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Dear members


As we crossed the threshold into 2025, may I greet you at the beginning of another marvellous year. At such fresh starts, we instinctively wish for the renewed vigour to brace ourselves for the challenges in sight. I hope this Year of the Snake will bring that to you and your loved ones, along with happiness and prosperity.


The year began, auspiciously, with the HKIE Prize Presentation Ceremony cum New Members' Reception on 11 January, at the Convention and Exhibition Centre. It was a joy to welcome over 280 attendees, including newly admitted members, awardees, and distinguished guests. From veterans attaining their 50-year membership to trainees showing great promise, these outstanding individuals' devotion to our profession was celebrated at the event. New members have all my encouragement to involve themselves actively in the Institution's activities. Your youthful energy is much-needed in our way to rejuvenation.


I am heartened by the favourable reception of the HKIE 50th Anniversary Legacy Award nominations, which closed earlier this month. This initiative has given us an occasion to reflect on the projects that have shaped Hong Kong's rich and varied history over the past five decades. My gratitude goes to all the nominators who have taken the time to honour our profession's legacy. Their readiness reflects the deep pride that we share in our engineering heritage and its impact on our city's development.


Last year, on 4 December, I had the privilege of attending the first edition of 粵港澳大灣區市政工程技術交流會 in Guangzhou, alongside our Chief Executive and Secretary Ir Prof Alfred Sit and Executive Member Ir William Luk. Under the theme "智建橋梁 • 暢享都市," the conference played host to over 60 participants from Hong Kong, Macau, and the Mainland to exchange expertise on urban bridge construction. Particularly inspiring were the presentations delivered by our members, who gave eloquent expressions to Hong Kong's pioneering use of technologies related to bridge balance and sustainable practices in the Tseung Kwan O Cross Bay Link. Our co-organisers must be thanked for this wonderful collaboration, which set an example for technical exchange's importance in advancing engineering excellence across the GBA.


In the same month I joined two other events that spotlighted our sectors' commitment to STE(A)M education and talent nurturing. At CIC's 「想建理」項目啟動禮, I witnessed the launch of a forward-looking initiative that introduces construction-themed STEM learning resources to students, laying a tangible groundwork for an enhanced engineering education. Later, I attended the STEM Career Fair 2025 at City University of Hong Kong, where the Institution participated via a booth and networking lunch. Apart from inspiring young minds to explore engineering, such events also strengthen our ties with academia and industry partners, paving the way for membership growth from different quarters and a stronger talent pipeline for our profession.


I am appreciative of all respondents to our earlier appeal to express views on the 2025-26 HKSAR Budget's formulation. Your voiced insights-into infrastructure development, new industrialisation, and many other areas-are being assimilated by us to our great benefit. Those who have shared their thoughts through our online platform may rest assured that their contributions are all being carefully considered as we prepare our recommendations.


At this festive season, I find myself reflecting on the spirit that drives us forward as engineers. Ours is a profession steeped in purpose. In the year ahead, let us embrace this purpose with imagination, creating not just bridges and buildings but also connections and possibilities.


Ir Eric MA Siu-cheung

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