(香港,2023年3月6日) 政府正就交椅洲人工島進行公眾參與活動,香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」) 作為代表工程界的專業團體,為會員舉辦人工島項目的簡介會,由發展局、土木工程拓展署、規劃署等參與項目計劃和發展的主要部門講解詳情,並接受會員發問,進行建設性的交流。
電話:2895 4446
傳真:2882 6825
(6 March 2023, Hong Kong) The Administration is actively promulgating and engaging the public in the Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands (KYCAI) project. As a professional body representing the engineering sector, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) organised a briefing session on Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands on 6 March 2023, supported by key responsible parties including the Development Bureau, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Planning Department and more. The briefing session aimed at facilitating an in-depth understanding of the KYCAI and providing a platform for exchanging views on the project.
Representing the Administration, Ir Roger Y L Wong, Deputy Secretary (Works) of the Development Bureau, Ir Michael H S Fong, Director of Civil Engineering and Development, Ms Ginger K Y Kiang, Deputy Director of Planning/Territorial of the Planning Department; led the study team to attend and expounded the preliminary proposal in 4 aspects, i.e. the reclamation extent, broad land use, strategic transport infrastructure and possible financing options of the KYCAI. A number of questions and suggestions were raised by our members, which will form part of the considerations when relevant authorities further formulate details for the project.
President Ir Aaron K M Bok said, “Various large-scale infrastructure projects are launching with a common objective to create capacity for our city’s future development, bringing numerous opportunities for societal development. With years of experience in developing new land, including artificial islands through reclamation, the local engineering industry certainly has the talents, skills and technology to manage these significant projects, including the KYCAI. The Institution emphasises that talent development and retention measures must be stepped up and implemented as soon as possible, to secure the necessary engineering manpower to push forward these projects, in order to alleviate land shortage, meet the demand for housing and other economic activities, and create better lives for people.”
The HKIE stands ready to offer the engineering expertise and professional advice to support the development of the KYCAI and other infrastructure projects, and encourages members to actively participate in public affairs and contribute to the advancement of our society.
For media enquiries, please contact:
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Corporate Communications Section
Tel: 2895 4446
Fax: 2882 6825
Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk
Ir Aaron K M Bok, President of the HKIE, giving an address
Ir Aaron K M Bok, President of the HKIE (8th right); Ir Dr Barry C H Lee, Senior Vice President of the HKIE (7th left); Ir Eric S C Ma, Vice President of the HKIE (7th right); Ir Alice K T Chow, Vice President of the HKIE (6th left); Ir C K Hon, Chief Executive and Secretary of the HKIE (4th right); and representatives from the Administration including Ir Roger Y L Wong, Deputy Secretary (Works) of the Development Bureau (6th right); Ir Michael H S Fong, Director of Civil Engineering and Development (8th left); Ms Ginger K Y Kiang, Deputy Director of Planning/Territorial of the Planning Department (4th left) and members of the study team
Ir Eric S C Ma, Vice President of the HKIE (2nd left), moderating the question-and-answer session
Ir Raymond Ip, Deputy Head of the Sustainable Lantau Office (Works), introducing the KYCAI project
Mr K W Ng, Chief Town Planner of Planning Department, introducing the KYCAI project