香港工程師學會歡迎立法會通過基本法第23條立法 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers supports LegCo’s passage of Article 23 of the Basic Law

(香港,2024年3月20日) 香港工程師學會歡迎立法會全票通過基本法第23條草案。條例的通過對於香港而言意義重大深遠。條例護國安、守兩制,令社會可以集中精力發展經濟,改善民生。









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(Hong Kong, 20 March 2024) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers supports and welcomes the unanimous passage of Article 23 of the Basic Law by the Legislative Council. The legislation’s passage represents a significant and important milestone for Hong Kong. By safeguarding national security and defending “One Country, Two Systems,” the legislation enables our society to unite and concentrate its efforts on economic development and the improvement of livelihoods.


National security is the foundation upon which all development rests; it ensures that Hong Kong may enjoy long-term stability and give prominence to “building a vibrant economy, striving for development, and improving livelihoods”.


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers will keep leveraging its expertise and strengths, working hand in hand with the engineering industry and the society as a united front to strive for Hong Kong’s progress and prosperity.



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香港工程師學會公布五項學會獎項得主 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Announced the Awardees of Five Engineering Awards

(2024年3月15日,香港) 香港工程師學會(下稱「學會」)今日舉行第46屆周年晚宴,向對香港工程專業貢獻良多的人士頒發多個獎項。


學會非常榮幸邀請到立法會主席梁君彥議員、大紫荊勳賢為主禮嘉賓,以及香港科技園公司主席查毅超博士、銀紫荊星章為大會榮譽嘉賓。學會會長李志康博士、工程師負責頒發五項學會獎項。劉正光教授、工程師及梁廣灝工程師獲頒發「名譽資深會員」;Naeemullah Hussain教授、工程師獲頒「香港工程師學會榮譽大獎」;司徒家成工程師獲頒發「會長特設成就獎」;以及郭大瑋博士、工程師獲頒發「傑出青年工程師獎」。而「香港工程師學會大獎」各項獎項得主稍後將詳列於新聞稿內。


































每年,香港工程師學會榮譽大獎都會頒發予一名傑出會員,以獎勵其於他的相關專業之成就及貢獻。今年由Naeemullah Hussain教授、工程師獲得。


Hussain教授、工程師是國際知名的工程師及建築師,生於印度,他於1962年畢業於西巴基斯坦工程技術大學。最初他於東巴基斯坦(即現時孟加拉)為Associated British Consultants設計樓宇及工廠,直至1964年轉往轄下控制公司、位於倫敦的Kenchington Little & Partners。


在1966年至1967年間,他在倫敦的建築聯盟學院修讀建築,其後加入Christiani & Nielsen,成為M5高速公路高架橋的建築工程師。






Hussain教授、工程師是奧雅納院士及Global Bridge Leader,自1998年以香港為基地。2012年,他獲英國皇家工程學院頒發菲利普王子獎章,表揚他對工程界的傑出貢獻;2018年,他榮獲Scottish Engineering Hall of Fame;2022年,英國皇家結構工程師學會金質獎章,表彰他在全球持續設計出各項具啟發性的橋樑,充份彰顯他在建築及工程的深厚背景。他亦是香港工程科學院、英國皇家工程學院及香港工程師學會的資深會員。


作為設計師及項目經理,他曾參與眾多獲獎項目,包括倫敦Ludgate Railway Works、丹麥至瑞典的松德海峽大橋、英國的1號高速鐵路、Hulme Arch Bridge、香港的西鐵綫、深圳灣公路大橋、南韓的仁川大橋、香港的昂船洲大橋、蘇格蘭的昆斯費里大橋、中國的港珠澳大橋、文萊的淡布隆大橋以及美國的傑拉爾德戴斯蒙德大橋。


Hussain教授、工程師的興趣是顧及整體的設計,不論是形態、功能及經濟都同等重要,他曾出任國際橋樑與結構工程協會Outstanding Structures Committee的主席,現時為協會Permanent Committee的香港代表。






















郭博士、工程師致力培育年青人學習程式語言。他創辦的創融慈善基金有限公司是一間在香港註冊的慈善機構,為有經濟困難的學生提供免費的 STEAM 教育。在創立慈善基金之前,他已經是陳校長免費補習天地的義師。

















得獎項目:iPaint AI與其最佳應用方法





















工業和學術界對使用奈米壓痕、原子力顯微鏡和光鑷等奈米力學測試平台精確測量生物細胞和組織、先進聚合物和凝膠等軟材料的機械性能有著巨大的興趣和需求。此外,用於高溫的金屬和合金也需要對其機械性能進行無損檢測。得獎項目是一種全新的材料機械性能測量方法,透過在任何奈米力學測試平台的卸載過程中引入測試力或樣品位移的速率跳躍,精確地測量軟材料的固有彈性模量。此方法已被廣泛使用,並已製定為中國國家標準GB/T 43112-2023,將於2024年4月1日起實施。該標準是中國在材料測試工程方法方面處於世界領先地位的典範。





得獎者: 劉海峰工程師,曹之胤教授、工程師,陳家聰博士及梁智輝工程師


獲獎作品:iPaint AI與其最佳應用方法


時代廣場秉承其建築傳統,率先透過無電冷卻技術 iPaint 實現節能,該技術具有高太陽反射率和中紅外線發射能力。應用於天台冷卻水塔,有效降低冷卻水溫度。 AI 演算法透過動態調整冷卻水塔的操作模式,進一步整合了 建築資訊模型,地理資訊系統、物聯網感測器數據和 BMS 分析,以實現最佳製冷機組效能。




  • 建立機械設備的建築資訊模型(BIM),以實現精簡管理
  • 定期進行RCx(重新校驗),包括測量和檢驗,以優化設備
  • 依照《淡水冷卻塔實務守則》對冷卻塔進行熱性能評估
  • 根據《建築物能源效益條例》(BEEO),在2022年進行了能源審計









安全在鐵路運營中至關重要。智慧安全2.0是一種先進的解決方案,透過利用電腦視覺、人工智慧(AI)和物聯網(IoT)技術來增強輕鐵系統的安全性。 在與其他車輛共用路面的環境下,提供預測性的措施。






學會頒發香港工程師學會大獎2024──創意(分組I)優異獎予何文海工程師、羅梓偉工程師、張碧茜工程師及何建東工程師(獲獎作品:好好夾),及郭泓武工程師、周柏康先生、陳龍威工程師及王瑋琳先生 (獲獎作品:為香港海水冷卻系統推出首個智能防污海水濾網)。


學會頒發香港工程師學會大獎2024──創意(分組II)優異獎予黎錦雄工程師(獲獎作品:AMSFS III x AlgoWater)及姚本恩工程師(獲獎作品:山嶺搜索及救援的革命性科技應用)。
























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 會長向Naeemullah Hussain教授、工程師(左)頒發香港工程師學會榮譽大獎2024









(15 March 2024, Hong Kong) At its 46th Annual Dinner today, the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (hereafter “the HKIE”) paid tribute to the stellar and multivarious achievements of some of our city’s most distinguished engineering professionals by presenting them with a diverse spectrum of awards. 


The HKIE is pleased to have The Hon Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen, GBM, GBS, JP, President of the Legislative Council of the HKSAR, as the Principal Guest at the Dinner, and Dr Sunny Chai Ngai-chiu, SBS, JP, Chairman of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, as the Guest of Honour.


The President of the HKIE, Ir Dr Barry C H Lee, presented the five engineering awards.  The HKIE Honorary Fellows were awarded to Ir Prof Lau Ching Kwong and Ir Edmund Leung Kwong Ho; The HKIE Gold Medal, to Ir Prof Naeemullah Hussain; The President's Award, to Ir Szeto Ka Sing; and the Young Engineer of the Year Award, to Ir Dr Kwok Tai Wai. The HKIE Grand Award 2024’s numerous recipients are set out later in this press release.


The HKIE Honorary Fellow 2024


Each year, especially distinguished members may be elected as Honorary Fellows for the remarkable services that they have rendered to the HKIE, the engineering industry, or a scientific discipline.  This year two Fellows were elected. 


Ir Prof Lau Ching Kwong is a highly experienced civil and structural engineer. After receiving his Diploma in Building from Hong Kong Technical College in 1965 (now The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), he continued his extensive knowledge journey. He earned his Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering from Hong Kong Chu Hai College, Master of Science in Bridge Engineering from University of Surrey, and finally, Doctorate in Engineering from Tsinghua University. He is proudly the first Hong Kong engineer to receive this doctorate.


Ir Prof Lau’s distinguished civil service career spanned more than 35 years. He began with the Hong Kong Government in 1966 as Assistant Engineer. In 1994 and 1996 respectively, he was promoted to Government Engineer and Principal Government Engineer. He became Deputy Director of Highways Department in 1997. In late 2000 until his retirement in 2002, he was Director of Civil Engineering Department (now the Civil and Engineering Development Department (CEDD)).


In Hong Kong, Ir Prof Lau earned the title of “King of Bridges (香港橋王)” for his knowledge and experience in planning, designing and building large-scale infrastructure projects. He is particularly well-known and praised for his work on Hong Kong’s three world-class cable supported bridges that grace Hong Kong’s skyline - Tsing Ma Bridge, Kap Shui Mun Bridge and Ting Kau Bridge. While Director of the CEDD, he was instrumental in the early planning and design of Hong Kong Disneyland Theme Park after the government approved construction in 1999.


In 1999, he received “Mao Yisheng Bridge Construction Grand Award (茅以升橋樑大獎)” and “Tien-yow Jeme Civil Engineering Prize (中國土木工程詹天佑獎)” for his outstanding contribution to the Hong Kong and Mainland China engineering field.


Upon retiring in late 2002, Ir Prof Lau was engaged in 2003 as Executive Director of Transportation by AECOM Asia Co. Ltd. In this role, he managed and coordinated construction of Sutong Bridge, Shanghai Yangtze River Crossing /Tunnel and Bridge and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge.


In recognition of his significant contribution to the engineering profession and society, Ir Prof Lau is a fellow of the HKIE, Hong Kong Institution of Highways and Transportation, Institution of Structural Engineers, Institution of Civil Engineers, and Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences. He was elected President of the HKIE for Session 2002/2003 and to this day remains involved in its initiatives.


With more than 40 years of experience and knowledge to share with fellow and future engineers, he is currently a valuable mentor to the teaching team in the Department of Civil Engineering at his alma mater Hong Kong Chu Hai College and has been a part-time professor at Tsinghua University since 2004.


Ir Edmund Leung Kwong Ho has made signification contributions to engineering and society over his long career.


He received his Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 1967. In the 1970s he helped build the E&M system for phase one of the Mass Transit Railway system. To develop his engineering skills, he worked at a number of leading organisations including China Light and Power, GEC Hong Kong, HUD Engineering and Parsons Brinckerhoff (Asia). Gaining experience as a consulting engineer and contractor, he eventually moved up to senior management positions, overseeing a diverse range of engineering works. At the UK-based Hyder Consultants Group, he was Chairman of the East Asia Region and a Main Board Director. Afterwards, he became Managing Director of Hsin Chong Construction Group, a publicly listed entity. After retirement, he became Chief Officer of Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, managing its railway assets following the merger with MTR.


Ir Leung is very active in public service, having served in many capacities on town planning, energy, public utilities and politics. He has voted for all of Hong Kong’s Chief Executives as a member of the Selection Committee and Election Committee. He was a member of the Airport Authority, Town Planning Board, and Energy Advisory Committee. He was Chairman of the latter and was also Chairman of the Drinking Water Safety Advisory Committee. He is an advisor to the Ombudsman. His current non-engineering public service includes Deputy Chairman of The Hong Kong Institute of Directors and a Director of the ESG Consortium.


Ir Leung has played an active role in HKIE. He joined the Mechanical Engineering Division in the 1970s and later helped form the Building Services Group, Nuclear Engineering Division and Energy Discipline. He was President for session 1995/1996 and continues to actively participate in HKIE activities to this day. He has mentored young engineers including leading many delegations to Mainland China to broaden their outlook beyond Hong Kong.


For the last four years, Ir Leung has been a columnist at The Standard, writing about Hong Kong’s infrastructure and other current topics to promote engineering to young people. He is also helping to compile the history of Hong Kong infrastructure as an editor of a volume of Hong Kong Chronicles.


To award his outstanding contribution to the profession and society, Ir Leung has received Order of the British Empire, Justice of Peace, Silver Bauhinia Star, and HKIE Hall of Fame. He is an Honorary Fellow of Energy Institute and Chartered Institution of Plumbing and Heating Engineering. He is also a Fellow of HKIE, Engineers Australia, Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineering and Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences. Academically, he is an Honorary Fellow of HKU and Lingnan University.


The HKIE Gold Medal 2024


Each year, the Gold Medal is awarded to an outstanding member in recognition of his/her specific contributions to or achievements in his/her engineering field.  This year, the Medal went to Ir Prof Naeemullah Hussain.


Ir Prof Hussain is an internationally recognised engineer and architect. Born in India, he graduated from West Pakistan University of Engineering and Technology in 1962. He first worked in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) for Associated British Consultants, designing buildings and factories, before transferring in 1964 to Kenchington Little & Partners in London, one of their controlling firms.


From 1966 to 1967, he studied architecture at Architectural Association School of Architecture in London before joining Christiani & Nielsen to work as a construction engineer on the M5 Midland Links Motorway viaducts.


In 1969 Ir Prof Hussain joined Arup, where he has worked up to the present, except for a year off to earn his Master of Science degree in Concrete Structures at Imperial College London and a year in Pakistan working for Gammon Construction. 


With Arup he has worked in Canada, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Nigeria, and UK. He has been involved in bridge designs in Australia, Brunei, Canada, China, Chile, Denmark, England, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Korea, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Scotland, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Thailand, Tonga, Turkey, United States, and Vietnam.


Based in Hong Kong since 1998, Ir Prof Hussain is an Arup Fellow and its Global Bridge Leader. In 2012, he was awarded the Prince Philip Medal by the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) in UK for Exceptional Services to Engineering. In 2018, he was inducted into the Scottish Engineering Hall of Fame. In 2022, he received the Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE) Gold Medal in recognition of his enduring major and inspirational contributions to bridge design on a global scale, reflecting his background in both architecture and engineering. He is a Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences, Royal Academy of Engineering, and the HKIE.


Some notable award-winning projects he worked on, both as designer and project manager, are: Ludgate Railway Works (London), Oresund Crossing (Denmark-Sweden), Channel Tunnel Rail Link – High Speed 1 (UK), Hulme Arch Bridge (UK), West Rail Line (Hong Kong), Hong Kong-Shenzhen Western Corridor (Hong Kong), Incheon Bridge (Korea), Stonecutters Bridge (Hong Kong), Queensferry Crossing (Scotland), Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (China), Temburong Bridge (Brunei) and Gerald Desmond Bridge (the United States).


Ir Prof Hussain’s interest is in holistic approach to design, where form, function and economics each carry equal weight. He was Chair of Outstanding Structures Committee of International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering and is the Hong Kong delegate to Permanent Committee of the Association.


The President's Award 2024


The President's Award was set up by the Institution to recognise the dedicated and valuable services of members of any class who had served the HKIE with distinction.  This year, the award went to Ir Szeto Ka Sing.


Ir Szeto is a Fellow Member of the HKIE. His professional service spans over 50 years, with profound expertise in Marine and land transport, as well as oil and gas engineering. He is a certified inspector for Ocean-going Dangerous Goods Tankers.


Ir Szeto had assisted various government departments as professional expert on court cases related to lift incident, gas explosion and underground chemical tank leakage. He also provided expert input into legislative amendments to ordinances related to Merchant Shipping, Amusement Rides, Lifts and Escalators.


He was a Member of Engineers Registration Board, and Vice President of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology, UK. He is now the Chairman of the International Strategy Board of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK. 


Young Engineer of the Year Award 2024


The Young Engineer of the Year Award aims to recognise outstanding young engineers for their significant contributions to, and outstanding achievements in, the profession, the community of Hong Kong, and the HKIE.  This year, Ir Dr Kwok Tai Wai received the Award.


After earning a master’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Imperial College London, and another one in Mathematics of Finance from Columbia University, Ir Dr Kwok went on to pursue a doctorate in International Real Estate and Construction from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), completing the programme in 2023 as its youngest graduate.


Ir Dr Kwok has worked extensively in both civil and building engineering projects, including, while at the engineering consultancy Atkins, the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link and Doha Metro. A fascination with prefabrication and MiC led, by degrees, to the position of Head of Operations at Wah Tung Façade and the task of overseeing its façade and MiC business, and over 300 employees. Iconic façade projects like Hong Kong Palace Museum and Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel were among the fruits of his supervision.


Ir Dr Kwok is currently leading the technology start-up InnoWah—as its Founder and CEO—to develop a digitalised fabrication process for building materials to enhance operational efficiency and product quality. He has also published research papers as first author in international journals, driving Hong Kong’s adoption of prefabrication and digital technology.


As Founder and Chairman of Insquare Foundation Limited, a registered charity, Ir Dr Kwok cultivates young people’s knowledge of programming languages, inclusivise their community participation, and provides STEAM education for financially disadvantaged students. Even before such endeavours, he was a volunteer teacher at Principal Chan Free Tutorial World.


Apart from serving as Professional Reviewer for Institution of Civil Engineers, Ir Dr Kwok nurtures young minds in his capacities as HKIE School Ambassador and Mentor of PolyU’s and Federation of Hong Kong Industries’ (FHKI’s) mentorship programme.  As Executive Member of two FHKI councils, he tirelessly shares his experience and co-organises CPD events, recruiting new young members for the HKIE in Greater Bay Area’s manufacturing industry. Besides, he is a part-time lecturer at two member institutions of Vocational Training Council teaching engineering subjects.


Certificates of Merit for the Young Engineer of the Year Award 2024 went to Ir Francis Yuen Piu Hung and Ir Lo Yuk Hong.


The HKIE Grand Award 2024


The HKIE Grand Award champions our members’ and their projects’ exemplary contributions to the development of Hong Kong.

Innovation Category

Grand Prize, Sub-category I – An Invention (All Member Group)

Ir Prof Ngan Hing Wan, Alfonso

Awarded Project: Rate-jump method for nanomechanical testing

Grand Prize, Sub-category II – An Innovative Application (All Member Group)

Ir Lau Hoi Fung, Ir Prof Tso Chi Yan, Dr Chan Ka Chung, and Ir Leung Chi Fai

Awarded Project: iPaint AI and related best practices

Grand Prize, Sub-category II – An Innovative Application (Young Member Group)

Ir Ng Ka Chun, Mr So Tin Ching, Miss Ng Chak Lam Rica, and Mr Chan Wai Ching Charles

Awarded Project: Intelligent Safety 2.0 for Light Rail Utilising IoT, AI & Computer Vision


Infrastructure Category

Grand Prize

Ir Leung Chung Lap Michael and Ir Tsang Hing Kai Ivan

Awarded Project: Tseung Kwan O - Lam Tin Tunnel


Awarded Projects of The HKIE Grand Award 2024


The HKIE Grand Award 2024 - Innovation Category


Sub-category I - An Invention (All Member Group)

Awardee: Ir Prof Ngan Hing Wan Alfonso


Submission: Rate-jump method for nanomechanical testing


There has been enormous interest in and demand for accurately measuring the mechanical properties of soft materials, such as biological cells and tissues, advanced polymers and gels, etc., using nanomechanical test platforms including nanoindentation, atomic force microscopy and optical tweezers. In addition, metals and alloys for high-temperature applications also require non-destructive testing for their mechanical properties. This award concerns a general method for accurately measuring the intrinsic elastic modulus of materials by introducing a rate jump in the test force or sample displacement during an unloading process in any nanomechanical test platform. The method is widely used by peer researchers. It has also been developed into a Chinese National Standard GB/T 43112-2023 for instrumented indentation for metallic materials, which will be implemented starting from 1 April 2024. This standard is an example of China leading the world in engineering methods for material testing.


The awardee, Ir Prof Alfonso H W Ngan, is Kingboard Professor in Materials Engineering and Chair Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at The University of Hong Kong. He is an International Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in the UK, Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering, and recipient of the Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Prize of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Changjiang Professorship from the Chinese Ministry of Education, and Rosenhain Medal from the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, UK.


Sub-category II - An Innovative Application (All Member Group)

Awardees: Ir Lau Hoi Fung, Ir Prof Tso Chi Yan, Dr Chan Ka Chung, and Ir Leung Chi Fai


Submission: iPaint AI and related best practices


Times Square, embracing its architectural legacy, has pioneered energy conservation through electricity-free cooling technology, iPaint, which has high solar reflection and mid-infrared emission. It is applied to cooling towers’ condenser water pipes, effectively lowering condenser water temperature. AI algorithms complement iPaint by dynamically adjusting cooling tower setpoints to ensure energy-efficient operation without compromising occupant comfort, a breakthrough known as iPaintAI. This advanced system further integrates BIM, GIS, IoT sensor data, and BMS analytics for peak performance.


Simultaneously, a suite of best practices fortify the iPaintAI initiative:


  • Crafting a BIM model streamlines mechanical plant management.
  • Rigorous RCx protocols enforce measurement and verification for plant enhancement.
  • Cooling tower thermal performance undergoes scrutiny, aligning with established fresh water cooling standards.
  • A comprehensive energy audit, conducted in 2022, adheres to the stringent BEEO.


This transformative project is helmed by a team of distinguished professionals: Ir Lau, Technical Director at EnerRight Intelligent Limited; Ir Prof Tso, Associate Professor at CityU; Dr Chan, Research Assistant Professor at the PolyU; and Ir Leung, Technical Manager at Times Square Limited.


Sub-category II - An Innovative Application (Young Member Group)

Awardees: Ir Ng Ka Chun, Mr So Tin Ching, Miss Ng Chak Lam Rica, and Mr Chan Wai Ching


Submission: Intelligent Safety 2.0 for Light Rail Utilising IoT, AI & Computer Vision


Safety is of paramount importance in railway operations. The Intelligent Safety 2.0 is an advanced solution that enhances safety in Light Rail System by leveraging Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. It provides anticipative and comprehensive measures under the Light Rail environment, given its unique feature of high interface volume with roadside traffic.


The system continuously monitors train speed, track conditions, and detects risks such as trespassers or track obstructions, issuing real-time reminders and offering automatic safety measures. It predicts roadside traffic at complex junctions, identifying potential conflicts and abnormal behaviors to improve Light Rail safety and efficiency.


Ir Ng Ka Chun is the Senior Communications & Network Engineering Manager of the MTR Corporation. All members, including Mr So Tin Ching, Miss Ng Chak Lam Rica and Mr Chan Wai Ching, are MTR home-grown engineers from the Operations Innovation Hub.


The Merit of Sub-category I went to Ir Ho Man Hoi, Ir Law Tsz Wai, Ir Cheung Pik Sin Carry, and Mr Ho Kin Tung Tony (Submission: GOOD Grab (“Generative AI Object-Oriented Debris” Grab)); and Ir Kwok Wang Mo Thomas, Mr Chow Pak Hong, Ir Chan Lung Wai Chris, and Mr Wong Wai Lam (Submission: Smart Antifouling Seawater Screen for Cooling System in Hong Kong).


The Merit of Sub-category II went to Ir Lai Kam Hung Steven (Submission: ATAL Multi-Stages Flocculation Sedimentation III (AMSFS III) x AlgoWater); and Ir Iu Pun Yan (Submission: A revolutionary technological approach in Mountain Search and Rescue Operations).


Besides, the Merit of Sub-category I (Young Member Group) went to Mr Cheng Yau Chung (Submission: Distributed Real-time Autonomous-optimization-based Feedback Control in Microgrids); and the Merit of Sub-category II (Young Member Group) went to Ir Leung Kin Fung Calvin (Submission: Mass Deployment of AI-based Chiller Energy Optimisation using Semantic AI Approach and Large Language Model (LLM)).


The Merit of Industrial Category went to Dr Yang Haokun (Submission: High-Strength Steel Intelligent Process Database Based Pre-programmed Multi-Point Positioning Arc-welding Technology).


The HKIE Grand Award 2024 - Infrastructure Category

Awardees: Ir Leung Chung Lap Michael and Ir Tsang Hing Kai Ivan


Submission: Tseung Kwan O - Lam Tin Tunnel


Tseung Kwan O - Lam Tin Tunnel provides a new trunk road for Tseung Kwan O, connecting Kowloon East and the Eastern Harbor Crossing.  It is also the eastern section of the future Route 6 that will serve as an express link between Kowloon East and West. 


Completed during an extremely challenging time, the project successfully overcame various difficulties.  The tunnel design incorporated many innovative elements to enhance sustainability and overall project benefits.  These include locating the ventilation building partially in caverns, applying the “single site, multiple use” concept to turn a landscaped deck into the Tseung Lam Highway Garden for public enjoyment, etc. 


The new tunnel has significantly improved the traffic conditions of Tseung Kwan O and its environs, shortening the journey time to Kowloon East by 20 minutes during the morning peak hours.  The notable infrastructural improvement, to which people’s livelihood is closely related, enhances their sense of blissfulness, as well as promotes the continuous development of Tseung Kwan O.


Besides, the Certificate of Merit went to Ir Yan Chun Ho, Ir Cheung Kin Wai Chris, and Mr Ho Siu Wai (Submission: Tung Chung New Town Extension - Reclamation and Advance Works); and Ir Choy Man Yee, Ir Liu Lik Hang Rex, and Ir Wong Fai (Submission: Enhancement works for Kwun Tong sewage pumping station).


This Session's award recipients have demonstrated engineering excellence that has significantly advanced Hong Kong society. They have set a new pinnacle for engineers through their innovative work, leadership, and dedication to serving the community.



For media enquiries, please contact:


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Corporate Communications Section

Tel: 2895 4446

Fax: 2882 6825

Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk





Ir Dr Barry C H Lee, the HKIE's President, delivering his Address


The Hon Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen, President of the Legislative Council of the HKSAR, delivering his Address as the Principal Guest


Ir Prof Lau Ching Kwong (L), the HKIE Honorary Fellow 2024, with the President


Ir Edmund Leung Kwong Ho (R), the HKIE Honorary Fellow 2024, with the President


Ir Prof Naeemullah Hussain (L) being presented The HKIE Gold Medal 2024 by the President


Ir Szeto Ka Sing (R) being presented with the President's Award 2024 by the President


Ir Dr Kwok Tai Wai (R) being presented with Young Engineer of the Year Award (YEYA) 2024 by the President


HKIE President Ir Dr Barry C H Lee (6th left) with Grand Prize awardees of The HKIE Grand Award


PDF version

粵港澳大灣區高校創新工程邀請賽圓滿舉行 深化大灣區院校交流 展現創新和團隊精神 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Tertiary Institution Innovation Project Invitational Competition concludes in success Deepen exchange and showcase innovation and team spirit









發展局常任秘書長 (工務) 劉俊傑工程師, JP表示:「發展局一直積極推動兩地工程界更密切的交流合作,發揮『背靠祖國、聯通世界』的獨特優勢,參與大灣區和一帶一路沿線國家和城市的基建建設,推動國家的高質量工程發展。今天我很高興看到很多的年輕的新力軍,期望大灣區的高校生進行更多交流、互動,擔當兩地合作的橋樑,建設香港、服務大灣區,為國家的新輝煌作出貢獻。」












香港中文大學 及 深圳職業技術大學 隊伍A聯隊

香港科技大學 及香港科技大學(廣州)聯隊

香港大學 及 廣州理工學院隊伍A聯隊


香港專業教育學院(黃克競)隊伍B及 深圳職業技術大學 隊伍B聯隊

香港科技大學 及  香港科技大學(廣州)聯隊

香港專業教育學院(青衣)隊伍B  及 順德職業技術學院隊伍 A聯隊






香港大學 及 廣州理工學院隊伍A聯隊

香港中文大學 及  深圳職業技術大學隊伍A聯隊

香港都會大學 及 深圳技師學院聯隊







香港專業教育學院(青衣)隊伍A 及 中山大學隊伍B聯隊

香港都會大學 及  深圳技師學院聯隊

香港中文大學 及 深圳職業技術大學隊伍 A聯隊


香港專業教育學院(青衣)隊伍A 及 中山大學隊伍B聯隊

香港中文大學 及  深圳職業技術大學隊伍A聯隊

香港專業教育學院(青衣)隊伍B  及 順德職業技術學院隊伍 A聯隊


香港專業教育學院(青衣)隊伍A 及 中山大學隊伍B聯隊

香港大學 及 廣州理工學院隊伍A聯隊

香港城市大學 及 中山大學隊伍A聯隊







香港大學 及 廣州理工學院隊伍A聯隊

香港理工大學 及 廣州理工學院隊伍B聯隊

香港科技大學 及  香港科技大學(廣州)聯隊


香港都會大學 及  深圳技師學院聯隊

香港專業教育學院(青衣)隊伍A 及 中山大學隊伍B聯隊

香港中文大學 及  深圳職業技術大學隊伍A聯隊







香港都會大學 及  深圳技師學院聯隊

香港科技大學 及  香港科技大學(廣州)聯隊

香港中文大學 及  深圳職業技術大學隊伍A聯隊



香港都會大學 及  深圳技師學院

















發展局常任秘書長 (工務) 劉俊傑工程師, JP期望大灣區的高校生進行更多交流、互動。



大合照:發展局常任秘書長 (工務) 劉俊傑工程師, JP(中)、機電工程署機電工程署署長/機電工程營運基金總經理彭耀雄工程師, JP(左二)、香港工程師學會會長李志康博士、工程師(左三)、香港工程師週2024粵港澳大灣區高校創新工程邀請賽籌委會主席樂法成教授、工程師(右三)、中國工程院院士、英國皇家工程院院士陳清泉教授、工程師(右二)、職業訓練局青年學院(葵湧、薄扶林)院長及工程學科副學術總監劉慶強博士(左一),以及香港工程師學會秘書長薛永恆教授、工程師(右一)。



















香港工程師學會前身為「香港工程協會」,早於1947年成立,隨著協會不斷發展,政府於1975年通過《香港工程師學會條例》(第1105章),正式賦予學會法定地位。現時學會會員人數超過34,000名,當中有約17,000名為法定會員。學會以團結不同專業界別的工程師,為會員謀求福利為宗旨。為確保會員質素,學會亦負責擬定專業工程師訓練及資歷審核標準,將會員資歷分為22個專業界別作出審核。同時,學會並積極推廣專業守則,對會員的操守有嚴格要求。有關本會更多資訊,請流覽 https://hkie.org.hk/  







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香港中文大學:2024年3月12 - 13日








(Hong Kong, 9 March 2024) The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Tertiary Institution Innovation Project Invitational Competition (the Competition) organised by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (the HKIE) successfully concluded today. The Competition invited engineering students from higher education institutions in Hong Kong and Mainland to form teams. Using self-designed and modified remote-control cars and robotic arms, teams competed in designated tasks at a field to win awards. The HKIE hopes that the event will deepen corporation and exchange among engineering institutions in the Greater Bay Area.


The Competition is one of the key events of the Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024. Today, the final was held at the Beach Volleyball Court of South China Athletic Association. A total of 20 local, Mainland and higher institutions formed 10 teams. Before the competition day, each team collaborated in programming and assembling two remote-control car and robotic arms, as well as constructing a bridge. On final competition, participating teams had to build sandcastles on-site and use their remote-control cars to relay and place flags on the sandcastles within a limited time. Various awards were competed for and judged by a panel.


The competition tests participants' engineering knowledge and skills, encouraging them to showcase their creativity and teamwork. After nearly 4 hours of competition, a joint team composed of the Hong Kong Metropolitan University and Shenzhen Institute of Technology Group emerged as the overall champions of the invitational competition tournament, winning a scholarship of HK$10,000.


Ir Dr Barry Lee Chi Hong, President of the HKIE, said, “The HKIE has been committed to deepening academic exchanges with higher education institutions in the Greater Bay Area. Through this competition, we hope to strengthen our connections with higher institutions in Mainland, creating more opportunities for collaboration. The HKIE will continue to organise various activities to promote the exchange and cooperation among young engineers in the Greater Bay Area, contributing to the development of the country.”


Ir Ricky Lau Chun kit, JP, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), said “The Development Bureau has been proactively promoting exchanges and collaborations between the engineering sectors of the Mainland and Hong Kong to leverage Hong Kong’s distinctive advantage of enjoying strong support of the motherland and being closely connected to the world, and participate in the infrastructure development in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and the Belt and Road (B&R) Initiative countries and cities to promote the nation's high-quality engineering development. I am delighted to see many young talents here today. I look forward to more exchanges and interactions among tertiary students in the GBA, who play a bridging role in the collaboration of the two sides, facilitating the development of Hong Kong, serving the GBA and contributing to the betterment of our nation.”


Ir Prof Louis Lock Fat Shing, Chairman of the Organising Committee of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Innovation Competition, stated that the competition provided an interactive platform for young people from Mainland and Hong Kong to showcase their unique ideas and encouraged teamwork to face various challenges He hoped that participants gained valuable experiences and broadened their horizons.


The award results of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Tertiary Institution Innovation Project Invitational Competition are shown as below:


RC Car Category


1st Runner up

2nd Runner up

Most Creative Remote Control Car Design Award

The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Shenzhen Polytechnic University Team A Group

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) Group

The University of Hong Kong and Guangzhou Institute of Science and Technology Team A Group

Most Eco-Friendly Remote Control Car Design Award

Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Haking Wong) Team B and Shenzhen Polytechnic University Team B Group

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) Group

Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi) Team B and Shunde Polytechnic Team A Group

Most Lightweight Remote Control Car Award

Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi) Team B

Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi) Team A

Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Haking Wong) Team A

Fastest Remote Control Car Award

The University of Hong Kong and Guangzhou Institute of Science and Technology Team A Group

The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Shenzhen Polytechnic University Team A Group

Hong Kong Metropolitan University and Shenzhen Institute of Technology Group


Bridge Category


1st Runner up

2nd Runner up

Most Creative Bridge Design Award

Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi) Team A and Sun Yat-sen University Team B Group

Hong Kong Metropolitan University and Shenzhen Institute of Technology Group

The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Shenzhen Polytechnic University Team A Group

Most Eco-Friendly Bridge Design Award

Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi) Team A and Sun Yat-sen University Team B Group

The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Shenzhen Polytechnic University Team A Group

Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi) Team B and Shunde Polytechnic Team A Group

Most Lightweight with Least Support Bridge Award

Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi) Team A and Sun Yat-sen University Team B Group

The University of Hong Kong and Guangzhou Institute of Science and Technology Team A Group

City University of Hong Kong and Sun Yat-sen University Team A Group


Sandcastle Category


1st Runner up

2nd Runner up

Highest Sandcastle Award

The University of Hong Kong and Guangzhou Institute of Science and Technology Team A Group

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Guangzhou Institute of Science and Technology Team B Group

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and The Hong Kong University of Science And Technology (Guangzhou) Group

Best Sandcastle Design Award

Hong Kong Metropolitan University and Shenzhen Institute of Technology Group

Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi) Team A and Sun Yat-sen University Team B Group

The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Shenzhen Polytechnic University Team A Group


Other Category


1st Runner up

2nd Runner up

Best Teamwork Award

Hong Kong Metropolitan University and Shenzhen Institute of Technology Group

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) Group

The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Shenzhen Polytechnic University Team A Group


The Overall Champion

Hong Kong Metropolitan University and Shenzhen Institute of Technology Group


For more information, please visit:


Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 official website: https://hkengineersweek.com/

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheHKIE

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_hkie/

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers LinkedIn: https://hk.linkedin.com/company/the-hkie   


Click here to download high resolution pictures.


Photo 1:

Ir Dr Barry Lee Chi Hong, President of the HKIE hopes to strengthen our connections with higher institutions in Mainland.


Photo 2:

Ir Ricky Lau Chun kit, JP, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), looks forward to more exchanges and interactions among tertiary students in the GBA.


Photo 3:

Group photo: Ir Ricky Lau Chun kit, JP, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) (Middle), Ir Pang Yiu Hung, JP, Director of Electrical & Mechanical Services/Gen Mgr, EMSTF, Electrical & Mechanical Services Department (2nd left), Ir Dr Barry Lee Chi Hong, President of the HKIE (3rd left), Ir Prof Louis Lock Fat Shing, Chairman of the Organising Committee of the Greater Bay Area Innovation Competition (3rd right), Ir Prof C C Chan, Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering & Fellow, Royal Academy of Engineering U.K. (2nd right), Dr George Lau, Principal of  Youth College (Kwai Chung, Pokfulam) and Deputy Academic Director (Engineering), Vocational Training Council (1st left) , and Ir Prof Alfred Sit Wing Hang, Chief Executive and Secretary of the HKIE (1st right).


Photo 4:

A group photo of guests and the participating teams.


Photo 5 to 10:

Participating teams had to build sandcastles on-site and use their remote-control cars to relay and place flags on the sandcastles within a limited time.


Photo 11:

A joint team composed of the Hong Kong Metropolitan University and Shenzhen Institute of Technology Group emerged as the overall champions of the invitational competition tournament.


Photo 12:

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Tertiary Institution Innovation Project Invitational Competition organised by the HKIE successfully concluded.




About the HKIE


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) – previously The Engineering Society of Hong Kong - was founded in 1947. In 1975, the HKIE was incorporated under the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Ordinance, Chapter 1105 of the Laws of Hong Kong. Today the HKIE has over 34,000 members, of which around 17,000 are Corporate Members.


The Institution aims to bring together engineers of different disciplines for their common good. The HKIE is committed to upholding the quality of membership, and sets standards for the training and admission of engineers from 22 engineering disciplines. It also has strict rules governing members’ conduct and is dedicated to raising the ethical standards of professional engineers in Hong Kong. For more information about the HKIE, please visit https://hkie.org.hk





This press release is distributed by Creative Consulting Group on behalf of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. For enquiries, please contact:


Creative Consulting Group

Ms Christy Leung

Tel: (852) 9103 7182

Email: christy.leung@creativegp.com 


Ms May Yu

Tel: (852) 9634 2994

Email: ⁠may.yu@creatiegp.com


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Corporate Communications Section

Tel: (852) 2895 4446

Fax: (852) 2882 6825

Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk




Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 Event Details:


Engineering Career Fairs


The Chinese University of Hong Kong: 12 – 13 March 2024

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University: 19 March 2024

The University of Hong Kong: 21 March 2024


Each tertiary institution


 PDF version


香港工程師週2024「大專院校巡迴招聘博覽」 加深學生對工程興趣 了解未來發展機會 Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 Career Fairs Deepening students' interest in engineering and learning about future development opportunities































香港工程師學會上任會長卜國明工程師 (右) 向香港城市大學代表頒發紀念品。




香港工程師學會前身為「香港工程協會」,早於1947年成立,隨着協會不斷發展,政府於1975年通過《香港工程師學會條例》(第1105章),正式賦予學會法定地位。現時學會會員人數超過34,000名,當中有約17,000名為法定會員。學會以團結不同專業界別的工程師,為會員謀求福利為宗旨。為確保會員質素,學會亦負責擬定專業工程師訓練及資歷審核標準,將會員資歷分為22個專業界別作出審核。同時,學會並積極推廣專業守則,對會員的操守有嚴格要求。有關本會更多資訊,請瀏覽 https://hkie.org.hk/  






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香港科技大學:2024年2月29日 (已結束)

職業訓練局(青衣院校) :2024年3月4日(已結束)











(Hong Kong, 8 March 2024) Organised by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), the key event of the Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 – Career Fairs aims to promote exchanges and co-operation between students and corporations, whereby students can learn about the characteristics and development of corporations through the Recruitment Expo, while corporations can provide internships, job placements and career development opportunities to students.


The first stop of the Career Fairs was held at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) on 29 February, followed by the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE - Tsing Yi) and the School of Professional Education and Executive Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU SPEED), and the fourth stop of the Career Fairs at the City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) today. In order to enhance students' interest in the engineering industry, representatives from HKIE were sent to provide information and career guidance to students to help them make more informed career choices. The Co-Chairmen of Career Fairs Organising Committee, Ir YUE Wai Pui Keith and Ir ZA Wai Gin Tony, the Captain of Engineer Alliance, Ir LEE Ho Yan Eva, and the Chairman of the HKIE Logistics and Transportation Division, Ir Dr WONG Yiu Man, attended the Career Fairs in different institutions to share their insights and experience with the students.


Ir Tony ZA, Co-Chairman of the Career Fairs Organising Committee, said at The School of Professional Education and Executive Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU SPEED), “The Career Fairs is not only an opportunity for companies to recruit new talents, but also builds up co-operation between students and companies, and allows students to learn about the opportunities and challenges of the engineering industry. Hong Kong's engineering sector has more and more opportunities for development in the future, and new talents are needed in promoting the development of the industry. I believe that through our joint efforts and co-operation, the engineering sector will become more brilliant and outstanding.”


The Captain of Engineer Alliance, Ir LEE Ho Yan Eva, shared at the City University of Hong Kong stop, “The Career Fairs is of great significance in promoting the development of the engineering industry and nurturing excellent engineering talents. We hope that the visitors can learn more about the engineering sector at the Career Fair, and succeed in finding their ideal job.”


The next stop of the Career Fair will be held at The Chinese University of Hong Kong from 12 March to 13 March, where you can communicate with engineers and learn about the latest industry trends and career opportunities, and the Co-Chairmen of Career Fairs Organising Committee, Ir Keith YUE, will also be present to share with you.  Please pay close attention and participate in the event!


For more information, please visit:


Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 official website: https://hkengineersweek.com/

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheHKIE

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_hkie/

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers LinkedIn:https://hk.linkedin.com/company/the-hkie   




Click here to download images


Photo 1:

Career Fairs has attracted many students to participate


Photo 2:

Ir Tony ZA, Co-Chairman of Career Fairs Organising Committee shared the industry trend to students.

Photo 3:

Ir Eva LEE, the Captain of Engineer Alliance shared her experience with the students in the sharing session.


Photo 4:

The HKIE Immediate Past President, Ir Aaron BOK Kwok Ming (right) presented souvenirs to the representative of City University of Hong Kong.




About the HKIE 

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) – previously The Engineering Society of Hong Kong - was founded in 1947. In 1975, the HKIE was incorporated under the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Ordinance, Chapter 1105 of the Laws of Hong Kong. Today the HKIE has over 34,000 members, of which around 17,000 are Corporate Members. 


The Institution aims to bring together engineers of different disciplines for their common good. The HKIE is committed to upholding the quality of membership, and sets standards for the training and admission of engineers from 22 engineering disciplines. It also has strict rules governing members’ conduct and is dedicated to raising the ethical standards of professional engineers in Hong Kong. For more information about the HKIE, please visit https://hkie.org.hk  






This press release is issued by Creative Consulting Group Limited on behalf of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. For enquiry, please contact


Creative Consulting Group Limited


Ms Christy Leung
Tel: (852) 9103 7182

Email: christy.leung@creativegp.com

Ms May Yu

Tel: (852) 9634 2994

Email: may.yu@creativegp.com 


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Corporate Communications Section

Tel: (852) 2895 4446

Fax: (852) 2882 6825

Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk




Event Details:


Career Fair


Late February to late March 2024


The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology: 29 February 2024 (Completed)

Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi): 4 March 2024 (Completed)

School of Professional Education and Executive Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University:

5 March 2024 (Completed)

City University of Hong Kong: 8 March 2024 (Completed)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong: 12 to 13 March 2024

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University: 19 March 2024

The University of Hong Kong: 21 March 2024


Each tertiary institution


PDF version


「香港工程師週嘉年華」圓滿閉幕 小學生設計「夢想城市」激發創意 培育工程興趣 Hong Kong Engineers Week Carnival concluded in success Primary school students design their "Dream City" to unleash creativity and cultivate interest in engineering



主題「不一樣,Be the Change」的香港工程師週嘉年華,今日舉行閉幕禮。香港工程師學會會長李志康博士、工程師致辭時表示:「很高興學會連續第二年成功舉辦香港工程師週嘉年華,工程師一直以專業貢獻社會,學會現有22個專業界別,不論是建造、土木、航空、電子或是消防、環境或核,均與市民的生活息息相關,今次的活動是很好的起步點,期望讓公眾看到工程師不一樣的一面。學會未來會繼續與各持分者充分合作,推廣工程專業和吸引更多年青人加入工程這具意義的工作,共同為建設香港出一分力。」


閉幕禮邀請過百名嘉賓出席,並向贊助機構頒發紀念品,感謝他們的支持。學會亦安排了多個表演項目,包括本地音樂組合per se的音樂會表演,及魔術和兒童舞蹈。





























音樂組合per se台上獻唱。








香港工程師學會前身為「香港工程協會」,早於1947年成立,隨着協會不斷發展,政府於1975年通過《香港工程師學會條例》(第1105章),正式賦予學會法定地位。現時學會會員人數超過34,000名,當中有約17,000名為法定會員。學會以團結不同專業界別的工程師,為會員謀求福利為宗旨。為確保會員質素,學會亦負責擬定專業工程師訓練及資歷審核標準,將會員資歷分為22個專業界別作出審核。同時,學會並積極推廣專業守則,對會員的操守有嚴格要求。有關本會更多資訊,請瀏覽 https://hkie.org.hk/  








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銅鑼灣南華體育會沙灘排球場 (不向公眾開放)







職業訓練局(青衣院校) :2024年3月4日



香港中文大學:2024年3月12 - 13日








(Hong Kong, March 3, 2024) The annual flagship event “Hong Kong Engineers Week Carnival”, organised by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), successfully concluded today at the Harbourside Lawn, West Kowloon Cultural District. The three-day carnival received an overwhelming response, attracting over 46,000 participants. The HKIE expresses great appreciation to the enthusiastic participation of the public and the unwavering support from sponsors and government departments.


The Carnival with the theme “Be the Change” held its closing ceremony today. Ir Dr Barry LEE Chi Hong, the HKIE President, said in his speech, “We are delighted to have successfully organised the Carnival for the second consecutive years. Engineers have been contributing to society with their professionalism. There are 22 engineering disciplines, including building, civil, aircraft, electronics, environmental, fire and nuclear, and they all affect our daily lives. This event serves as a good start and we hope the public see the different sides of engineers. The HKIE will continue to collaborate with stakeholders to promote engineering profession and attract more young talents to join this meaningful work, together making contributions to the development of Hong Kong.”


The closing ceremony was attended by over a hundred guests. The HKIE presented appreciation certificate to sponsors to show appreciation for their support. Different performances were also arranged, including a music performance by local music group per se, magic show and kid’s dance performance.


On other hand, the “Our Dream City” primary school design competition concluded after three days of public voting and judging. Precious Blood Primary School, St. Francis of Assisi's Caritas School (Team 2), and Chai Wan Kok Catholic Primary School (Team 1) were crowned as the champion, first runner-up, and second runner-up, respectively. The competition involved teams of primary four to primary six students who, with the guidance and collaboration of engineering mentors, designed and built models of their “Dream City”. Ten selected models were exhibited at Harbourside Lawn, West Kowloon Cultural District during the three-day Carnival. Today, students delivered presentations, sharing the elements they envisioned for their “Dream City”. The HKIE hopes that this event will unleash students' creativity, foster teamwork, enhance their interest in urban development and the field of engineering, and promote the importance of sustainable development in society.


The “Engineer Alliance” competition held its final round today, where five young engineers showcased their professionalism and leadership through individual speeches. After the evaluation by judges and public voting, Ir Eva LEE emerged as the team leader, while Mr Anthony CHAN and Miss Miro CHAN became deputy team leaders.


Starting from 29 February, the HKIE organises Career Fairs at different tertiary institutions, providing information and advice to students interested in joining the engineering field. Additionally, on 9 March (Saturday), the “Guangdong- Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Tertiary Institution Innovation Project Invitational Competition” will be held to cultivate talents and promote exchange among engineering departments of higher education institutions in the Greater Bay Area.




For more information, please visit:


Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 official website: https://hkengineersweek.com/

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheHKIE

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_hkie/

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers LinkedIn:https://hk.linkedin.com/company/the-hkie   


Click here to download the photos 


Photo 1:

Ir Dr Barry LEE Chi Hong, the HKIE President delivered speeches at the Closing Ceremony.


Photo 2:

Captain of “Engineer Alliance”, Ir Eva LEE (3rd left) and Vice-captain Mr Anthony CHAN (1st left) and Miss Miro CHAN (2nd left) took a photo with Jury, teammate Mr Hansel KWOK (2nd right) and Miss Jessy Ng (1st right).


Photos 3, 4 and 5:

After a fierce competition, the winner of “Our Dream City” Primary Student Design Contest was Precious Blood Primary School.


Photos 6,7,and 8:

Different performances were also arranged, including magic show and kid’s dance performance.


Photo 9:

Music Group per se performed on stage to the enthusiastic audience.


Photos 10 and 11:

The three-day carnival attracted over 46,000 participants.




About the HKIE 

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) – previously The Engineering Society of Hong Kong - was founded in 1947. In 1975, the HKIE was incorporated under the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Ordinance, Chapter 1105 of the Laws of Hong Kong. Today the HKIE has over 34,000 members, of which around 17,000 are Corporate Members. 


The Institution aims to bring together engineers of different disciplines for their common good. The HKIE is committed to upholding the quality of membership, and sets standards for the training and admission of engineers from 22 engineering disciplines. It also has strict rules governing members’ conduct and is dedicated to raising the ethical standards of professional engineers in Hong Kong. For more information about the HKIE, please visit https://hkie.org.hk  




This press release is distributed by Creative Consulting Group on behalf of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. For enquiries, please contact:


Creative Consulting Group


Ms Christy Leung

Tel:(852) 9103 7182


Ms May Yu

Tel:(852) 9634 2994

Email: may.yu@creativegp.com


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Corporate Communications Section

Tel: (852) 2895 4446

Fax: (852) 2882 6825

Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk



Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 Event Details:


Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Tertiary Institution Innovation Project Invitational Competition


9 March 2024


8:15 am – 4 pm


Beach volleyball court, South China Athletic Association, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong  (Not Open to Public)


Engineering Career Fairs


Early March to late March 2024


The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology: 29 February 2024

Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi Campus): 4 March 2024

School of Professional Education and Executive Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University: 5 March 2024

City University of Hong Kong: 8 March 2024

The Chinese University of Hong Kong: 12 – 13 March 2024

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University: 19 March 2024

The University of Hong Kong: 21 March 2024


Each tertiary institution


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