International Engineering Agreements

The Institution is a Signatory/ Authorised Member to the following international engineering accords/ agreements:

Washington Accord

The Washington Accord commenced in 1989. It recognises substantial equivalence in the accreditation of academic qualifications in professional engineering. The engineering degrees accredited by the HKIE are recognised by other Signatories, and vice versa.

A list of Signatories of Washington Accord can be found at

Sydney Accord

The Sydney Accord commenced in 2001. It recognises substantial equivalence in the accreditation of academic qualifications in engineering technology. The higher diplomas and associate degrees accredited by the HKIE are recognised by other Signatories, and vice versa.

A list of Signatories of Sydney Accord can be found at

International Professional Engineers Agreement (IPEA)

The IPEA (formerly known as Engineers Mobility Forum, EMF which commenced in 2001) establishes an international standard of competence for professional engineering and provides a framework for the recognition of experienced professional engineers by representative organisations in the member jurisdictions. Each representative organisation is authorised to establish a register for those engineers wishing to be recognised as meeting the generic international standard.

A list of Authorised Members of IPEA can be found at

APEC Engineer

The APEC Engineer framework was established between the representative organisations of the participating Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies under support of the Government in 1999. It operates in a similar protocol as the IPEA.

A list of Authorised Members of APEC Engineer can be found at

International Engineering Technologist Agreement (IETA)

The IETA (formerly known as Engineering Technologists Mobility Forum, ETMF which was signed in 2003) provides a framework for the recognition of experienced engineering technologists by representative organisations in the member jurisdictions. Each representative organisation establishes a register for those engineering technologists wishing to be recognised as meeting the generic international standard.

A list of Authorised Members of IETA can be found at

Seoul Accord

The Seoul Accord commenced in 2008. It recognises substantial equivalence in the accreditation of academic qualifications in Computing and Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-related education. Hong Kong-China joined as a Signatory to the Seoul Accord in June 2009 and following that, the computer science degrees accredited by the HKIE would be recognised by other Signatories, and vice versa.

A list of Signatories of Seoul Accord can be found at

For details, please visit the website of International Engineering Alliance at and the website of Seoul Accord at

International Registers


The Institution has launched the following International Registers under the IPEA, APEC Engineer and IETA agreements:


International Engineering Alliance (IEA)


The International Engineering Alliance is jointly formed by seven international engineering accords and agreements, namely Washington Accord, Sydney Accord, Dublin Accord, IPEA, APEC Engineer, IETA and the Agreement for International Engineering Technicians (AIET).


The International Engineering Alliance Meetings (IEAM) covering the seven accords and agreements are held annually to review policies and procedures, consider applications for membership and discuss other issues pertaining to engineering education and qualification development.


Network of Accreditation Bodies for Engineering Education in Asia (NABEEA)


The NABEEA is a network of respective accreditation bodies in Asia established in August 2007. It is aimed at building mutual capacity to achieve harmonisation of the accreditation systems at the fundamental level. Its members are committed to development and recognition of good practices in engineering education for the region.

 Details of the NABEEA can be found at


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