Nomination for election of Vice President for Session 2025/2026

The Council at its meeting held on 16 January 2025 approved the Procedures and Schedule for Vice President (VP) Nomination for Session 2025/2026.


There will be one vacant post of VP and the nomination period is now open.  The requirements of VP as stipulated in Article 16 Clause (b) of the Constitution are extracted below:


The Vice Presidents shall be nominated by the Council from among the Fellows who have been Council Members for at least two years for election by Corporate Members on the day of the Annual General Meeting. …


Each nomination shall be delivered to the Chief Executive and Secretary by completing the Nomination Form for election of VP for Session 2025/2026.  Candidate shall also submit the following supplementary information on a single sided A4 paper for circulation to Council Members for consideration:


  • personal information
  • present position or occupation and brief work history
  • membership and offices (present and/or former) held in the Institution
  • a brief supporting statement


The original signed copy of the Nomination Form together with the supplementary information of the Candidate must be delivered to the Chief Executive and Secretary on or before Friday, 14 March 2025 at 5:30pm at: 


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

9/F Island Beverley

No 1 Great George Street

Causeway Bay

Hong Kong


Further information regarding the VP nomination and election can refer to the different guidelines in the Member Login Area of the HKIE website.

HKIE Structural Examination 2024/2025

Update on the HKIE Structural Examination

(Last Update: 15 October 2024)


A list of successful registrants for Preparatory Seminar for the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination)


Please be informed that the Preparatory Seminar for the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination) will be held this Saturday.  Details of the Seminar are as follows:



19 October 2024 (Saturday)


10:00 am – 12:00 noon (Registration starts at 09:15 am)


Chan Yat Mei Sophie Room, HKIE Headquarters, 9/F Island Beverley, No 1 Great George Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong


The HKIE secretariat has notified all Preparatory Seminar registrants of the registration results via email.  Please click here for the list of successful registrants (with some information masked due to privacy concerns).  Candidates who failed to register for the Seminar will not be charged.


Please contact the External Qualifications Section by phone at 2830 9098 or by email at eq@hkie.org.hk if you have registered for the Seminar but have not heard from us.


Please note that successful registration for the Seminar does not imply successful application for the Structural Examination.  Eligible applicants for the Examination will be informed of a detailed examination schedule three weeks before the date of the Examination which will be held on 20 November 2024.



(Last Update: 10 September 2024)


Preparatory Seminar for the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination)


We are pleased to announce that a Preparatory Seminar will be organised to help candidates prepare for the upcoming HKIE Structural Examination.  The speakers will be the Chief Examiners of the Written Examination.  Details of the Seminar are as follows:



19 October 2024 (Saturday)


10:00 am – 12:00 noon (Registration starts at 09:15 am)


Chan Yat Mei Sophie Room, HKIE Headquarters, 9/F Island Beverley, No 1 Great George Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Registration Fee#:



100 (Walk-in registration is NOT available)

#The fee is non-refundable/ non-transferrable under any circumstances.




Candidates who wish to attend the Seminar are required to submit the completed reply form and payment form by email to the HKIE (eq@hkie.org.hk) on or before Thursday, 10 October 2024.  The Seminar is open to all, but priority will be given to candidates who have applied for the Written Examination 2024.  Registration will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis due to limited seating availability.


Reply Form and Payment Form for Preparatory Seminar for the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination)


Registrants for the Preparatory Seminar will be notified of the registration result by email on 15 October 2024.  A list of successful applicants (with personal information masked) will also be posted on this webpage.  If you have registered for the Seminar but have not received a notification by the aforementioned date, please contact the External Qualifications Section by phone at 2830 9098.


Please note that successful registration for the Seminar does not imply successful application for the Structural Examination.  Eligible applicants for the Examination will be informed of a detailed examination schedule three weeks before the date of the Examination which will be held on 20 November 2024.


For inquiries, please contact us by phone at 2830 9098 or by email at eq@hkie.org.hk.



Application for the HKIE Structural Examination


The HKIE Structural Examination


The Institution is pleased to announce that the coming Written Examination of the HKIE Structural Examination will be held on 20 November 2024 (Wednesday) at AsiaWorld-Expo (亞洲國際博覽館).


The HKIE Structural Examination has the following features:-


  • It consists of two parts: (a) a Written Examination and (b) an Interview.
  • The Written Examination consists of two sections in the form of (a) Multiple Choice Questions (one hour) and (b) Design Questions (six and a half hours).
  • Passing the Written Examination is not a pre-requisite for taking the Interview or vice versa.


First-time candidates who wish to apply for or the HKIE Structural Examination must submit the relevant application form and fees by post or in person by 7:00 pm, 30 August 2024 (Friday).


Resit candidates are reminded to observe the resit deadline stated in the result letter of the last HKIE Structural Examination and are required to submit the application for resit to the HKIE on or before your resit deadline or 7:00 pm of 30 August 2024, whichever is earlier.


Applications that do not reach the Institution by the above application deadline will not be considered.


Please download the guidance notes below for detailed information on the requirements for taking the examination, application procedures and examination details:


Guidance Notes for Candidates applying for Membership in Structural Discipline by taking the HKIE Structural Examination


Application forms are obtainable from the following links:


- Application for the class of Member or Additional Discipline for Corporate Member: Form 1/MD

- Application for a Resit: Application Form for Resit – The HKIE Structural Examination


Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination – Section 2 Design Questions)


Past papers of the Written Examination (Section 2 Design Questions) of the HKIE Structural Examination in 2009 – 2022 are available for download now.


Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination – Section 2 Design Questions) 2009

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination – Section 2 Design Questions) 2010

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination – Section 2 Design Questions) 2011

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination – Section 2 Design Questions) 2012

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination – Section 2 Design Questions) 2013

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination – Section 2 Design Questions) 2014

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination – Section 2 Design Questions) 2015

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination – Section 2 Design Questions) 2016

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination – Section 2 Design Questions) 2017

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination – Section 2 Design Questions) 2018

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination – Section 2 Design Questions) 2019

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination – Section 2 Design Questions) 2020

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination – Section 2 Design Questions) 2021

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination – Section 2 Design Questions) 2022

Past papers of the HKIE Structural Examination (Written Examination – Section 2 Design Questions) 2023


If you have any queries, please contact the External Qualifications Section by phone at 2830 9098 or by email at eq@hkie.org.hk.

Invitation to tender for content development service of an electronic booklet about the united nations sustainable development goals

Notice of Invitation to Tender


Agreement Title:

Content Development of an Electronic Booklet about the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals

Invitation Date:

21 May 2024 (Tuesday)

Closing Date and Time:

5:00 pm (Hong Kong Time), 2 July 2024 (Tuesday)

Tender Document:


Responsible Section:

The HKIE Corporate Communications Section

Telephone No.:

2895 4446

Email address:






7 June 2024


We kindly ask all potential tenderers to take note of this update arising from an enquiry.


The logo of the successful tenderer will not be included in the final document. However, the successful tenderer is permitted to acknowledge its role as the consultant of the project.


This notice serves for informational purposes only and does not constitute a binding agreement or guarantee regarding the tender evaluation process.  The Institution reserves the right to make further decisions and modifications as necessary to ensure a fair and transparent selection process.  All tender submissions will be assessed based on the outlined criteria and requirements stated in the tender documentation.



25 June 2024


We kindly ask all potential tenderers to take note of this update arising from an enquiry.


The number of projects, technologies, and resources as mentioned under Section 2b: Selection of exemplar projects, technologies and other relevant resources for each of the goals is not fixed.  Potential tenderers are however encouraged to showcase their expertise by providing submissions that demonstrate their expertise and ability to advise on a suitable number of local projects that are considered relevant and valuable for inclusion, as well as the types of technologies and resources that would be required for the project.  This approach will allow the HKIE to assess tenderers’ understanding of the context and capacity to meet the needs of the project effectively. 


This notice serves for informational purposes only and does not constitute a binding agreement or guarantee regarding the tender evaluation process.  The Institution reserves the right to make further decisions and modifications as necessary to ensure a fair and transparent selection process.  All tender submissions will be assessed based on the outlined criteria and requirements stated in the tender documentation.



28 June 2024


We wish to call all potential tenderers’ attention to this update, which has arisen from an enquiry. 


The project’s budgetary details are strictly internal and not disclosable to any potential tenderers.  In drawing up their proposals, tenderers should exercise independent judgment with reference to the givens in the tender document and their own understanding of similarly positioned projects.  


This notice is for information only and does not constitute a binding agreement or guarantee regarding the tender evaluation process.  The Institution reserves the right to make further decisions and modifications as necessary to ensure a fair and transparent selection process.  All tender submissions will be assessed according to the outlined criteria and requirements stated in the tender documentation.

Nomination for election of Vice President for Session 2024/2025

The Council at its meeting held on 18 January 2024 approved the Procedures and Schedule for Vice President (VP) Nomination for Session 2024/2025.


There will be one vacant post of VP and the nomination period is now open.  The requirements of VP as stipulated in Article 16 Clause (b) of the Constitution are extracted below:


The Vice Presidents shall be nominated by the Council from among the Fellows who have been Council Members for at least two years for election by Corporate Members on the day of the Annual General Meeting. …


Each nomination shall be delivered to the Chief Executive and Secretary by completing the Nomination Form for election of VP for Session 2024/2025.  Candidate shall also submit the following supplementary information on a single sided A4 paper for circulation to Council Members for consideration:


  • personal information
  • present position or occupation and brief work history
  • membership and offices (present and/or former) held in the Institution
  • a brief supporting statement


The original signed copy of the Nomination Form together with the supplementary information of the Candidate must be delivered to the Chief Executive and Secretary on or before Monday, 11 March 2024 at 5:30pm at: 


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

9/F Island Beverley

No 1 Great George Street

Causeway Bay

Hong Kong


Further information regarding the VP nomination and election can refer to the different guidelines in the Member Login Area of the HKIE website.


The HKIE issued electronic membership cards (e-membership cards) as a replacement of the physical cards to Student Members from Financial Year 2021-2022, and the same arrangement has been made for Graduate Members, Companions and Affiliates from Financial Year 2022-2023.  To pursue with the digitalisation plan, the HKIE is pleased to extend this service of e-membership card for Corporate Members (Fellows, Members) and Associate Members from Financial Year 2024-2025.

The e-membership card will be available five working days after the settlement of membership subscription for that financial year.  Members can access their e-membership cards online in the Members Login area under “Services” > “My Membership Card” on the HKIE website.  

In addition to the issue of e-membership card, Corporate and Associate Members in need will be offered a choice of receiving a physical membership card for use upon entering construction sites.  The statement “This member of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers has satisfied the Commissioner for Labour in respect of Section 6BA(4), Cap. 59” will be included in the physical membership card only.

To facilitate the issuance of physical membership cards, the following arrangements will be made for Corporate Members and Associate Members respectively.

Corporate Members

Upon membership renewal for each financial year, Members will be invited to indicate their preference for a physical membership card and to make declaration on satisfying the CPD hours as required related to health & safety for the past 12 months preceding the renewal of membership (i.e. since 1 April of the previous year).  Upon the settlement of the membership subscription fee and completion of the declaration, the physical membership card will be issued accordingly.

Associate Members

For Associate Members who would like to obtain a physical membership card, they will also need to indicate their preference and submit the Declaration Form and CPD Record indicating their achievement of 10 hours of CPD in occupational safety and health in the past 12 months for checking.  This arrangement is the same as before.  

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