香港工程師學會交椅洲人工島簡介會順利舉行 Briefing to HKIE on Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands

(香港,2023年3月6日) 政府正就交椅洲人工島進行公眾參與活動,香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」) 作為代表工程界的專業團體,為會員舉辦人工島項目的簡介會,由發展局、土木工程拓展署、規劃署等參與項目計劃和發展的主要部門講解詳情,並接受會員發問,進行建設性的交流。











電話:2895 4446      

傳真:2882 6825      



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(6 March 2023, Hong Kong) The Administration is actively promulgating and engaging the public in the Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands (KYCAI) project.  As a professional body representing the engineering sector, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) organised a briefing session on Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands on 6 March 2023, supported by key responsible parties including the Development Bureau, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Planning Department and more.  The briefing session aimed at facilitating an in-depth understanding of the KYCAI and providing a platform for exchanging views on the project.


Representing the Administration, Ir Roger Y L Wong, Deputy Secretary (Works) of the Development Bureau, Ir Michael H S Fong, Director of Civil Engineering and Development, Ms Ginger K Y Kiang, Deputy Director of Planning/Territorial of the Planning Department; led the study team to attend and expounded the preliminary proposal in 4 aspects, i.e. the reclamation extent, broad land use, strategic transport infrastructure and possible financing options of the KYCAI.  A number of questions and suggestions were raised by our members, which will form part of the considerations when relevant authorities further formulate details for the project. 


President Ir Aaron K M Bok said, “Various large-scale infrastructure projects are launching with a common objective to create capacity for our city’s future development, bringing numerous opportunities for societal development.  With years of experience in developing new land, including artificial islands through reclamation, the local engineering industry certainly has the talents, skills and technology to manage these significant projects, including the KYCAI.  The Institution emphasises that talent development and retention measures must be stepped up and implemented as soon as possible, to secure the necessary engineering manpower to push forward these projects, in order to alleviate land shortage, meet the demand for housing and other economic activities, and create better lives for people.”


The HKIE stands ready to offer the engineering expertise and professional advice to support the development of the KYCAI and other infrastructure projects, and encourages members to actively participate in public affairs and contribute to the advancement of our society.


For media enquiries, please contact:


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Corporate Communications Section

Tel: 2895 4446

Fax: 2882 6825

Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk



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Ir Aaron K M Bok, President of the HKIE, giving an address


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Ir Aaron K M Bok, President of the HKIE (8th right); Ir Dr Barry C H Lee, Senior Vice President of the HKIE (7th left); Ir Eric S C Ma, Vice President of the HKIE (7th right); Ir Alice K T Chow, Vice President of the HKIE (6th left); Ir C K Hon, Chief Executive and Secretary of the HKIE (4th right); and representatives from the Administration including Ir Roger Y L Wong, Deputy Secretary (Works) of the Development Bureau (6th right); Ir Michael H S Fong, Director of Civil Engineering and Development (8th left); Ms Ginger K Y Kiang, Deputy Director of Planning/Territorial of the Planning Department (4th left) and members of the study team


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Ir Eric S C Ma, Vice President of the HKIE (2nd left), moderating the question-and-answer session


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Ir Raymond Ip, Deputy Head of the Sustainable Lantau Office (Works), introducing the KYCAI project


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Mr K W Ng, Chief Town Planner of Planning Department, introducing the KYCAI project


PDF version


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財政司司長陳茂波先生表示:「在社會全速復常、迎來新開始、進入新里程之際,香港工程師學會主辦『香港工程師週』,向社會和市民大眾推廣工程專業,以及香港的工程成就和機遇,可謂正值其時。未來10年,香港有多項規模龐大的基建,連同其他有利社會民生的工程,政府每年開支超過1,000億元。展望未來,在國家全力推動高質量發展、香港與大灣區經濟更深度融合下,香港的工程專業將會機遇處處、迎來更亮麗的未來。」 (備註: 節錄於財政司司長陳茂波在香港工程師週2023開幕禮致辭, 全文可參閱政府新聞網。 )


香港工程師學會會長卜國明工程師表示:「『香港工程師週2023』以『Our Future.We Engineer未來.一同創造』為主題,我們一直深信未來是靠大家一同攜手創造,而工程師作為建設社會的棟樑骨幹,更加有責任推動香港社會發展,以專業知識為建設美好香港作出貢獻。香港工程師學會年度的主題是『以工程師為傲』,我們希望每一位會員都以身為專業工程師的身份感到自豪,一同肩負提升工程專業的形象這重要使命,並培育未來的傑出工程師,攜手建設一個更加美好的香港。」




「香港工程師週嘉年華」由即日起至3月5日(星期日)假西九文化區海濱草坪舉行,主題為「Σ (食住行) “Our Living,We Engineer”」,共分成食、住、行3個主要區域,近40個由學會分部及不同公司設計的攤位分享各類工程概念及技術,各個攤位設有不同的體驗活動,如互動遊戲、模型展示和VR歷險等,讓市民以多角度了解工程師與日常生活息息相關的工作。大小朋友亦可即場化身工程師,發揮自己創意以樂高積木將心目中的宜居城市拼砌出來。同場亦設分享會打開工程師的神祕面紗,更有工程師即時為大家解答有關職業路向或日常生活中的工程知識。「香港工程師週嘉年華」免費入場,將為大衆帶來一個充實又難忘的週末。


































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胡康泰 (Henry Woo) / 陳浩煌 (Harold Chan)

電話:(852) 9510 1288 / (852) 5422 2393

電郵:henry.woo@hkstrategies.com / harold.chan@hkstrategies.com  



電話:(852) 2895 4446

傳真:(852) 2882 6825




Feb-icon (2)

(香港,2023年2月22日) 就財政司司長於今天 (2月22日) 發表之2023-24年度《財政預算案》,香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」) 歡迎政府採納學會早前向政府提交的部份建議,幫助香港克服復常及全球經濟環境不明朗的陰霾。學會對今次的財政預算案,有以下回應:
















儘管政府加快造地,但建屋、發展始終需時。除了興建簡約公屋及檢視法定程序,學會期望政府增加支援滿足一定條件的申請人,在確保質量安全大前提下,政府的角色應除「監管者」外,增加「促進者」角色。為加快項目進度,亦應精簡審批流程。學會去年9月發表相關研究報告並詳列建議:Recommendations on Streamlining Building Works and Infrastructure Development Processes (內容僅限英語)

























電話:2895 4446      

傳真:2882 6825      






(Hong Kong, 22 February 2023) In regard to the 2023-2024 Budget delivered by the Financial Secretary on 22 February, the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (hereafter “the HKIE”) welcomed the Administration’s adoption of some of the recommendations that the HKIE submitted to it earlier, believing that the Budget would help Hong Kong overcome the gloom cast by its return to normality and by the uncertainty of the global economic environment.  The HKIE’s response to the Budget are as follows:


Competing for talents


The HKIE understands that the Labour and Welfare Bureau will update the Talent List and will commence a new round of manpower projections in the middle of this year. The HKIE wishes to point out the profundity of the impact made by the manpower of the engineering and construction industries upon Hong Kong’s future development in infrastructure, innovation and technology, manufacturing, and various other areas.  The HKIE hopes that the Administration can consider its earlier recommendation to increase the governmental subsidy and quota for engineering companies joining the HKIE Formal Training Schemes (Scheme “A” / AM Training) and can incentivise the employment of overseas graduates by offering short-term subsidies to companies that employ them.  At the same time, the HKIE also hopes the Administration will consider launching appropriate schemes to retain talents by safeguarding and enhancing the treatment of working professionals and prevent further talent wastage caused by the rapid deterioration of manpower shortage in the engineering industries.  In this regard, the HKIE submitted the report on the “Research on Procurement Policy Review for Works Contracts and Consultancy Contracts” in March last year, recommending implementation of measures to eradicate certain states of affairs involving unreasonably low bids.


The HKIE also welcomes the Administration’s auxiliary $600-million capital injection into the Gifted Education Foundation (GEF), which strengthens the support for the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE) and related services in extramural education, thereby furthering STEAM education.  The HKIE expects the Administration to put in more resources to promote STEAM education in primary and secondary schools, especially at the junior secondary level.  The HKIE stands ready to continue its collaboration with the Education Bureau and applicable departments to advance the relevant schemes, building the engineering profession’s reserve of talent in the long run. 


Planning for infrastructural development


The HKIE welcomes the Administration’s acceptance of its recommendation to map out a plan to set up an Infrastructure Bond Scheme to better manages the cashflow needs of major infrastructure projects.  The HKIE holds that as infrastructure is a long-term investment for the territory, there is a need to build developmental capacity.  The Infrastructure Bond Scheme is of use to the Administration in reducing the relevant investment of financial resources, while providing institutional investors and citizens with a fine investment option.


At the same time, the HKIE holds that the Administration needs to press ahead with the developments of the Northern Metropolis and the Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands, to formulate an Infrastructure Development Blueprint for the relevant projects, and to coordinate the planning and infrastructure of different development areas so that the competitions for resources among these areas may be prevented.  This will facilitate the wholesome development of the industry and preclude the progress of the projects from being impeded.


Promoting land and housing supply


Despite attempts by the Administration to expedite land production, housing construction and development take time at bottom.  Apart from building Light Public Housing and reviewing statutory processes, the HKIE expects the Administration to step up assistance to applicants who satisfy certain necessary criteria and augment the government’s role as a “regulator”, but also as a “facilitator” provided, of course, that quality and safety are not compromised.  Approval processes should also be streamlined to accelerate the progress of the projects.  Detailed recommendations were made earlier in the HKIE’s report in September 2022: Recommendations on Streamlining Building Works and Infrastructure Development Processes (English only)


The HKIE is glad that the Administration has accepted its earlier recommendation to study and put in place measures that strengthen the supply chain of the Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) modules, and to conduct a study on establishing the Building Testing and Research Institute and construct the first advanced construction industry building.  The HKIE wishes to point out that the industry, as well as Hong Kong as a whole, is confronted with a reduction of its workforce.  Employing technology to boost efficiency would mitigate the manpower issue while fostering the development of the whole production chain and attaining the effect of achieving more with fewer resources.


Fostering the developments of innovation & technology and New Industrialisation


The HKIE supports the Administration’s development of digital infrastructure, the promotion of digital transformation, the fortification of Hong Kong’s advantages in scientific research, the cultivation of technological startups and talents, and the advancement of “New Industrialisation”.  The HKIE is pleased that the Administration, with its regard for greater financial affordability, has implemented support measures that encompass the digital economy, Web3, scientific research, and “Patent Box” Tax Incentive etc.  The HKIE is of the view that these measures will help consolidate the leading edge that Hong Kong enjoys in area such as artificial intelligence and biotechnology, and that “Patent Box” tax concessions boast a certain attractiveness in their ability to help lower the research costs that businesses need to pay.  Nevertheless, the tax rates involved must be competitive on the international scene.  The HKIE’s expectation is that the Administration will expedite its study and will make every effort to submit the legislative amendments before the first half of next year.


Building a Smart, Green and Resilient City


The Administration has reserved resources for the advancement of various kinds of New Energy Transport.  These advancements include the commencement of trials for hydrogen fuel cell electric double-deck buses and heavy vehicles, the provision of subsidies to ferry operators for the construction and trials of electric ferries and the related charging facilities, and the granting of loans with 100% guarantees to taxi owners to encourage them to exchange their taxis for battery-powered electric ones.  The HKIE opines that, after the trials, their subsequent wide applications should be promoted more.  The HKIE suggests stating, in the terms and conditions of the tender documents for land sale and short-term tenancies, that the successful tenderers or tenants should provide a certain number of electric vehicle (EV) charging facilities.


The HKIE is delighted by the all-out efforts made by the Administration and the Airport Authority Hong Kong to pursue the “Airport City” development strategy and to perfect the Aircraft Leasing Preferential Tax Regime—efforts that give impetus to Hong Kong’s transformation into an aircraft leasing and services hub.  The HKIE believes that the measure would help Hong Kong’s aircraft engineering industry to make headway in its development, consolidating Hong Kong’s status as an International Aviation Hub continually.


Regarding waste management, the Administration has allocated an additional $62 million to food waste collection in a greater number of public and private premises, while extending the food waste collection trial scheme for public rental housing estates.  Beyond the allocations of financial resources, the HKIE hopes that the Administration can expand the provision of land for the recycling industry, which will not only encourage a decrease in waste disposal but also stimulate businesses in the recycling industry. 


Leveraging Opportunities in the GBA


The economy within the Greater Bay Area abounds with novelty and vitality, with many of its cities having their respective edges in different industries.  To assist professionals in “going global”, the HKIE expects the Administration to take the lead in discussing qualification benchmarking and professional practice with mainland authorities to allow more engineers to practise in the Mainland via CEPA or other related agreements.


Given the uncertainty of the external environment, the collaboration between Hong Kong and the Mainland, particularly the Greater Bay Area, is all the more important. The HKIE and the engineering industry will continue to make contributions with their professional engineering knowledge and capabilities and join hands with all sectors to build a better Hong Kong.




For media enquiries, please contact:


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Corporation Communications Section

Tel: 2895 4446

Fax: 2882 6825

Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk


PDF version


「香港工程師學會公眾展覽」為「香港工程師週2023」正式揭幕 The "Hong Kong Engineers Week 2023" starts with the launch of "The HKIE Public Exhibition"





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(香港,2023年2月20日)香港工程師學會(下稱「學會」)一直以推動香港工程的專業水平為己任,學會將於3月3日至11日推出「香港工程師週2023」(下稱「工程師週」),以「未來 • 一同創造 (Our Future, We Engineer)」為主題,透過不同形式的活動加深向廣大市民以及下一代推廣工程師的專業形象,同時亦凝聚業界一同「說好工程故事」、鼓勵更多年青人投身工程專業、貢獻社會發展。




「工程師週」當中的重頭戲「香港工程師週嘉年華」將於3月3日至5日假西九文化區海濱草坪舉行,透過「Σ (食住行) “Our Living, We Engineer”」的生活化主題,深入淺出向公眾展示日常生活的工程應用,同時彰顯工程師對社會的貢獻,並讓大眾學習生活中各類型的有趣工程知識。
































3月3日 (星期五):下午4時至下午6時
3月4日 (星期六):上午10時至下午6時
3月5日 (星期日):上午10時至下午6時




























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「香港工程師週嘉年華」將於3月3日至5日假西九文化區海濱草坪舉行,主題為「Σ (食住行) “Our Living, We Engineer”」。

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圖片下載: https://bit.ly/3IBHgU9





胡康泰(Henry Woo) / 鄺浩華 (Chuck Kuong)  

電話:(852) 9510 1288 / (852) 6173 9977

電郵:henry.woo@hkstrategies.com / chuck.kuong@hkstrategies.com     



電話:(852) 2895 4446

傳真:(852) 2882 6825






The "Hong Kong Engineers Week 2023"

starts with the launch of

"The HKIE Public Exhibition"

promoting the all-round professionalism

and diverse image of engineers


The event will feature a Carnival, an International Conference,

and a fundraising Cycling & Run


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(Hong Kong, 20 February 2023) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (the HKIE) has announced the launch of the "Hong Kong Engineers Week 2023” (the HKEW 2023) from 3 to 11 March, under the theme of "Our Future, We Engineer".


The HKIE is committed to promoting the professionalism of engineering in Hong Kong and the HKEW 2023 aims to strengthen the public’s understanding and knowledge of the various engineering disciplines through a variety of activities.  The Institution also serves as an avenue to bring together the industry to promote successful engineering stories and encourage more young people to join the profession and make a positive impact on society.


The HKEW 2023 will include a series of exciting activities, starting from the inaugural HKIE Public Exhibition at Central Market. The Exhibition showcases 21 engineering disciplines and professions in engaging ways.  From now until 26 February, members of the public can visit the Exhibition and even discover which type of engineering discipline their personality might fit best.


The anchor event of the Week will be the Carnival which will be held from 3 to 5 March at the Harbourside Lawn of the West Kowloon Cultural District.  Under the theme of "Our Living, We Engineer", the Carnival will show how engineering can affect our day-to-day lives in different ways, and highlighting the contribution of engineers to society, while offering the public intriguing snippets of engineering knowledge in simple and accessible ways.


Around 40 corporations from different HKIE disciplines and different industries will participate in the Carnival with booths and interactive zones, where they will showcase engineering concepts and applications such as large-scale infrastructures and aircraft engineering, as well as the latest VR technologies.  The Carnival will also feature entertainment like a yoyo show and live bands.  The HKIE’s KOL mascot “Hally” will also meet the public in gigantic inflatable form.


Ir Aaron BOK, President of the HKIE said, "The HKIE was initially founded in 1947 as “The Engineering Society of Hong Kong”, since our establishment, the HKIE has been committed to promoting the professionalism of engineering and developing the profession in Hong Kong.  We also encourage our members to actively participate in public affairs and development projects in Hong Kong, including infrastructure, industry, and construction.  The HKEW 2023 is one of the largest events we have ever organised, and we are delighted to unite engineering professionals with the wider public to promote the engineering profession.


In line with the HKIE's theme for this year – "Proud to be Engineers" – the Week aims not only to enhance the image of the HKIE as an industry body, but also to empower our members to share their pride in being engineers.  We hope that, through the Week’s extensive programme, more of the next generation can be inspired to join the engineering profession, which will continue to play an essential role in Hong Kong's development going forward."


To facilitate professional exchange within the industry, “The HKIE International Conference” will also be held on 9 March.  The HKIE has invited major guest speakers to discuss topics such as the importance of the engineering profession in ensuring we will all have a greener and smarter future.  Speakers will also share their views on topics like the smart environment, smart energy, smart logistics, smart living, and infrastructure.  On the same day, "The HKIE Grand Award Presentation" will be held to recognise outstanding engineering projects and innovative applications in Hong Kong.


The HKEW 2023 will conclude with the HKIE Fundraising Cyclying & Run" on 11 March at Tseung Kwan O Promenade.  These will consist of a 10 km cycling event and 5 km running events for families, individuals and corporate teams.  It is open to all HKIE members and families, to promote fun through sports while raising funds to nurture the next generation of engineering professionals.


For more details, please visit:

HKEW 2023 official website: https://hkengineersweek.com/

HKIE’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheHKIE

HKIE‘s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_hkie/



The HKIE Public Exhibition


18-26 February


10:00 am – 10:00 pm


2/F, 24-hour Passageway, Central Market


The HKEW 2023 Opening Ceremony


3 March (Friday)


Hong Kong Palace Museum


The HKEW Carnival


3-5 March


3 March (Friday): 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

4 March (Saturday): 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

5 March (Sunday): 10:00 am – 6:00 pm


Harbourfront Lawn, West Kowloon Cultural District


The HKIE International Conference


9 March (Thursday)


9:00 am – 5:30 pm


Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre


The HKIE Fundraising Cycling & Run


11 March (Saturday)


Approximately 8:00 am


Tseung Kwan O Promenade


The HKEW 2023 Closing Ceremony


11 March (Saturday)


Tseung Kwan O Promenade





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The HKIE has announced the launch of the "Hong Kong Engineers Week 2023 ("Engineers Week" or “HKEW 2023”) from 3 to 11 March.  President Ir Aaron BOK (Left), Senior Vice President Ir Dr Barry LEE and the HKIE KOL mascot “Hally” will promote the professionalism of engineers in Hong Kong.

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The Hong Kong Engineers Week 2023 will include a series of exciting activities, starting with the inaugural HKIE Public Exhibition at Central Market.  The Exhibition will showcase 21 engineering disciplines and professions in engaging ways.

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Members of the public can visit and discover which type of engineering discipline would most fit their personality.

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The HKIE Public Exhibition introduces 21 engineering disciplines and professions to help  the public understand more about the day-to-day life of an engineer.

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(The image is an artist impression.)

The HKIE KOL mascot “Hally” will also meet with the public in gigantic inflatable form.

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(The image is an artist impression.)

The Hong Kong Engineers Week Carnival, will be held from 3 to 5 March on the Harbourside Lawn of the West Kowloon Cultural District, under the theme of "Our Living, We Engineer".

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(The image is an artist impression.)

Around 40 corporations from different HKIE disciplines and different industries will participate with booths and interactive zones, where they will showcase engineering concepts and applications


Image download: https://bit.ly/3IBHgU9


The press release is distributed by Hill+Knowlton Strategies on behalf of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. For enquiries, please contact:


Hill+Knowlton Strategies

Henry Woo / Chuck Kuong

Tel: (852) 9510 1288 / (852) 6173 9977

Email: henry.woo@hkstrategies.com / chuck.kuong@hkstrategies.com     


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Corporate Communications Section

Tel: 2895 4446

Fax: 2882 6825

Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk


PDF version

Feb-icon (2)
香港工程師學會就二○二三/二四年度《財政預算案》提出建議 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers’ Views on the Coming 2023-24 Budget

(香港,2023年2月19日) 香港工程師學會 (學會) 近日就二○二三/二四年度《財政預算案》向財政司司長提出七大範疇方面的建議。學會期望來年之《財政預算案》能支持政府增加對社會的投資和維護香港經濟,並為香港的經濟復甦發揮正面作用。




  1. 人才競爭
  • 工程公司參與香港工程師學會培訓計劃(工程畢業生培訓計劃/仲會員培訓計劃)而聘用工程畢業生作為見習生的政府補貼現為5,610 港元,金額已多年未作調整,建議增加至 10,000 港元或以上,增加工程公司聘請畢業生的誘因。
  • 為聘請海外畢業生的公司提供為期兩年、每名受僱畢業生約10,000港元的資助,以吸引海外工程人才。
  • 審視教育體系、中學課程和大學入學要求,以幫助鼓勵 STEAM 教育並培養本地工程人才庫。
  • 推出針對中階工程師專項計劃,以保留人才,緩解人力短缺,促進工程行業可持續發展。
  • 學會去年4月發表相關研究報告並詳列建議:Research on Augmenting Engineer Manpower to Cope with the Foreseeable Surge in Demand (內容僅限英語)


  1. 仔細規劃基建發展
  • 制定詳細的基建發展藍圖,訂立未來二十年各個基建項目的優先次序和執行時間表。
  • 有關部門應根據成本效益、需求,和社會的急切性,協調和優先安排各種策略規劃路線圖中的項目,務求有效分配和利用資源。
  • 加快實施滯後於實際發展的鐵路和交通項目,並總結過往經驗,加以改進,防止嚴重落後問題再次發生。


  1. 土地和房屋供應
  • 將隔離設施改造成過渡性房屋或簡約公屋。
  • 發展未開墾土地,解決市區老化和重建等社會問題。
  • 審慎理財,考慮推出基建融資和證券化產品。
  • 交椅洲人工島作為第三個核心商業區,建議研究發展其行人和單車網絡,並盡量使用公眾填料作為交椅洲人工島的填海材料,以減少由運輸引致的碳足跡。


  1. 精簡發展流程


  1. 促進創科發展
  • 為本地年青研發人才提供更佳的配套,以吸引《香港創新科技藍圖》提出的「新型工業化」戰略所需的人才。
  • 允許在香港取得高級文憑/副學位學歷的內地和海外畢業生在港工作。
  • 為發展數據中心增撥土地,提升香港轉型為數據中心樞紐和連接內地與外國橋樑的容量和能力。


  1. 建設智慧、綠色及具抗禦力的城市
  • 加快安裝電動汽車快速充電設施,並在新發展區和公共交通交匯處預留安裝充電設施的空間。地政總署可以考慮在賣地及短期租約招標文件條款中,加入適當條款,要求中標者或租戶提供一定數量的電動車充電設施。
  • 在確保公共安全的首要原則下,放寬氫能汽車在指定區域測試和使用。
  • 透過資助回收業或非政府機構,直接或間接處理較低價值的廢物,並把較高價值的廢物交由回收業直接處理。
  • 通過撥出財政資源和增加分配土地予回收行業,刺激回收行業的發展。


  1. 把握大灣區機遇
  • 牽頭與內地有關部門探討專業資格互認,讓更多工程師通過CEPA或其他相關協議在內地執業。







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(Hong Kong, 20 February 2023) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (“HKIE”) has recently expressed views and made recommendations to the Financial Secretary for the coming 2023-24 Budget on seven key areas.  In essence, the HKIE looks forward to a Budget that enables the Government in taking up an active role in increasing investment into the society and safeguarding the economic/financial strength of Hong Kong and supports the economic rebound of the city.


Key highlights of the HKIE’s recommendations are:


  1. Competing for Talents
  • Increase the governmental subsidy to engineering companies hiring engineering graduates under the HKIE Formal Training Schemes (Scheme “A” / AM Training) as trainees from HK$5,610 (an amount that has not been adjusted for many years) to HK$10,000 or above to provide those companies with a stronger incentive to hire graduates as trainees.
  • Offer two-year subsidies of approximately HK$10,000 each to companies that employ overseas graduates to attract engineering talents from abroad.
  • Review the education system, secondary education curricula, and university admission requirements to help encourage STEAM education and nurture local engineering talent pool.
  • Launch special schemes to support mid-career engineers to help retaining talents, alleviate manpower shortage, and foster the sustainable growth of the engineering industry, which are essential for delivering commitments formulated in the development blueprint.
  • Detailed recommendations were made earlier in the HKIE’s report in April 2022: Research on Augmenting Engineer Manpower to Cope with the Foreseeable Surge in Demand (English only)


  1. Well-planned Infrastructure Development
  • Set out a detailed infrastructure blueprint setting out the priority and timeframe of each infrastructure project for the coming two decades.
  • Relevant authorities to coordinate and prioritise projects in various strategic planning roadmaps according to cost-effectiveness, demand, capability to address existing social issues to best allocate and utilise available resources.
  • Speed up implementation of railway and transportation projects that are behind actual development, and review previous experiences and bring about improvements to guard against recurrence of serious underperformance.


  1. Land and Housing Supply
  • Transform isolation facilities into transitional housing or Light Public Housing.
  • Develop greenfield sites to solve social problems such as urban redevelopment to cater for the ageing buildings in the downtown areas.
  • Devise prudent financial arrangement and consider launching infrastructure financing securitisation products.
  • Study a pedestrian and cycle network that links up the CBD3 at Kau Yi Chau (KYC) Artificial Islands Development and use the surplus public fill as construction materials for KYC reclamation as much as is feasible to reduce carbon footprint in transporting materials for disposal.


  1. Streamlining Development Processes
  • Step up assistance to applicants who satisfy certain necessary criteria to speed up the development and project approval processes, and augmenting the government officials’ role as encompassing not only “regulators” but also “facilitators” on the premise that quality and safety are not compromised.
  • Detailed recommendations were made earlier in the HKIE’s report in September 2022: Recommendations on Streamlining Building Works and Infrastructure Development Processes (English only)


  1. Innovation and Technology Development
  • Implement a better package for local and young people to join the research and development field to secure talent required for the New Industrialisation Strategy proposed in the Innovation and Technology Blueprint.
  • Allow mainland and overseas graduates of Hong Kong higher diploma/sub-degree programmes to work in Hong Kong.
  • Allocate additional land for data centre development to enhance the capacity and capability for Hong Kong’s transformation into a data centre hub and ridge between mainland and foreign countries.


  1. Building a Smart, Green and Resilient City
  • Speed up the installation of quick charger facilities for electric vehicles, and reserve space for such chargers in new development areas and public transport interchange. In particular, a clause could be included in the terms and conditions of the Lands Department for the provision of a certain number of electric vehicle chargers for land sale and short-term tenancies.
  • Relax the testing and usage of hydrogen vehicle in designated area under the overriding principle of ensuring public safety.
  • Handle waste with lower value directly or indirectly through subsidising the recycling industry or non-governmental organisations, and leave waste with higher value to be handled directly by the recycling industry.
  • Incentivise and stimulate businesses for the recycling industry by setting aside financial resources and expanding the land provision for the recycling industry.


  1. Leveraging Opportunities in the GBA
  • Take lead in discussing qualification benchmarking and professional practice with mainland authorities to allow more engineers to practise in the mainland via CEPA or other related agreements.


The HKIE will continue to contribute our professional engineering expertise and join hands with different sectors to support the development of a better Hong Kong. 



For media enquiries, please contact:


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Corporate Communications Section

Tel: 2895 4446

Fax: 2882 6825

Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk


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