Veneree Club
Chairman's Message
Veneree Club Monthly Talk (19 February 2025)
- Veneree Club Monthly Talk (19 February 2025)
Past Veneree Club Monthly Talks
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Monthly Talk
Veneree Club Anniversary Celebration
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The HKIE Engineering Exposition
Outings and Other Events
The HKIE Engineering Exposition 2025 (15 March 2025)
The HKIE Engineering Exposition Booklet
- HKIE EngExpo2024 Booklet WS
- HKIE EngExpo2023 Booklet WS
- HKIE EngExpo2022 Booklet WS
- HKIE EngExpo2019 Booklet WS
- HKIE EngExpo2018 Booklet WS
- HKIE EngExpo2017 Booklet WS
- HKIE EngExpo2016 Booklet WS
- HKIE EngExpo2015 Booklet WS
- HKIE EngExpo2014 Booklet WS
- HKIE EngExpo2013 Booklet WS
- Talk on “大律師講故仔” (15 January 2025)
- Talk on “A review on the Civil Aviation Development of New China amidst the rapid evolution of COMAC C919” (16 October 2024)
- Talk on “Polar Research And Climate Change - Key Areas and Recent Developments” (21 August 2024)
- Talk on “Advance Care Planning, Advance Directives, and End-of-life Care in Hong Kong” (22 May 2024)
- Talk on “Practical Guide to Generative Artificial Intelligence” (17 April 2024)
- Talk on “The Application of Technology in Rehabilitation: Global and Local Context” (21 February 2024)
- Talk on Images of Ancient Chinese Women” (17 January 2024)
- Talk on “An inquisitive engineer’s journey into history”(20 December 2023)
- Talk on “Understanding Enduring Power of Attorney in Hong Kong” (18 October 2023)
- Talk on “李雲俠剪紙設計’ (20 September 2023)”
- Talk on “運動與健康–人體的工程學’ (16 August 2023)”
- Talk on 糖尿病中醫保健及調理 (12 July 2023)
- Talk on 'Following the footsteps of Ancient Sculptures (Greek and Roman Sculptures in European Museums)' (21 June 2023)
- Talk on ‘大灣區的電競發展’ (17 May 2023)”
- Talk on ‘新冠病毒的中醫康復治療和調理’ (19 April 2023)
- Talk on ‘前列腺增生’ (15 March 2023)
- Talk on ‘I have taken Nothing and I have added Nothing’ (15 February 2023)
- Talk on ‘牙齒健康如何影響身體健康?’ (18 January 2023)
- Talk on ‘Achieving Healthy Ageing’ (21 December 2022)
- Talk on ‘家庭醫生與您同行健康之路’ (16 November 2022)
- Talk on ‘Knowing More About Metaverse 認識元宇宙’ (19 October 2022)
- Talk on ‘如何拍攝精彩的香江美景’ (21 September 2022)
- Seminar on “Applying Engineering Principles to a ‘Bridge - Perfect Window’ Bidding System” (20 August 2022)
- Talk on '如何幫助癌症病者「走過驚濤駭浪」'(17 August 2022)
- Talk on ‘漫遊香港街道看故事’ (20 July 2022)
- Talk on Painful Orthopaedic Problems for the Middle Aged and Above (15 June 2022)
- Talk on Recent Advances in Radiotherapy for the Treatment for Liver Cancer (18 May 2022)
- Talk on How to see a doctor (16 March 2022)
- Talk on 香港本地旅遊勝景介紹 (16 February 2022)
- Talk on Hong Kong Palace Museum - Remarkable architecture for a remarkable museum (19 January 2022)
- Talk on Common Eye Problems in Seniors (15 December 2021)
- Talk on 認識投資理論、找尋贏錢方程式 (20 November 2021)
- Talk on 馬鞍山鐵礦場的故事 (15 September 2021)
- Talk on 中風病的中醫防治 (18 August 2021)
- Talk on 清末民初的香港知識分子與近代中國 (21 July 2021)
- Talk on 對抗疫情壓力的心理錦囊 (26 May 2021)
- Talk on Current Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (良性前列腺增生) (17 March 2021)
- Talk on 風水閒談 - 家居風水與人的關係 (24 February 2021)
- Talk on Fire Safety at Home (20 January 2021)
- Talk on 除了工作,「我」還有什麼?預防退休情緒問題小錦囊 (16 December 2020)
- Talk on The Golden Age: Age Strong and Healthy (18 November 2020)
- Talk on Psychological Approach to Manage Retirement Life (20 November 2019)
- Talk on Smart ageing : from ageless employment to gerontechnology (21 August 2019)
- Talk on 香港灣仔及東區發展歷史 (17 July 2019)
- Talk on 如何評估及預防冠心病 (19 June 2019)
- Talk on 中風病的中醫治療及預防(15 May 2019)
- Talk on Can We Win in Horse Racing Using AI? (16 January 2019)
- Talk on Cyber Security Outlook: The Day After Tomorrow (19 September 2018)
- Talk on 常見痛症的中醫治療與保健 (15 August 2018)
- Talk on Medical Imaging (13 June 2018)
- Talk on Origami - The art and science of paper folding (16 May 2018)
- Talk on Deep Learning and Its Recent Developments (18 April 2018)
- Talk on Back to Kai Tak (21 March 2018)
- Talk on Latest Advances in Heart Surgery (17 January 2018)
- Talk on「成功退休,垂手可得?」(20 December 2017)
- Talk on Internet of Things: from intelligent to smart building (18 October 2017)
- Talk on Chinese Medicine for Eczema (16 August 2017)
- Talk on TRIZ and Design Thinking (17 May 2017)
- Talk on「氣功抗衰老」 (19 April 2017)
- Talk on Prostate Health for Retired Engineers (15 March 2017)
- Talk on Digital Copyright Reform in Hong Kong (21 December2016)
- Talk on Reverse Mortgage Programme - a New Option for Retirement Financial Planning (21 September 2016)