The Institution notes that the enquiry by the three-member Independent Review Panel established by The Hong Kong Jockey Club to examine the partial collapse of the Married Inspectors’ Quarters Building at the Central Police Station Compound on 29 May 2016 has been completed with the findings to address the concerns of the general public.
The Panel Chairman Ir Dr Greg WONG Chak-yan, Past President of the Institution, together with Panel Members Ir Benny LAI Siu-lun, Committee Member of the HKIE Structural Division, and Australian engineer Mr Simon Wiltshier conducted a comprehensive review on various aspects of the incident. A detailed and professional examination on the possible causes with advice on the incident is provided for the consideration of the Administration.
It is anticipated that public understanding on engineering profession, structural safety and heritage preservation will be enhanced, and with reference to the professional opinions in the findings, recurrence of similar incidents can be avoided in the future. The Institution will continue to respond to the needs of the community and provide professional engineering advice to safeguard the safety of people and buildings in Hong Kong.
For more details on the findings of the Independent Review Panel, please refer to the webpage:
有關舊中區警署建築群已婚督察宿舍於2016年5月29日發生部分大樓倒塌事件,香港工程師學會 (學會) 樂見香港賽馬會早前成立的三人獨立檢討小組已完成有關檢討並提供結果讓公眾了解其事實及情況。
獨立檢討小組主席、學會前任會長黃澤恩博士、工程師帶領小組成員、學會結構分部委員會委員黎兆麟工程師及澳洲工程師Simon Wiltshier循多個方向深入調查事件,並作出了詳細及專業的分析和提供建議措施,以助相關部門作出跟進或進一步諮詢。
There has been wide concern from the public on the partial collapse of the Married Inspectors’ Quarters on the evening of 29 May 2016 during the revitalisation of the Central Police Station. In response to the incident, a three-member Independent Review Panel has been formed by The Hong Kong Jockey Club to examine the incident.
The Institution is pleased to announce that Ir Dr Greg WONG Chak-yan, Past President of the Institution has been appointed Chairman of the Panel while Ir Benny LAI Siu-lun, a Committee Member of the HKIE Structural Division, will be the Panel member. Both will work together with Australian engineer Mr Simon Wiltshier.
Given the extensive structural engineering experience of the three Panel members, we believe that the Panel will provide a comprehensive review on various aspects of and the likely causes contributing to the partial collapse, and the enquiry will soon be completed with findings submitted to the Club’s Board of Stewards.
For more details of the Independent Review Panel, please refer to the following webpage:
正進行保育和活化工程的法定古蹟 - 舊中區警署建築群其中第四座已婚督察宿舍於2016年5月29日發生部分大樓倒塌事件,引起社會對有關古蹟保育及建築物結構安全的關注。有鑑於此,香港賽馬會(馬會) 於6月29日宣布成立三人獨立檢討小組,邀請本地及海外專家調查事故。
香港工程師學會樂見前任會長黃澤恩博士、工程師被委任為獨立檢討小組主席,而學會結構分部委員會委員黎兆麟工程師則擔任獨立檢討小組成員,他們將會與另一位由馬會委任的澳洲工程師Simon Wiltshier攜手為事件進行調查。
The Institution noted that ECUK announced in the Washington Accord meeting 2015 to cease recognizing Bachelor's degrees of the Washington Accord signatories. This will take effect for those students commencing Washington Accord Bachelor's programme from 1 July 2015 onwards.
The Institution is now actively pursuing communication and negotiation with ECUK in resolving issues arising from the announcement. In this connection, the Institution would like to draw the attention of all stakeholders, in particular, students, graduates and potential HKIE members to the possible impacts that the announcement may have on their future planning.
They are invited to take into account the above development when planning to study in the United Kingdom (UK), applying for membership in the UK Institutions and other related initiatives.