Resit of Assessment Interview for Associate Membership

The Qualification and Membership Board on 4 January 2022 approved the four-year resit period for the resit applications for Associate Membership:


  1. Candidates who failed in the first attempt of the Assessment Interview and wish to apply for a resit have to make the request within 4 years. The 4-year period is counted from the date of the HKIE notification letter of the first assessment result.


  1. Candidates who are not able to pass the Assessment Interview within the specified period stated above shall be required to submit a new application and to take the Assessment Interview. Candidates shall be required to:
    • fill in a new application form;
    • fulfil the supporter requirement;
    • submit all documents* as required in a new application;
    • sit for an Assessment Interview; and
    • pay the application and other relevant fees.


* Candidates are required to update the application in accordance with the comments received.


  1. The above arrangement applies to Associate Membership applications submitted on or after 5 January 2022 via the following routes:
    • General Experience Route
    • Formal Training Route
    • Mature Route

  2. For the previous candidates of fail cases, they should apply for resit on or before 30 June 2022 if they wish to resit for the Assessment Interview. Any resit applications received by the HKIE after 30 June 2022 will not proceed
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