Extended Submission Deadline: 31 December 2024 |
Publication Date: June 2025 |
The HKIE Transactions Committee is honoured to announce that Ir Prof Horace MUI Kwok Wai, Associate Head and Professor of the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University has accepted our invitation to be the Guest Editors for the Theme Issue in the HKIE Transactions on the topic “Transforming Buildings for Smart and Healthy Indoor Environments”. This Theme Issue will be published in the HKIE Transactions in June 2025. You are invited to submit manuscripts to this Theme Issue. Detailed information is as follows:
This theme issue focuses on exploring innovative approaches and technologies that promote building intelligence, comfort, and well-being. It aims to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and industry professionals to share insights, research findings, case studies, and best practices that contribute to the transformation of buildings into smart, sustainable, and healthy spaces. The articles published will explore various aspects of smart and healthy living, including but not limited to topics such as intelligent building automation systems, sustainable design practices, advanced sensor networks, occupant behaviour modelling, indoor environmental quality assessment and management, energy-efficient technologies, and human-centric building environments. By highlighting the integration of cutting-edge technologies and design strategies, this theme seeks to advance knowledge and foster discussions on creating environments that not only optimise energy usage but also prioritise occupant well-being, comfort, and productivity.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following scopes:
The aim is to foster knowledge exchange and discussion towards creating smart, sustainable, and healthy indoor spaces that prioritise occupant well-being, comfort, and productivity.
The deadline for final manuscript submission is Tuesday, 31 December 2024. All manuscripts should be submitted through the HKIE Transactions ScholarOne Manuscripts site at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/thie. New users should first create a login account. Once logged on to the site, submissions should be made via the Author Centre. For more details regarding the author guidelines, please refer to the Instructions for Authors and Referencing Style.
Ir Prof Horace MUI Kwok Wai
Ir Prof MUI is an Associate Head and Professor of the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He also holds the position of Associate Head of the College of Undergraduate Researchers and Innovators (CURI) and is the Master at the CURI Residential College.
With a strong background in building and environmental engineering, Ir Prof MUI possesses extensive research expertise in areas such as indoor environmental quality, indoor air quality, the built environment, and energy-efficient building technology. He has an outstanding track record in securing external research grants from both the government and the industry. Additionally, he has published over 300 journal articles, archival papers, conference papers, and technical reports. His contributions to the field of Building & Construction have been recognised, as he was ranked in the top 2% of scientists worldwide in this field according to the published index compiled by Stanford University.
Recognised for his professional accomplishments, Ir Prof MUI is a Fellow of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, a member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, and a member of The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers. In addition to his academic work, Ir Prof MUI has offered community services to organisations serving the underprivileged and has served on various community panels. His research experiences have also led him to engage in a number of high-level consultancy projects and court cases related to indoor air quality.
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