
(香港,2023年7月21日) 香港工程師學會 (學會) 今日與多間業界企業,正式簽署合作約章,共同推廣工程專業,合作培育出色的下一代工程人才。


合作約章簽署儀式在學會九龍會址工程薈EngHub舉行,會長李志康博士、工程師與首階段合作約章簽署企業代表均有出席儀式,6間企業包括中國移動香港、自動系統、香港寬頻集團、華為、奧的斯及蒂升電梯 (按筆劃排序),他們在業內均享負盛名,業務包括計劃、促進、設計或提供工程產品或服務。




合作約章為期2年,雙方取得共識後可以再延續2年。合作約章旨在為學會及企業之間,構建一個有效的溝通平台,促進業內的知識交流、培育下一代出色的工程人才,維持及推廣優質工程專業。簽署約章的企業可以享有不同的福利,包括符合條件的管理層可以獲邀成為學會資深會員,學會將會向企業員工講解如何加入成為會員,並提供導師協助,學會亦會指導企業如何加入「工程畢業生培訓計劃」(Scheme “A” Graduate Training),為業界及企業共同培育下一代。




電話:2895 4446
傳真:2882 6825

Self Photos / Files - 1
會長李志康博士、工程師 (右六) 與各間簽署約章企業代表合照


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會長李志康博士、工程師 (右四) 與出席分享環節的企業代表合照




星島日報報導 (2023年8月2日)

經濟日報報導 (2023年8月2日)


(香港,2023年7月14日) 香港工程師學會(「學會」)的九龍區全新會址於今天正式開幕,供會員預約使用。













電話:2895 4446      

傳真:2882 6825      



 Self Photos / Files - WhatsApp Image 2023-07-14 at 21.10.19

會長李志康博士、工程師 (左四) 主持「工程薈EngHub」的開幕儀式


 Self Photos / Files - 20230713_175933




香港工程師學會委任新秘書長 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Appoints New Chief Executive and Secretary

(香港,2023年7月3日) 香港工程師學會 (學會) 宣布,薛永恒工程師於2023年7月1日起出任學會秘書長,接替即將於2023年7月25日離任的韓志強工程師。

















電話:2895 4446

傳真:2882 6825






(3 July 2023, Hong Kong) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) announced the appointment of Ir Sit Wing-hang as the Chief Executive and Secretary of the HKIE effective 1 July 2023 to succeed Ir Hon Chi-keung, who will leave office on 25 July 2023.  


President Ir Dr Barry C H Lee said, “Ir Sit Wing-hang has extensive experience in the engineering profession and public administration. During his engineering career, he served in various senior positions in the Government, such as Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services and later on as the Secretary for Innovation and Technology. I firmly believe that Ir Sit will be able to discharge the duties of the Chief Executive and Secretary with his outstanding leadership skills and management experience to support the long-term development of the HKIE, and lead the Secretariat in providing a broad range of quality services to members to assist them in professional development and contributing to society.”


Ir Dr Lee also extended his gratitude and appreciation to Ir Hon for his dedicated service and remarkable contributions to the Institution over the past 3 years. He said, “Ir Hon joined the HKIE Secretariat since 2020. During his tenure as the Chief Executive and Secretary, Ir Hon has demonstrated his dedication and profound management skills in leading the Secretariat in providing quality and professional services to members and in the development of the Institution according to the “Time to Change” Roadmap. Especially during the pandemic when the Institution had to respond to unprecedented situations, Ir Hon has led the dedicated team of the Secretariat to overcome challenges and leap forward to build resilience for sustainable development and achieve further growth. I wish him all the best after the completion of his work with the Institution.”


The HKIE will continue its vision to sustain excellence in the engineering profession. We aim to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas, raise the standing and visibility of engineers, and assist members in developing their careers and play their full role in contributing to society.


Profile of Ir Sit Wing-hang


Ir Sit graduated from the former The Hong Kong Polytechnic (renamed as The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) with the Associateship in Electrical Engineering. He was subsequently elected by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University as one of its Outstanding Alumni. Ir Sit also holds a master’s degree in Business Administration from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and has studied for a PhD at The Renmin University of China , with a focus on international relations. Ir Sit has also studied for a doctorate in Business Administration at The University of Newcastle, Australia and is a graduate of Harvard Business School’s General Management Programme.


Ir Sit joined the Government as Assistant Electrical and Mechanical Engineer in 1984. He was the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services from 2017 to 2020. He was the Secretary for Innovation and Technology until 2022. He was awarded the Gold Bauhinia Star by the Government for his distinguished services to the community and appointed by it as a Justice of the Peace. Ir Sit is a Fellow of the HKIE and has served as the Chairman of its Biomedical Division and Secretary of its Nuclear Division.



For media enquiries, please contact:


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Corporate Communications Section

Tel: 2895 4446

Fax: 2882 6825

Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk


PDF version

香港工程師學會新任會長李志康博士、工程師「知行合一 成就專業」 Newly-Installed HKIE President Ir Dr Barry Lee Chi-hong “We Engineer, We Serve”

(香港,2023年6月29日) 香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」) 欣然公布李志康博士、工程師於2023年6月28日舉行的第48屆會員周年大會上榮任第49屆會長。同時,卜國明工程師履任上任會長。


李會長為學會2023/2024年度定下「知行合一 成就專業」 ("We Engineer, We Serve") 的主題,強調知識和實踐的融合,以工程師專業的態度和技能為市民和社會服務。他說:「工程師身兼『創新者』和『服務者』雙重角色,利用專業能力設計和創新促進世界發展的產品和系統,同時也為人們提供服務和貢獻社會。」他致力於任內與學會管理層攜手合作,繼續推動學會實施策略性專業維新路綫圖改革,進一步提升會員服務水平,積極回應會員的期望。同時,他亦會透過開展其行動綱領內的各種活動,支持工程業界和整體社會的發展,以共創更美好的明天。













電話:2895 4446

傳真:2882 6825




  1. 李志康博士、工程師簡歷
  2. 2023/2024年度理事會名單


Self Photos / Files - 圖片1

香港工程師學會新任會長李志康博士、工程師(左)與上任會長卜國明工程師 (右)





(Hong Kong, 29 June 2023) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers ("HKIE") is pleased to announced that Ir Dr Barry Lee Chi-hong has been elected as the 49th President at the 48th Annual General Meeting held on 28 June 2023.  Concomitantly, Ir Aaron Bok Kwok-ming becomes the Immediate Past President of the Institution.


President Ir Dr Lee has set for Session 2023/2024 the theme "We Engineer, We Serve" (知行合一 成就專業), which emphasises the integration of knowledge and practice for serving the people and society with engineers' professional values and skills. "Engineers play the dual roles of 'innovator' and 'servant'. We use our professional capabilities to design and innovate products and solutions that advance the world's development, and at the same time provide services for people and contribute to society," said Ir Dr Lee.  During his tenure, Ir Dr Lee will continue to work with the Institution's management and implement the strategically-built Time to Change Roadmap, aiming to improve member service and actively respond to members' expectations.  He will also carry out activities according to his action plan to support the development of the engineering industry and society as a whole, and ultimately co-create a better future for all.


Ir Dr Lee has specially set a slogan for this Session – "Be the change".  "I hope today's and our future engineers will continue to uphold professional ethics, challenge yourself to excellence, innovate and maintain enthusiasm. That is how we can repeatedly create value and achievements that outshine the ordinary," Ir Dr Lee emphasised.


Possessing over 30 years of experience in engineering and management as well as an unrelenting passion to serve the industry, Ir Dr Lee is committed to enhancing the understanding of the engineering profession among various stakeholders through experience sharing, and leading the HKIE and our members to sustain engineering excellence.


At the AGM, it was also announced that Ir Eric Ma Siu-cheung and Ir Alice Chow Kin-tak were re-elected as Vice Presidents. Ir Prof Frank Chan-fan was elected Vice President for this Session on the day of the AGM. The five new Elected Ordinary Members of the Council are Ir Chiang Tung-keung, Ir Johnson Lee Kwun-chung, Ir Prof Eddie Lock Hung-kee, Ir Charles So Hung-tak and Ir Gloria Tang Yuk-yee.


Please refer to the attached list of all Council Members of the HKIE for Session 2023/2024.



For enquiries, please contact:


The Corporate Communications Section of the HKIE

Tel                   : 2895 4446

Fax                  : 2882 6825

Email   : corpcom@hkie.org.hk



  1. Biography of Ir Dr Barry Lee Chi-hong
  2. Full list of Council Members of the HKIE for Session 2023/2024


Self Photos / Files - 圖片1

The newly-installed President of the HKIE, Ir Dr Barry Lee Chi-hong (left) and the Immediate Past President, Ir Aaron Bok Kwok-ming (right)


PDF version

香港工程師學會 有關學會副會長間競爭之澄清聲明

(香港,2023年6月21日) 就近日有報章刊登關於香港工程師學會 (「學會」) 副會長選舉,錯誤報道副會長間出現「爭凳仔」情況,亦錯誤指出下任高級副會長為周健德工程師。學會現特此澄清及聲明,根據學會會章及既定機制,兩位現任副會長馬紹祥工程師及周健德工程師,將於本月28日會員周年大會上競選連任 ,其中年資較深的副會長馬紹祥工程師將出任高級副會長一職; 而餘下一個副會長空缺,則由陳帆教授、工程師競逐。現任會長卜國明工程師將交棒李志康博士、工程師為新一屆會長。




電話:2895 4446      

傳真:2882 6825      


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