06 February 2012
「卓越工程建構優質生活」攝影比賽 "Technology for Quality Living" Photo Competition 2011
(香港.2月6日)由香港工程師學會舉辦的「卓越工程建構優質生活」攝影比賽頒獎典禮於2012年2月6日假香港工程師學會總部舉行。 作為頒獎典禮的主禮嘉賓,香港特別行政區政府發展局常任秘書長(工務)韋志成工程師、太平紳士於典禮上致開幕辭並代表大會頒發獎項予得獎者。當晚共頒發了20個獎項及現金獎高達港幣一萬元。 「卓越工程建構優質生活」攝影比賽結果如下: 個人組
得獎的攝影作品將於2012年2月18日至3月28日期間於香港科學館作公開展覽。 如欲索取更多有關攝影比賽的詳情,歡迎與本會會議及項目部郭菁盈小姐聯絡。 電話 :2830 9071 傳真 :2203 4133 電郵地址 :barbara.kwok@hkie.org.hk (6 February 2012, Hong Kong) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) has specially organised the "Technology for Quality Living" Photo Competition 2011 and a Prize Presentation Ceremony was held on 6 February 2012 at the HKIE Headquarters. As the Guest of Honour, Ir WAI Chi Sing, JP, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), the Government of the HKSAR gave an Opening Speech and presented prizes to the awardees. 20 awards with cash prizes over HK$10,000 were presented on the occasion. The results of the "Technology for Quality Living" Photo Competition 2011 are summarised as follows: Individual Category
Company Category
"Most Popular Engineering Photo" Award
The winning photos will also be displayed at the Hong Kong Science Museum from 18 February to 28 March 2012 in an exhibition which will be open to the public. For media enquiries on the Photo Competition, please contact: Miss Barbara KWOK - Conference and Function Officer Tel: 2830 9071 Fax: 2203 4133 Email: barbara.kwok@hkie.org.hk |