(2024年7月5日) 一連四天的2024國際電機工程理事會會議 (ICEE Conference 2024) 昨日在日本北九州市圓滿結束。會議由日本電氣學會主辦,中國電機工程學會、韓國電氣學會、香港工程師學會(下稱「學會」)聯合主辦,以「TRANSformative Electrical Engineering for Future Society」為主題,旨在探討電機工程在推動智能及低碳社會發展中所發揮的角色和貢獻。
電話:2895 4446
傳真:2882 6825
會議組織委員會主席渡邊政幸教授(左一) 、
中國電機工程學會秘書長史連軍教授(左二) 、
日本電氣學會會長伏見信也博士(左三) 、
(香港,2024年6月26日) 香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」) 欣然公布馬紹祥工程師於2024年6月25日舉行的第49屆會員周年大會上榮任第50屆會長。同時,李志康博士、工程師履任上任會長。
馬會長為學會2024/2025年度定下「一脈相承 縱深相連」 (“Grow the Nexus, Link the Links “) 的主題,強調香港工程界作為「超級聯繫人」的角色,將促進內地與海外工程專業團體加強接觸,既有廣度,亦有深度。他說:「適逢學會成立50週年,金禧誌慶固然值得高興,更是回顧過去、建設未來的關鍵時刻。」他致力於任內與學會管理層攜手合作,繼續推動學會實施策略性專業維新路綫圖改革,強化學會管治架構及提升效率,積極回應會員的期望。同時,他亦會透過開展其行動綱領內的各種活動,支持工程業界和整體社會的發展,以共創更美好的未來。
電話:2895 4446
傳真:2882 6825
- 馬紹祥工程師簡歷
- 2024/2025年度理事會名單
與上任會長李志康博士、工程師 (左)
(Hong Kong, 26 June 2024) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (“HKIE”) is pleased to announce that Ir Eric Ma Siu-cheung has been elected as the 50th President of the HKIE at the 49th Annual General Meeting held on 25 June 2024. Concomitantly, Ir Dr Barry Lee Chi-hong becomes the Immediate Past President of the Institution.
President Ir Ma has set the theme “Grow the Nexus, Link the Links” (一脈相承 縱深相連) for Session 2024/2025, emphasising the role of the Hong Kong engineering community as a “super connector” in fostering stronger bonding with mainland and overseas engineering professional bodies. The theme also signifies both breadth and depth in engagement. “As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the HKIE’s incorporation, it is not only a joyous occasion but also a pivotal moment for reflecting on the past and building for the future,” said Ir Ma. President Ir Ma further expressed his commitment to working closely with the Institution’s management to drive strategic transformation, enhance governance and improve efficiency of the Institution, and actively respond to members’ expectations. Additionally, through various initiatives outlined in his action plan, Ir Ma aims to support the development of the engineering profession and society, creating a brighter future together with our stakeholders.
Ir Ma emphasised, “As a professional body of the Hong Kong engineering industry, the HKIE constantly strives to keep pace with the times, meeting the demands placed on engineers by the community. In the coming year, we will review governance efficiency of the Institution, enhance transparency and foster greater member engagement, promoting a sense of unity among our members. We will also continue focusing on nurturing and retaining the next generation of engineering talent, driving sustainable growth of society.”
With a wealth of experience spanning over 30 years in engineering and corporate governance, Ir Ma remains passionate about serving the industry. Throughout his tenure, he aims to share his expertise, enhancing stakeholders’ comprehension of the engineering competencies and guiding the HKIE and its members to consistently uphold professionalism while delivering top-notch services.
At the AGM, it was also announced that Ir Alice Chow Kin-tak and Ir Prof Frank Chan-fan were re-elected as Vice Presidents. Ir Leung Kwok-yiu was elected Vice President for this Session on the day of the AGM. The five new Elected Ordinary Members of the Council are Ir Cheng Chi-lung, Ir Dr Johnny Cheuk Chi-yin, Ir Benedict Cheung Lai-shun, Ir Edmond Fong Wai-man, and Ir Tony Za Wai-gin.
Please refer to the attached list of all Council Members of the HKIE for Session 2024/2025.
For enquiries, please contact:
The Corporate Communications Section of the HKIE
Tel : 2895 4446
Fax : 2882 6825
Email : corpcom@hkie.org.hk
- Biography of Ir Eric Ma Siu-cheung
- Full list of Council Members of the HKIE for Session 2024/2025
The newly-installed President of the HKIE, Ir Eric Ma Siu-cheung (right)
and the Immediate Past President, Ir Dr Barry Lee Chi-hong (left)
(2024年6月20日) 第三屆大灣區工程師論壇今日在澳門美獅美高梅酒店,同步以線上線下混合模式進行,在場吸引超過400名大灣區工程人才踴躍參與。
過去兩屆論壇取得空前成功,促進大灣區內工程專業人才的交流,今屆論壇再接再厲,以「灣區同行 工程為本」為主題,由中國科學技術協會出任指導單位,及由中國工程師聯合體主辦,廣東省科學技術協會、香港工程師學會、香港工程科學院、澳門科學技術協進會及澳門工程師學會聯合主辦,中國科協培訓和人才服務中心、香港科技大學(廣州)、廣州市科學技術協會聯合承辦,並由內地和港澳多個工程相關專業團體協辦,貫通工程領域開放、信任、合作發展理念和構建工程共同體意識,著眼大灣區內外融合融通。
電話:2895 4446
廣東省科協主席、中國工程院院士、廣東省工程師學會會長陳勇先生 (左四),廣東省科協黨組書記、專職副主席成洪波先生 (右四),香港工程師學會會長李志康博士、工程師 (左三),澳門工程師學會會長胡祖杰先生 (右三),澳門科學技術協進會常務副理事長楊志新先生 (左二),學會副會長陳帆教授、工程師 (右二),澳門工程師學會理事長賴健榮先生 (左一),廣東省工程師學會執行會長劉桂雄先生 (右一) 共同見證粵港澳大灣區工程師聯合體正式成立
(香港,2024年5月17日) 香港工程師學會 (「學會」) 歡迎政府向立法會提交建造業付款保障條例草案(「條例」),並期望未來數月順利通過草案。
電話:2895 4446
傳真:2882 6825
以「不一樣.Be the Change」為題的「香港工程師週2024」,成功舉辦連串不同面向的活動,包括「香港工程師週嘉年華」、「N展聯盟」、「我們的夢想城市」小學生設計比賽、中學生的「工程達人-你問我答」比賽、「粵港澳大灣區高校創新工程邀請賽」,「大專院校巡迴招聘博覽」以及「香港工程師學會大獎2024」。
香港工程師學會前身為「香港工程協會」,早於1947年成立,隨着協會不斷發展,政府於1975年通過《香港工程師學會條例》(第1105章),正式賦予學會法定地位。現時學會會員人數超過34,000名,當中有約17,000名為法定會員。學會以團結不同專業界別的工程師,為會員謀求福利為宗旨。為確保會員質素,學會亦負責擬定專業工程師訓練及資歷審核標準,將會員資歷分為22個專業界別作出審核。同時,學會並積極推廣專業守則,對會員的操守有嚴格要求。有關本會更多資訊,請瀏覽 https://hkie.org.hk/
梁凱瑩小姐 |
余美玉小姐 |
電話:(852) 2895 4446
傳真:(852) 2882 6825
(Hong Kong, April 9, 2024) “Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024”, organised by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), concluded with a diverse array of captivating and inspiring activities and competitions. It brought unforgettable moments for citizens and the industry, receiving enthusiastic responses from all sectors and achieving unprecedented success, thus providing a perfect ending to “Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024.”
Ir Dr Barry LEE Chi Hong, the HKIE President stated, “The ‘Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024’ featured seven activities that were planned and implemented over several months. Among them, the annual family event, ‘Hong Kong Engineers Week Carnival,‘ was eagerly anticipated by the public and received unprecedented success, attracting over 46,000 participants. By organising the carnival, we not only provided the public with joyful moments but also demonstrated how engineering technologies are applied in daily life, allowing citizens to understand the importance and value of engineering. A remarkable attendance of more than 1,300 visitors was recorded throughout the ‘Career Fairs’. On behalf of the HKIE, I sincerely thank the industry and the public for their active support and participation.”
The Carnival with the theme “Be the Change”, successfully organised a series of activities with different perspectives, including the “Hong Kong Engineers Week Carnival,” “Engineer Alliance”, “Our Dream City” Primary School Design Competition”, “Our Future Engineers” Secondary Student Quiz Contest, “Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macao Greater Bay Area Tertiary Institution Innovation Project Invitational Competition”, “Career Fairs”, and “The HKIE Grand Awards 2024”.
After intense competition, the results of multiple matches have been determined. In the “Engineer Alliance”, Ir Eva LEE Ho Yan emerged as the Captain, while Mr Anthony CHAN Chun Yip and Miss Miro CHAN Sum Chau became Vice-captain. In the “Our Dream City” primary school design competition, Precious Blood Primary School, St. Francis of Assisi's Caritas School (Team 2), and Chai Wan Kok Catholic Primary School (Team 1) were crowned as the Champion, First Runner-up, and Second Runner-up, respectively. The Champion, First Runner-up and Second Runner-up of “Our Future Engineers” Secondary Student Quiz Contest were awarded to Shun Tak Fraternal Association Leung Kau Kui College, Immaculate Heart of Mary College and Shun Tak Fraternal Association Yung Yau College. As for the joint team composed of the Hong Kong Metropolitan University and Shenzhen Institute of Technology emerged as the Overall Champions of the invitational competition tournament in the “Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macao Greater Bay Area Tertiary Institution Innovation Project Invitational Competition”.
Ir Dr Barry LEE Chi Hong, said ”Through various industry and academic competitions, we witnessed a group of talented young engineers and students who showcased their innovative spirit and problem-solving abilities. It is truly gratifying and proud to see the unlimited potential of the younger generation in the field of engineering. Moving forward, we will continue to cultivate the interest of the younger generation in engineering work, inheriting the responsibility of driving Hong Kong's development.”
The successful conclusion of “Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024” marks the end of an exciting chapter but also signals a new beginning. The Institution will continue its efforts to promote the development of the engineering field and organise more educational and impactful activities in collaboration with various sectors, working together to build a better future.
For more information, please visit:
Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 official website: https://hkengineersweek.com/
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheHKIE
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_hkie/
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers LinkedIn:https://hk.linkedin.com/company/the-hkie
About the HKIE
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) – previously The Engineering Society of Hong Kong - was founded in 1947. In 1975, the HKIE was incorporated under the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Ordinance, Chapter 1105 of the Laws of Hong Kong. Today the HKIE has over 34,000 members, of which around 17,000 are Corporate Members.
The Institution aims to bring together engineers of different disciplines for their common good. The HKIE is committed to upholding the quality of membership, and sets standards for the training and admission of engineers from 22 engineering disciplines. It also has strict rules governing members’ conduct and is dedicated to raising the ethical standards of professional engineers in Hong Kong. For more information about the HKIE, please visit https://hkie.org.hk
- END-
This press release is distributed by Creative Consulting Group on behalf of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. For enquiries, please contact:
Creative Consulting Group
Ms Christy Leung Tel:(852) 9103 7182 |
Ms May Yu Tel:(852) 9634 2994 Email: may.yu@creativegp.com |
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Corporate Communications Section
Tel: (852) 2895 4446
Fax: (852) 2882 6825
Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk