering practices in current teacher-training curriculum can help stimulate students' interest in science and engineering subjects.  As for the HKIE, it will commit itself fully to initiatives such as “One School One Engineer” and “Back to School Programme” to enhance students' interest in engineering as a subject and encourage them to consider it as a viable option for further education.


Innovation and New Industrialisation


The HKIE advocates for research, capital injection, and talent cultivation in the upstream sector; transformation and commercialisation of R&D outcomes in the midstream sector; and industrial development in the downstream sector.


The HKIE supports the establishment of the following: the New Industrialisation Development Office, which promotes new industrialisation, supports strategic enterprises to develop their businesses in Hong Kong, assists the manufacturing sector in upgrading and transformation by making use of I&T, and provides support for start-ups; the Hong Kong Microelectronics Research and Development Institute, which leads and facilitates collaboration among universities, R&D centres and the industry; a supercomputing centre to foster AI development; and the third InnoHK cluster, which focuses on advanced manufacturing, materials, energy and sustainable development.  The HKIE believes that the transformation of Hong Kong's advanced manufacturing industry into a more high-end, intelligent, and green phase can be further promoted by these measures.


The HKIE welcomes the Administration’s support for transforming start-ups’ R&D outcome.  Through the Research, Academic and Industry Sectors One-plus Scheme, the transformation and commercialisation of universities’ R&D outcomes will be promoted.  The maximum funding provided for the Technology Transfer Office of each specified university will be increased, enabling universities to strengthen their support on technology transfer and expand marketing services.  More renowned Mainland and overseas start-up services agencies will be attracted to set up their operations in Hong Kong for providing incubation services and development guidance.  The HKIE also supports the enhancement of the intellectual property (IP) legal regime, which serves to protect commercialisation’s R&D outcomes, and further exploration of the Copyright Ordinance enhancement to protect AI technology development.


Meanwhile, the HKIE hopes the Administration will attend to the ecosystem of manufacturing and I&T, as well as consider pursuing a preferential policy for leading enterprises and local industries that fulfil the scope of Hong Kong’s New Industrialisation for recruiting local engineers and technicians.  Additionally, the HKIE suggests offering subsidies for training programmes to local professionals and providing financial support for startup companies to cover their initial rental costs.  Furthermore, relaxing the regulations that limit the proportion of profits going to innovators can serve as an incentive to encourage innovation and start-up development.


Smart City


The furtherance of smart city helps sustain Hong Kong’s high-productivity development.  The HKIE supports the Administration's launch, starting next year, of over a hundred digital government initiatives to promote digital government and the smart city.  The Address also mentioned pressing ahead with the digitalisation of government services, setting up the Digital Policy Office, promoting cross-boundary data flow, coordinating with departments to offer more digital services, and collaborating with the Guangdong Provincial Government to develop the “Digital Bay Area” so that Hong Kong residents can log into the Guangdong Government Service Network with “iAM Smart”.


The HKIE is glad to see that the Administration is continually enhancing the coverage of 5G networks by expediting the expansion of mobile network infrastructure in rural and remote areas through subsidies, and supplying more spectrum to mobile network operators by auctions, with a view to improving the transmission speed of 5G networks.


As early as 2017, the Administration initiated the research on “Electronic Road Pricing Pilot Scheme”.  With the implementation of the next stage of Time-varying Toll Plan in the three Road Harbour Crossings, the HKIE hopes that the Administration will promptly evaluate the traffic conditions in various districts to further the “Electronic Road Pricing Pilot Scheme” and work towards the goal of turning Hong Kong into a smart city.


Green, Sustainable Environment


The HKIE is pleased by the Administration’s amendment of the Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance, which expands the carbon audit measures for governmental buildings to governmental infrastructure and aims to enhance energy conservation and decarbonisation, and ultimately to achieve carbon neutrality.  The Administration is also promoting the use and supply of new energy, formulating the Strategy of Hydrogen Development in Hong Kong in the first half of next year, and commencing the preparatory work for the necessary legislative amendments pertaining to the production, storage, transportation and application of hydrogen fuel with a view to introducing a bill into the LegCo in 2025.


Meanwhile, the Administration is spearheading the green transformation of land transport, constructing smart and green mass transit in East Kowloon, Kai Tak, and other areas.  It also accepted the HKIE’s recommendation to promote electric vehicles and hydrogen vehicles as substitutes for petroleum vehicles via disparate approaches: Between the end of this year and next year, tests will be continually conducted for more new energy vehicles, including electric public light buses, electric heavy goods vehicles, electric coaches, hydrogen double-deck buses and hydrogen street washing vehicles, with a view to achieving zero vehicular emissions by 2050.


Over the past year, our society has faced multiple natural disasters and unforeseen incidents.  The HKIE is pleased to see that, after extreme weather incidents, the Administration actively proposed the adoption of a more pre-emptive and strategic approach in the Policy Address.  The approach includes taking forward expeditiously the $8 billion drainage improvement works projects; exploring ways to use big data, AI and other technology for aspects of more uncertainties, such as meteorological forecast and alerts, flooding and landslide hazards, transport and traffic; and conducting systematic investigations and studies on major landslide incidents triggered by extreme rainstorms.


The HKIE recommends incentivising the industry to adopt innovative technologies and develop climate-resilient infrastructure that can withstand extreme weather; we are pleased to see this issue being addressed in the Policy Address.


The HKIE hopes the Chief Executive, in the process of furthering Smart City, will engage more professionals, including engineers, in the formulation of climate strategies and policies.  It is believed that combining the expertise of a diverse team in this way can lead to the development of a green roadmap most suitable for Hong Kong.  Energy or carbon audits should continue to be conducted in New Development Areas projects as indicators for carbon emission control.


The HKIE also suggests the Administration to consider providing support for small and medium-sized enterprises in their green transition efforts and formulating regulations that facilitate long-term sustainability transition.


Integration with GBA


With its distinctive advantages under “One Country, Two Systems,” and blessed with the strong support from the motherland and close connection to the world, Hong Kong is proactively integrating into our country's development, participating in and promoting such national strategies as the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and the Belt and Road (B&R) Initiative.  The HKIE fully supports this.  As a regional core developmental engine of the Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong, with its advantage of being internationalised, has attracted numerous international enterprises to establish offices and even their Asian headquarters in the city.  As such, Hong Kong can serve as a “super-connector” that facilitates the cooperation of cities within the area and helps them achieve mutual benefits. 


Hong Kong’s higher education sector possesses internationally renowned research capabilities and the ability to nurture engineering talents with an international perspective, providing strong support for the development of innovative technologies in both Hong Kong and the Mainland.  The HKIE has already signed Reciprocal Recognition Agreements with the Chinese Society of Engineers and the Guangdong Society of Electrical Engineering, which will provide engineers in Hong Kong with more opportunities to participate in the development of the Greater Bay Area and contribute to its integration.


The HKIE is heartened by the Administration’s proactive efforts in promoting development across multiple sectors.  It will continue to uphold professionalism, contribute its expertise, and is eager to continue providing advice to the Administration in various areas to build a better, more sustainable, and more innovative Hong Kong.



For media enquiries, please contact:


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Corporate Communications Section


Tel: 2895 4446

Fax: 2882 6825



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20 October 2023

(香港,2023年10月20日) 政府宣布將於12月17日展開三隧分流方案的「分時段收費」措施,香港工程師學會(「學會」)歡迎政府有關計劃,利用科技優化城市交通管理,透過分時段收費方式,達到將繁忙時段交通需求分流到非繁忙時段的效果,以紓緩困擾市民多年的過海交通擠塞問題。


學會一直推動香港實施智慧出行 (Smart Mobility),當中包括利用電子科技管理交通。學會欣悉政府自五月起順利於大部分隧道實施「易通行」電子隧道收費。另外亦利用收回西隧的契機,在八月實施「633」收費方案,拉近三條過海隧道收費,吸引部分駕駛人士轉用西隧,使紅隧和東隧的交通擠塞壓力稍為得以紓緩,達到整體地理上的分流。據觀察所得,繁忙時段紅隧的交通流量有所下降,而西隧則見增加。當中,在劃一的士隧道費用後,的士由紅隧分流至西隧的效果更為顯著。「633」方案證明了交通工程學上「經濟誘因」是可以改變部分駕駛者的出行習慣。










電話:2895 4446
傳真:2882 6825




06 October 2023






4S 就是「安全智慧工地」系統(Smart Site Safety System),是一種揉合人工智能 (AI)、物聯網 (IoT)、雲端系統等技術,實時收集數據,即時傳送到工地的一站式管理平台,讓工程團隊即時掌握工地狀況,提高工地安全。該系統可收集和分析工地中各種數據,包括人員位置、設備狀態、環繞數據如密閉環境監控、安全監控等,並對可能發生的安全風險進行預警。


4D 分別是:

Define – 確定建築物中的密閉空間

Develop – 製訂進入密閉空間工作的「維修手則」

Deploy – 委任工程專業人士協助維修及管理

Design for Safety – 利用「安全設計」概念,從源頭阻截危險發生










電話:2895 4446

傳真:2882 6825



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安全工程專責事務委員會主席戚務堅教授、工程師 (左二)、

安全工程專責事務委員會前任主席劉國昌博士、工程師(右一) 、

安全工程專責事務委員會委員榮譽秘書區偉恩工程師(左一) 及




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