- The HKIE New Members' Reception (1 June 2024)
- The 46th Annual Dinner (15 March 2024)
- Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024
- HKIE Prize Presentation Ceremony cum New Members' Reception (13 January 2024)
- President Forum Series: Northern Metropolis Development Blueprint and Vision Seminar (15 January 2024)
- President Forum Series: Climate Resilience for Infrastructure Development: How far should we go? (11 October 2023)
- Presidential Address / Dinner 2023/2024 (15 September 2023)
- The International Council on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) Conference 2023 (2-6 July 2023)
- 第二屆大灣區工程師論壇 (21 May 2023)
- The HKIE New Members' Reception (3 June 2023)
- HKIE Prize Presentation Ceremony cum New Members' Reception (18 February 2023)
- The 45th Annual Dinner (17 March 2023)
- Hong Kong Engineers Week 2023 (3-11 March2023)
- The HKIE Public Exhibition
- The Grand Opening Ceremony
- Carnival Day 1
- Carnival Day 2
- Carnival Day 3
- The HKIE International Conference
- The HKIE Grand Award Presentation
- Fundraising Cycling and Run event
- The Closing Ceremony
- HKIE Annual Grand Ceremony cum Award Presentation (6 June 2022)
- HKIE Prize Presentation Ceremony cum New Members' Reception (11 June 2022)
- 2021 大灣區工程師論壇 (5 December 2021)
- Presidential Address 2021-2022 (24 September 2021)
- The Education & Careers Expo 2021 (17 July 2021)
- The HKIE Innovation Expo (12 - 13 June 2021)
- Opening Ceremony
- Closing cum Prize Presentation Ceremony
- The HKIE Enginpreneurs Award 2021 - Elevator Pitch
- Keynote Webinar – by Dr Ido SELLA, CEO and Chief Scientist, ECOncrete
- Keynote Webinar - by Dr Alice HO, Nano and Advanced Materials Institute
- Keynote Webinar - by 鍾長平博士 廣州地鐵集團有限公司 教授級高工、博士 廣州軌道交通盾構技術研究所所長
- “Championing Innovation” - Kick-off Ceremony for events and activities for Session 2020/2021 (28 September 2020)
- The HKIE Publicity Events for Session 2019/2020 – Prize Presentation Ceremony and Exhibition (27 June 2020)
- Pledge Signing Ceremony (20 June 2020)
- New Members' Reception cum Prize Presentation Ceremony (10 January 2020)
- New Members' Reception (17 May 2019)
- The HKIE Engineer Day (13 April 2019)
- Opening Ceremony
- Closing cum Prize Presentation Ceremony
- VIP Tour
- STEM Product Proposal and Design Competition
- Lab Demonstrations
- Lectures
- Game Booths
- Other Activities
- The 44th Annual Dinner (15 March 2019)
- Education & Careers Expo 2019 (24-27 January 2019)
- New Members' Reception cum Prize Presentation Ceremony (11 January 2019)
- HKIE Connect: Happy Hour Gathering for Young Members (23 November 2018)
- Presidential Address 2018-2019 (7 September 2018)
- HKIE Connect: Happy Hour Gathering for Young Members (26 July 2018)
- Technical Seminar on "Design and Construction Challenges of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge" (23 June 2018)
- Courtesy Visit for the Kowloon City District Council (18 May 2018)
- New Members' Reception (11 May 2018)
- New Members' Reception cum Prize Presentation Ceremony (26 January 2018)
- Education & Careers Expo 2018 (1-4 February 2018)
- The 43rd Annual Dinner (16 March 2018)
- The HKIE "Smart Tomorrow, Engineers' Motto" Programme
- Opening Ceremony (7 April 2018)
- Exhibition (7-18 April 2018)
- Smart Lectures (7 April 2018)
- 粵港澳大灣區會議 (24 November 2017)
- The HKIE Media Luncheon 2017 (19 September 2017)
- Seminar on Building Management organised by the Yau Tsim Mong District Building Management Promotion Campaign Organising Committee (28 September 2017)
- 2017 滬港科技合作研討會 (13-15 September 2017)
- Presidential Address 2017-2018 (8 September 2017)
- Dialogue with Our Executives (8 June 2017)
- New Members' Reception (26 May 2017)
- The HKIE Fiesta 2017 - Smart City Model Building Competition: Final Presentation (8 April 2017)
- The HKIE Conference - Our Hub Your Future in Belt and Road (7 April 2017)
- The 42nd Annual Dinner (17 March 2017)
- Education & Careers Expo 2017 (23-26 February 2017)
- Dialogue with Our Executives (23 February 2017)
- The HKIE Fiesta 2017 - Smart City Model Building Competition: Kick-off Ceremony (4 February 2017)
- New Members' Reception (20 January 2017)
- The HKIE Fundraising Golf Day 2016 (14 December 2016)
- Dialogue with Our Executives (22 September 2016)
- The HKIE Media Luncheon 2016 (7 September 2016)
- Presidential Address 2016-2017 (26 August 2016)
- The HKIE Conference: Moving Forward to 2025 – Hong Kong Industrial Development, Technology and Innovation (20 - 21 May 2016)
- The HKIE Prize Presentation Ceremony (23 May 2016)
- New Members' Reception (13 May 2016)
- 3rd Cross-Strait Forum on Smart Rail Development - Present and Future (9-11 March 2016)
- The 41st Annual Dinner (22 February 2016)
- The HKIE 40th Anniversary Sports and Family Fun Day (31 January 2016)
- Registration and Teams march in
- Opening Ceremony
- The HKIE 40th Anniversary Cup
- Fun Booths
- Family Relays
- Track and Field Competitions
- Team Relays and Games
- Tug-of-war
- Closing cum Prize Presentation Ceremony
- Group Photo
- Snapshot
- Education & Careers Expo 2016 (28-31 January 2016)
- New Members' Reception cum Prize Presentation Ceremony (15 January 2016)
- 40th Anniversary Cocktail Reception (4 December 2015)
- Hong Kong and Shanghai Symposium on Science and Technology (9-10 October 2015)
- Presidential Address 2015-2016 (11 September 2015)
- The HKIE Media Luncheon 2015 (27 August 2015)
- The International Conference on Electrical Engineering (5-9 July 2015)
- New Members' Reception (15 May 2015)
- Distinguished Lectures 2015
- Lecture by Ir Prof LEE Chack Fan (9 May 2015)
- Lecture by Ir Prof Lionel M NI (8 May 2015)
- The 40th Annual Dinner (17 March 2015)
- Education & Careers Expo 2015 (5-8 February 2015)
- New Members' Reception cum Prize Presentation Ceremony (30 January 2015)
- Run for the HKIE New Accommodation – Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2015 (25 January 2015)
- The HKIE Media Luncheon 2014 (12 August 2014)
- Presidential Address 2014-2015 (15 September 2014)
- New Members' Reception (16 May 2014)
- Distinguished Lectures 2014
- Lecture by Ir Prof CHAN Ching Chuen (10 May 2014)
- Lecture by Prof LI Deren (3 May 2014)
- The 39th Annual Dinner (18 March 2014)
- Education & Careers Expo 2014 (13-16 February 2014)
- New Members' Reception cum Prize Presentation Ceremony (24 January 2014)
- Presidential Address 2013-2014 (24 September 2013)
- 故宮博物院單霽翔院長演講會 (10 September 2013)
- The HKIE Media Tour on 3D printing facility (5 September 2013)
- The HKIE Media Luncheon 2013 (5 September 2013)
- New Members' Reception (31 May 2013)
- Distinguished Lectures 2013
- Lecture by Prof Timothy W TONG (22 April 2013)
- Lecture by Ir Dr Andrew K C CHAN (20 April 2013)
- The 38th Annual Dinner (12 March 2013)
- Education & Careers Expo 2013 (31 January - 3 February 2013)
- InnoCamp 2013 (19-20 January 2013)
- New Members' Reception cum Prize Presentation Ceremony (18 January 2013)
- Presidential Address 2012-2013 (28 September 2012)
- New Members' Reception (1 June 2012)
- The HKIE Media Luncheon 2012
- The 37th Annual Dinner (12 March 2012)
- Education & Careers Expo 2012 (9-12 February 2012)
- "Technology for Quality Living" Programme
- Opening Ceremony (18 February 2012)
- Lecture 1 : Water: From Source to Drain (18 February 2012)
- Lecture 2 : Road Network Development (25 February 2012)
- Lecture 3 : Electrical and Mechanical Engineering in Modern City (10 March 2012)
- Lecture 4 : IT and Hazard Control (17 March 2012)
- Tour 1 : Sha Tin Water Treatment Works (25 February 2012)
- Tour 2 : Tsing Ma Control Area and Tsing Sha Control Area (10 March 2012)
- Tour 3 : MTR Kowloon Bay Depot (17 March 2012)
- Tour 4 : Po Shan Landslide Preventive Works - Groundwater Grainage System (24 March 2012)
- New Members' Reception cum Prize Presentation Ceremony (13 January 2012)
- Presidential Address 2011-2012 (15 September 2011)
- The HKIE Media Luncheon 2011 (19 August 2011)
- New Members' Reception (20 May 2011)
- The HKIE Prize Presentation Ceremony (19 February 2011)
- The 36th Annual Dinner (15 March 2011)
- New Members' Reception (7 January 2011)
- The 35th Year of Establishment of The HKIE Ordinance 1975 (2 December 2010)
- The HKIE Outstanding Paper Award for Young Engineers/Researchers 2010 Technical Seminar on the Award Papers
- Presidential Address 2010-2011 (14 September 2010)
- Happy Hour Gathering - Women in Engineering (2 September 2010)
- New Members' Reception (23 April 2010)
- 院士論壇暨午餐會 (17 March 2010)
- The HKIE Prize Presentation Ceremony (5 March 2010)
- The 35th Annual Dinner (16 March 2010)
- Education & Careers Expo 2010 (4 March 2010)
- Ir@SHOW (13 January 2010)
- Walk for Sichuan Walk with Love (13 December 2009)
- Launching Ceremony for the New HKIE Corporate Video
- New Members' Reception (4 December 2009)
- New Members' Reception (14 May 2009)
- Presidential Address 2009-2010 (15 September 2009)
- The HKIE Media Luncheon 2009
- The HKIE Outstanding Paper Award for Young Engineers/Researchers 2009 Technical Seminar on the Award Papers
- The 34th Annual Dinner (18 March 2009)