HKIE International Conference @London

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Organised by:
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)

Supporting Organisations:

  1. The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE)
  2. The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM)
  3. The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)
  4. The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)




31 October 2023 (Tuesday)


08:30 – 12:30


The Telford Theatre, 1 Great George Street, Westminster, London SW1P 3AA, United Kingdom


This year, the theme of the HKIE International Conference is Climate-resilience Infrastructure Development. Climate change is resulting in various impacts, including more frequent and intense heatwaves, storms, flooding, and sea-level rise. These impacts pose significant challenges to infrastructure systems, such as roads, bridges, buildings, water supply systems, and energy grids.  The primary goal of climate resilience infrastructure is to enhance the ability of infrastructure systems to withstand and recover from climate-related hazards. It involves integrating climate data, projections, and risk assessments into the planning, design, and construction of infrastructure projects with the aim of minimizing vulnerabilities to climate-related hazards such as extreme weather events, sea-level rise, increased temperatures, and changing precipitation patterns.


Climate resilience infrastructure development incorporates various adaptation strategies such as elevating structures in flood-prone areas, using climate-resistant building materials, improving drainage systems, implementing nature-based solutions (e.g., green infrastructure), and ensuring redundancy and flexibility in infrastructure design.  


Distinguished speakers are invited to share their views and experiences on the theme. Please join us for a morning filled with thought-provoking discussions and intellectual stimulation!



Dress Code:

Business Causal


Period Programme
08:30 Registration (Coffee will be served)

Welcome Address


Ir Dr Barry LEE
President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)


Speaker 1


President of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE)
“Delivering Climate-Resilient Buildings for a Sustainable Built Environment”


Souvenir presentations; Group photos


Speaker 2


Ir Eric MA
Senior Vice-President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)
“Weaving Climate Resilience into a Compact City – HK”



Speaker 3


Ms Hannah COOGAN
President Elect of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM)
“Adapting our cities and coastlines for climate change”



Speaker 4


Dr Tim FOX
Chair, IMechE Climate Change Adaptation Working Group
“New Perspectives on Climate-resilient Infrastructure and Future Proofing”



Coffee Break


Keynote Speech


Prof Jim HALL
Vice-President of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)
“Systems analysis to prioritize climate resilient infrastructure development.”



Panel Discussion

Moderator: Ir Dr Michael WAN
Chairman (UK Chapter) of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers


Prof Jim HALL,
Ir Eric MA,
Ms Hannah COOGAN,
Dr Tim FOX and



Closing Address


Ir Prof Alfred SIT
Chief Executive and Secretary of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)


12:30 End of Conference



  1. The program is subject to change without prior notice.
  2. The Conference will be organised in a hybrid mode with 120 physical participants at the Telford Theatre, ICE and around 200 online participants from Hong Kong.


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