Trainee of the Year Award

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Trainee of the Year Award is established by the HKIE to recognize Scheme “A” trainees with outstanding achievements and contribution to training, the HKIE, and the Hong Kong society. 


A maximum of three winners will be selected, who will be awarded the following prizes, for their excellent performance in Scheme "A" training.


  • 1st Prize $10,000
  • 2nd Prize $8,000
  • 3rd Prize $6,000


A souvenir will be awarded to each winner's company. A special feature on the winners will be published in the Hong Kong Engineer.


Application period: Applications for Trainee of the Year 2024 is now closed.


The HKIE has the sole discretion to determine the award and the prizes.


Hotline : 2890-6373   |   Fax : 2882-8402   |   Email :


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