- 基建設施發展
- 協調發展計劃並調整優先次序;
- 在大型基建項目中優化資源配置,以成本效益為主要考慮;
- 仔細審視工程開支,保持公共財政健康,以應對香港財政儲備下降的情況;
- 考慮採用公私營機構合作(PPP)和私營機構注資(PFI)。
- 吸引人才
- 將工程公司參與香港工程師學會工程畢業生培訓計劃(EGTS)而聘用工程畢業生作為見習生的政府補貼提升至每月 10,000 港元;
- 增加EGTS配額,鼓勵公司以更有競爭力的薪酬僱用工程畢業生;
- 加強與內地合作,為工程師在大灣區開創更多機會;
- 為僱用每位海外畢業生的公司提供約每月10,000港元的津貼,為期兩年;
- 建立專款以支持專業機構吸引優秀人才來港。
- 土地和房屋供應
- 採用無人機等創新方法,識別高風險建築物並發出強制驗樓通知;
- 先利用有關部門的資源執行驗樓和維修工作,其後再向業主收取費用及相關罰款,以有效地保障公共安全。
- 創新和科技發展
- 設立分兩級或三級的稅務優惠制度,據聘任數量遞升優惠,以鼓勵企業僱用本地人才;
- 進行立法修訂,促進氫燃料從生產、儲存、運輸以至應用的產業鏈;
- 為氫燃料研發提供土地資源;
- 向僱用本地工程師和技術人員的香港公司提供補貼,以便其為僱員提供更優厚薪酬條件,吸引更多工程人才入行。
- 建設智能、綠色和高韌性城市
- 為鼓勵使用電動車,在新發展區預留空間安裝電動車充電設施,確保充電網絡完善;
- 支援中小企綠色轉型,並制定促進長期可持續發展的法規;
- 提供財政資源、無息貸款、租金和稅收優惠,鼓勵和促進回收業發展;
- 擴大生產者責任計劃的範圍,涵蓋更多產品和包裝材料。
電話:2895 4446
傳真:2882 6825
(Hong Kong, 1 February 2024) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) has submitted a set of recommendations to the Financial Secretary for consideration in formulating the 2024-25 Budget. With a focus on improving Hong Kong’s economy, promoting development, and addressing crucial current and future challenges, the HKIE’s submission highlights key areas of concern and proposed strategic measures to sustain economic recovery and consolidate Hong Kong’s position as a global financial and innovation hub.
- Infrastructure Development
Recognising the significance of infrastructure development in driving economic growth and addressing the society’s needs, the HKIE emphasises the importance of
- coordinated and prioritised development plans;
- cost-effectiveness and optimal resource allocation for large-scale infrastructure projects;
- careful examination of the total estimated construction expenditure to maintain healthy public finance amidst Hong Kong’s declining fiscal reserves;
- considering the adoption of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and Private Finance Initiative (PFI).
- Trawling for Talents
To address the projected manpower shortage in the engineering sector by nurturing and retaining local talents as well as attracting overseas professionals, the HKIE recommends:
- raising financial subsidies for eligible Scheme “A” companies employing graduates under the Engineering Graduate Training Scheme (EGTS) to HK$10,000 per month;
- expanding the quota for EGTS to encourage companies to hire more engineering graduates at competitive salaries;
- strengthening collaborationwith the Mainland to open more career opportunities for engineers in the GBA;
- offering a two-year subsidy of approximately HK$10,000 per month to companies employing each overseas graduate;
- establishing a dedicated fund to support professional bodies in their initiatives to attract talented individuals to Hong Kong
The HKIE also anticipates its Mutual Recognition Area (MRA) with the Guangdong Institution of Engineers to expand to more engineering disciplines, facilitating greater mobility for engineering talents.
The HKIE is actively collaborating with the Education Bureau on the “Engineers on Campus” programme, which pairs primary and secondary schools with engineers to promote STEAM education. To enhance the programme’s impact, the HKIE calls for increased funding and support from the Administration. We also suggest allocating more resources to programmes like “One School One Engineer” and “Back to School Programme” to generate greater interest in engineering among students.
- Land and Housing Supply
The HKIE recommends adopting PPP and PFI approaches for expediting land reclamation, the development of the Northern Metropolis and transport networks, to reduce the Government’s upfront costs and improve the overall cashflow.
On safety concerns related to ageing buildings, the HKIE proposes
- implementing innovative methods such as drone supervision systems to identify higher-risk buildings and issue Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme notices; and
- allocating necessary resources of the Authority and recovering the costs from building owners, along with penalties, to safeguard public safety effectively.
- Innovation and Technology Development
Recognising the role of innovation and technology as the new engine of Hong Kong’s growth, the HKIE suggests
- establishing a two- or three-tiered taxation benefit system that offers increasing benefits corresponding to the number of recruits, to incentivise enterprises to employ local talents;
- pursuing legislative amendments to facilitate the production, storage, transportation and application of hydrogen fuel;
- providing land to support the R&D of the full hydrogen fuel production chain; and
- providing subsidies for Hong Kong companies employing local engineers and technologists so that companies may provide employees with a more favourable package and thus attract more talents to join the engineering industry.
- Building a Smart, Green, and Resilient City
Concerning environmental protection, the HKIE recommends
- reserving space for electrical vehicle (EV) chargers in new development areas and ensuring a robust charging network to encourage the use of EVs;
- the Administration provide support for small- and medium-sized enterprises transitioning to green practices and formulate regulations that facilitate long-term sustainability;
- providing financial resources, interest-free loans, rent and rate relief, and tax concessions to incentivise and stimulate recycling businesses; and
- expanding the scope of Producer Responsibility Scheme to cover more products and packaging materials.
As a professional body representing engineers in Hong Kong, the HKIE will continue to engage with the Government, industry stakeholders, and the public to provide professional advice and recommendations and contribute to the long-term prosperity and well-being of Hong Kong.
For media enquiries, please contact:
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Corporate Communications Section
Tel: 2895 4446
Fax: 2882 6825
Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk
(香港,2024年1月16日)香港工程師學會「香港工程師週2024」傳媒簡介會(下稱「簡介會」)於今日在香港工程師學會工程薈EngHub舉行,為一連串精彩活動揭開序幕。作為香港工程師學會(下稱「學會」)2023/2024年度最大型的會員及公眾活動,「香港工程師週2024」(下稱「工程師週」)以「不一樣.Be the change」為主題,共推出七大活動,其中包括「香港工程師週嘉年華」、「N展聯盟」、「我們的夢想城市」小學生設計比賽、中學生「工程達人-你問我答」比賽 、「粵港澳大灣區高校創新工程邀請賽」,「大專院校巡迴招聘博覽」以及「香港工程師學會大獎」。學會期望透過不同互動方式提高公眾對工程專業的認識和興趣,鼓勵更多年青人投身工程領域,推動香港的工程發展和創新,參與建設社會。
「香港工程師週嘉年華」(下稱「嘉年華」)是工程師週的重頭戲。嘉年華將於3月1日至3日,一連三天於西九文化區海濱草坪舉行。學會致力展示工程師行業的多樣性、創新性和重要性,安排多達45個互動攤位,讓公眾對工程行業有更深入的了解。嘉年華亦邀請Per Se等一眾歌手,為大家送上精彩的表演節目,是公眾週末放鬆玩樂的好去處。另外,為進一步向公眾展示香港年輕工程師的專業形象及更多面向,學會於今年舉辦首屆「N展聯盟」,吸引眾多充滿活力的年輕工程師參與。參加者將透過兩輪緊張刺激的工程任務和挑戰,展現香港工程師的專業標準及卓越精神。
「香港工程師週嘉年華」 |
日期 |
2024年3月1日至2024年3月3日 |
時間 |
2024年3月1日 (星期五):下午3時至下午6時 2024年3月2日 (星期六):上午10時至下午6時 2024年3月3日 (星期日):上午10時至下午6時 |
地點 |
西九文化區海濱草坪 (免費開放供公眾入場) |
「N展聯盟」 |
日期 |
2024年1月下旬至2月下旬:公眾網上投票 2024年2月23日:公布決賽入圍名單 2024年3月2日:決賽問答比賽(開放供公眾觀看) 2024年3月3日:決賽演講(開放供公眾觀看) |
地點 |
西九文化區海濱草坪 (免費開放供公眾入場) |
「我們的夢想城市」小學生設計比賽 |
日期 |
2024年3月1日至3月3日:模型作品展示 2024年3月3日:參賽隊伍演講 |
時間 |
模型作品展示 2024年3月2日:上午10時至下午6時 2024年3月3日:上午10時至下午6時 參賽隊伍演講 |
地點 |
西九文化區海濱草坪 (免費開放供公眾入場) |
中學生「工程達人-你問我答」比賽 |
日期 |
2024年2月23日及 2月24日:初賽 2024年3月2日:決賽 (開放供公眾觀看) |
時間 |
決賽 |
地點 |
西九文化區海濱草坪 (免費開放供公眾入場) |
「粵港澳大灣區高校創新工程邀請賽」* |
日期 |
2024年3月9日 |
時間 |
上午8時15分至下午4時 |
地點 |
香港銅鑼灣南華體育會沙灘排球場 |
「大專院校巡迴招聘博覽」 |
日期 |
2024年2月下旬至3月下旬 |
時間 |
香港科技大學:2024年2月29日 職業訓練局(青衣院校) :2024年3月4日 香港理工大學專業進修學院:2024年3月5日 香港城市大學:2024年3月8日 香港中文大學:2024年3月12 - 13日 香港理工大學:2024年3月19日 香港大學:2024年3月21日 |
地點 |
各大院校 |
相片二: 香港工程師學會會長李志康博士、工程師致歡迎辭。 |
相片三: 香港工程師週 2024大專院校巡迴招聘博覽籌委會聯席主席余偉沛工程師介紹大專院校巡迴招聘博覽。 |
相片五: 香港工程師學會會長、學會理事會成員、各籌委會委員與一眾嘉賓合照 |
相片六: 傳媒訪問簡介會嘉賓:(由左至右)秀茂坪天主教小學葉春燕校長、「N展聯盟」參賽者陳芯舟小姐、香港工程師學會會長李志康博士、工程師 及 「 N展聯盟」參賽者張凱喬工程師。 |
香港工程師學會前身為「香港工程協會」,早於1947年成立,隨着協會不斷發展,政府於1975年通過《香港工程師學會條例》(第1105章),正式賦予學會法定地位。現時學會會員人數超過34,000名,當中有約17,000名為法定會員。學會以團結不同專業界別的工程師,為會員謀求福利為宗旨。為確保會員質素,學會亦負責擬定專業工程師訓練及資歷審核標準,將會員資歷分為22個專業界別作出審核。同時,學會並積極推廣專業守則,對會員的操守有嚴格要求。有關本會更多資訊,請瀏覽 https://hkie.org.hk/
梁凱瑩小姐 電郵:christy.leung@creativegp.com
電話:(852) 2895 4446
(Hong Kong, 16 January 2024) Today, the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) held a press conference on the Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 (HKEW 2024) at EngHub as a prelude to the series of enthralling activities that comprise it. HKEW 2024, the member- and public-oriented HKIE event organised on the largest scale in Session 2023/2024, has “Be the Change” as its theme and encompasses seven major activities, including Hong Kong Engineers Week Carnival, Engineer Alliance, “Our Dream City” Primary Student Design Contest, “Our Future Engineers” Secondary Student Quiz Contest, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Tertiary Institution Innovation Project Invitational Competition, Engineering Career Fair and HKIE Grand Award 2024. Through a variety of interactive approaches, the HKIE hopes to raise public interest in—and understanding of—the engineering profession and motivate more youngsters to join the profession, thereby advancing Hong Kong’s innovation and engineering development through these youngsters’ participation in societal development.
“We believe,” Ir Dr Barry LEE Chi Hong—the HKIE’s President—said in his welcome speech, “that these seven significant events can stimulate the engagement and a sense of involvement in the engineering field in primary school, secondary school and higher institution students, as well as industry professionals and the general public. This will foster the attraction and cultivation of professional talents for the engineering industry, bringing innovation and breakthroughs to the development of Hong Kong’s engineering field.”
The centerpiece of HKEW 2024 is the Hong Kong Engineers Week Carnival (the Carnival), which will be held, for three consecutive days, from 1 March to 3 March at the Harbourside Lawn of West Kowloon Cultural District. This grand event serves as a platform for showcasing the diversity, innovativeness and significance of the engineering profession, featuring as many as 45 interactive booths aimed at deepening public understanding of the engineering profession. Renowned performers such as Per Se grace the stage, presenting an exciting lineup of performances and making the weekend experience a relaxing and enjoyable one for the visitors. Moreover, to further showcase the diversity and professionalism of Hong Kong’s young engineers, the HKIE organises the inaugural Engineer Alliance this year and has succeeded in securing the participation of a multitude of high-spirited young engineers. Through two rounds of thrilling tasks and challenges, these participants will demonstrate to the public the high professional standards and sustained excellence of Hong Kong’s engineers.
Aside from public-oriented activities, HKEW 2024 also encompasses an array of events tailored specifically for students. The "Our Dream City" Primary Student Design Contest aims to spark students’ creativity, nurture a sense of team spirit in them, and cultivate their interest in engineering and urban development. “Our Future Engineers” Secondary Student Quiz Contest, on the other hand, offers secondary students the opportunities to interact and exchange with practicing engineers so that they can gain a deeper appreciation of the crucial role played by engineers in urban development and the field’s diverse and challenging nature.
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Tertiary Institution Innovation Project Invitational Competition (the Competition) stands as another prominent event in HKEW 2024. The HKIE sees the Competition as an interactive platform on which students can conduct cross-regional exchanges and hopes that it can foster innovation and teamwork among students in the engineering departments of higher education institutions. “In both Hong Kong and other cities within the Greater Bay Area,” said Ir Prof Louis LOCK Fat-shing, Chairman of the Competition’s Organising Committee, “there is an abundance of exceptional engineering students. The Competition presents an excellent opportunity for them to conduct professional exchange with one another. We very much look forward to witnessing their remarkable work and spirit of collaboration.” Furthermore, the HKIE will be hosting Engineering Career Fair in tertiary institutions in Hong Kong, Ir Keith YUE, Engineering Career Fair Organising Committee Co-Chairman said: “Through the fairs’ company booths, recruitment talks, and on-site interviews, students will have the chance to engage in in-depth conversations with industry veterans and plan their career paths better.”
Additionally, the HKIE will be hosting the “HKIE Grand Award” again this year to champion HKIE members who have made significant contributions to the development of the engineering industry. The Award comprises three Categories: Innovation, Industrial, and Infrastructure. It is hoped that this Award, by inspiring more members to showcase their outstanding achievements in their respective fields, will take the development of Hong Kong’s engineering industry even further.
For more information, please visit:
Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 official website: https://hkengineersweek.com/
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheHKIE
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_hkie/
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers LinkedIn: https://hk.linkedin.com/company/the-hkie
Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 Event Details:
Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 Carnival |
Date |
1 March 2024 to 3 March 2024 |
Time |
1 March 2024 (Friday): 3 pm – 6 pm 2 March 2024 (Saturday): 10 am – 6 pm 3 March 2024 (Sunday): 10 am – 6 pm |
Venue |
Harbourside Lawn, West Kowloon Cultural District (free public entry) |
Engineer Alliance |
Date |
Late January to late February 2024: public online voting 23 February 2024: Announcement of the Finalists 2 March 2024: Knowledge Quiz Competition (open to public) 3 March 2024: Pitch Perfect Challenge (open to public) |
Venue |
Harbourside Lawn, West Kowloon Cultural District (free public entry) |
“Our Dream City” Primary Student Design Contest |
Date |
1 March to 3 March 2024: Exhibition of models 3 March 2024: Presentations by contesting teams |
Time |
Exhibition of models 2 March 2024: 10 am – 6 pm 3 March 2024: 10 am – 6 pm Presentations by contesting teams |
Venue |
Harbourside Lawn, West Kowloon Cultural District (free public entry) |
“Our Future Engineers” Secondary Student Quiz Contest |
Date |
23 February and 24 February 2024: Preliminary round 2 March 2024: Final round (open to public) |
Time |
Final round |
Venue |
Harbourside Lawn, West Kowloon Cultural District (free public entry) |
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Tertiary Institution Innovation Project Invitational Competition * |
Date |
9 March 2024 |
Time |
8:15 am – 4 pm |
Venue |
Beach volleyball court, South China Athletic Association, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong |
* Not Open to Public
Engineering Career Fair |
Date |
Late February to late March 2024 |
Time |
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology: 29 February 2024 Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi Campus): 4 March 2024 School of Professional Education and Executive Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University: 5 March 2024 City University of Hong Kong: 8 March 2024 The Chinese University of Hong Kong: 12 – 13 March 2024 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University: 19 March 2024 The University of Hong Kong: 21 March 2024 |
Venue |
Each tertiary institution |
Click here to download high resolution pictures
Photo 1
Photo 2 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers President Ir Dr Barry LEE Chi Hong delivered the welcome speech |
Photo 3 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers 2024 Engineering Career Fair Organising Committee Co-Chairman Ir Keith YUE introduced Engineering Career Fair |
Photo 4 Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Tertiary Institution Innovation Project Invitational Competition Organising Committee Chair, Ir Prof Louis F S LOCK mentioned that the Competition is an exchange platform for cross-regional engineering students |
Photo 5
Photo 6 Media group interview with (From left to right) Sau Mau Ping Catholic Primary School Principal Ms YIP Chun Yin, Engineer Alliance Participant Miss Miro CHAN Sum Chau, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers President Ir Dr Barry LEE Chi Hong and Engineer Alliance Participant Ir CHEUNG Hoi Kui Michelle |
About the HKIE
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) – previously The Engineering Society of Hong Kong - was founded in 1947. In 1975, the HKIE was incorporated under the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Ordinance, Chapter 1105 of the Laws of Hong Kong. Today the HKIE has over 34,000 members, of which around 17,000 are Corporate Members.
The Institution aims to bring together engineers of different disciplines for their common good. The HKIE is committed to upholding the quality of membership, and sets standards for the training and admission of engineers from 22 engineering disciplines. It also has strict rules governing members’ conduct and is dedicated to raising the ethical standards of professional engineers in Hong Kong. For more information about the HKIE, please visit https://hkie.org.hk
- End-
This press release is distributed by Creative Consulting Group on behalf of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. For enquiries, please contact:
Creative Consulting Group
Tel:+852 9103 7182 Email:christy.leung@creativegp.com
Tel:+852 6581 4865 Email: anja.chen@creativegp.com |
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Corporate Communications Section
Tel: (852) 2895 4446
Fax: (852) 2882 6825
Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk
電話:2511 6323
電話:2895 4446
電話:2896 2833
電話:2526 3679
As one of the major stakeholders in the construction industry, The Hong Kong Institute of Architects, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, The Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects and The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (hereafter “the four institutions”) deeply regret and are highly concerned about the recent series of successive construction site accidents. The four institutions extend their deepest sympathy to the workers who lost their lives or were injured in these accidents, as well as to their families. In view of the recent upward trend in accident rates, the four institutions urge their members to adopt and implement Design for Safety, safety management, and safe working exactingly, regarding safety assurance as their number one consideration under all circumstances.
The construction industry is one of Hong Kong's important industries and has long supported the city’s prosperity and stable development. Through years of effort, the accident rate at construction sites has decreased substantially (Note: from 374 cases per thousand workers in 1990 to 29 cases in 2022). In recent years, however, the rate has reached a plateau, unable yet to achieve further significant reductions. Moreover, serious incidents, and those which caused damage to human lives or the loss thereof, have become recurrent recently.
Even though holding the four institutions’ relevant valid membership cards can be considered, under the current legislation, as equivalent to holding the Construction Industry Safety Training Certificate (also known as “Safety Card” or “Green Card”), and even if the current constitutions of the four institutions require their members to undertake certain Continuing Professional Development (CPD) annually, the four institutions will request their members, if the latter’s daily work requires entry into construction sites, to annually declare the completion of certain hours of CPD safety training of their own accord as a condition for membership renewal. This is to further strengthen the safety management of construction sites. The measure will be rolled out as soon as the concerned professional institutions have completed amending their respective procedures for membership renewal application.
Site safety is everyone's responsibility. The four institutions appeal to all the stakeholders, whether they are property owners, consultants, contractors, management personnel, or frontline supervisors and workers, to give weight to lives, prioritise safe operation, and set “Zero Accident” at sites as their goal on the daily level of design, works, and site management.
The joint signatories being:
The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
The Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
28 December 2023
The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
Tel:2511 6323
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Tel:2895 4446
The Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects
Tel:2896 2833
The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
Tel:2526 3679
(香港,2023年12月14日) 政府於2023年12月12日公布《香港主要運輸基建發展藍圖》,香港工程師學會(下稱「學會」)歡迎政府進一步完善「三鐵三路」方案,並在北部都會區東面增建「兩鐵一路」,為未來運輸發展提供清晰指引,以基建創造容量,進一步推動香港的可持續發展和建設。
電話:2895 4446
傳真:2882 6825
(香港,2023年11月27日) 香港工程師學會 (「學會」) 今日發表聲明,表示全力支持訂立建造業付款保障條例草案及引入審裁機制,以解決建造業長期以來面臨的拖欠付款問題,在保障工程中承建商、分包商等各方權益的同時,保障工程進度和質量水平。擬議的建造業付款保障條例涵蓋所有政府工程和部份達到指定金額的私營界別工程。
電話:2895 4446
傳真:2882 6825
(Hong Kong, 27 November 2023) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (“HKIE”) expresses its full support for the enactment of the proposed Security of Payment Legislation for the Construction Industry (“SOPL”) and the introduction of an adjudication mechanism to address the long-standing issue of payment delays in the construction industry. While safeguarding the rights and interests of parties involved in construction projects such as contractors and subcontractors, this legislation will also help ensure the progress and quality of construction projects. The proposed SOPL covers contracts of all Government works and part of the private sector projects up to specified contract values.
Payment delays have been a persistent issue affecting various stakeholders in the construction industry, exerting pressure on project timelines and quality, and impacting the livelihoods of industry workers. To address this long-standing problem, the HKIE has consistently worked with and supported the Government’s efforts in promoting the proposed SOPL and introducing an adjudication mechanism to provide a means for claims, where independent adjudicators will handle disputes over payments. This ensures that construction workers receive their rightful payments on time and enhances the industry’s reputation and efficiency. In the event that claimants do not receive payments within the prescribed period, they also have the right to choose to suspend work to compel the paying party to fulfill its payment obligations.
President Ir Dr Barry Lee stated, “The proposed SOPL and the introduction of an adjudication mechanism are crucial steps for the development of the industry. They not only protect the rights of relevant engineering professionals but also promote the sound development of the industry. We welcome the Government and relevant stakeholders to collaborate to ensure the smooth passage and implementation of this important legislation.”
The HKIE also calls on all parties to work together to create a fair and stable business environment for the construction industry, fostering sustainable development while ensuring timely completion of projects and improving quality and safety standards.
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The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
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Tel: 2895 4446 / Fax: 2882 6825
Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk