(香港,2021年6月12日) 為配合香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」) 本年度主題「相信•可•看見 – 創新•成•蛻變」,學會特舉辦以「工程闖未來」為題的創科博覽,今日假建造業零碳天地舉行啓動儀式,並全程於網上直播。活動於2021年6月12日至13日以實體及網上虛擬形式舉行,網上博覽將開放至2021年8月31日。是次博覽旨在啓發業界與公眾創新思維,建立獎勵創業精神的文化,並加强本地的創科氛圍。學會希望透過展示多項的創新成果和經驗分享,提升公眾及有志投入創科行列的人士對創科概念的認識和信心。
學會會長源栢樑教授、工程師指出:「我們今年成立了工程企業家平台The Enginpreneurs Hub,目標是鼓勵和協助會員落實創新意念,為他們在發展創科、實現夢想的路上提供支援,共同為推動香港創新科技發展生態系統出力。『創科博覽』為香港及大灣區工程和創科界人士提供交流平台,造就跨領域、跨地域合作,互相啟發新構思,幫助區內建立『創科人才庫』,推動創新科技發展。」
典禮上,13個來自大灣區的創科孵化中心與學會簽署合作意向書,在創科上建立長遠合作關係,促進本地創新和技術生態系統的發展,推進與内地更緊密的區域合作 (詳情請參閲附件)。
活動首天,學會邀請到納米及先進材料研發院何嘉儀博士作主題演講,主題是納米氣泡技術的最新發展。在活動的第二天,將由廣州軌道交通盾構技術研究所鍾長平博士及以色列ECOncrete Tech Ltd 的Ido SELLA博士擔任主講嘉賓,講題分別為城區地下工程和仿生混凝土基建方面的創新成就和應用。另外,學會安排了一系列講座,圍繞技術、建築、電機、專門工程等不同範疇,由不同創科機構的專家擔任嘉賓講者,向公眾展示創新產品或方案,及分享研發過程中的寶貴經驗。講座在今、明兩天在網上進行直播後,網上博覽平台亦會提供節目重溫。
是次博覽,不少政府部門、工程及創科企業、内地創科孵化中心及學會分部都展出他們的創新作品。另外,學會每年舉辦的香港工程師學會創意獎、歷年的部分優秀得獎作品也在博覽中展出,當中不少已經從初步構思落實至工程項目,或已能應用在日常生活中。此外,在第二天的活動,學會將向本年度創意獎得主頒發獎項。同日,博覽的另一焦點――The Enginpreneurs Award 2021將會舉行決賽,比賽過程同時提供網上直播。
The Enginpreneurs Award 2021 – Young Innovators是學會為大專生舉辦的比賽,得獎作品亦在網上博覽中展出。
「香港工程師學會創科博覽」詳情如下: 日期: 2021年6月12日至8月31日 網址: http://www.hkie-innoexpo.hk/ 費用: 全免 查詢: innoexpo@hkie.org.hk / 2895 4446 |
電話:2895 4446
傳真:2882 6825
香港特別行政區創新及科技局副局長鍾偉强博士 (左三);香港工程師學會會長源栢樑教授、工程師 (左二);「香港工程師學會創科博覽」籌備委員會主席蔡少聰教授、工程師 (右二) ;中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室教育科技部副部長葉水球先生 (左一) 及廣東省科學技術協會黨組書記、專職副主席鄭慶順先生 (屏幕中) 攜手主持「香港工程師學會創科博覽」啓動儀式
(Hong Kong, 12 June 2021) Echoing the Session theme “Believing is Seeing – Innovation for Transformation”, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) is organising “The HKIE Innovation Expo” (the Expo) along the theme “Engineering into Future” on 12 and 13 June 2021. The Expo was launched today at the CIC-Zero Carbon Park and broadcast live online. The virtual platform of the Expo will open until 31 August 2021. The Expo aims to inspire innovative thinking among the industry and the public, establish a culture that rewards entrepreneurship and strengthen the local innovation and technology (I&T) atmosphere. By showcasing innovation achievements and sharing innovation experience, the HKIE hopes to enhance the understanding of the concept of innovation and the confidence towards approaching innovation among the public and those who are interested in I&T.
The Kick-off Ceremony was officiated by Dr David Chung, Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology; Mr Ye Shuiqiu, Deputy Director-General of Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong SAR; Mr Zheng Qingshun, Secretary and Standing Vice-Chairman of the Party Group of Guangdong Provincial Association for Science and Technology; Ir Prof P L Yuen, President of the HKIE; and Ir Prof Adam S C Choy, Chairman of the Organising Committee for The HKIE Innovation Expo.
President Ir Prof Yuen said, “This year we established ‘The Enginpreneurs Hub’, a platform through which we wish to encourage and assist our members in realising their innovative ideas, supporting them in their I&T pursuits. Together we will be able to push forward the development of Hong Kong’s I&T ecosystem. The Expo offers a platform for the engineering and I&T sectors in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area (GBA) to exchange insights, facilitating multidisciplinary and cross-boundary cooperation, sparking new ideas, and in turn establishing an ‘I&T talent pool’ in the region.”
At the Ceremony, 13 incubator centres from the GBA signed Memoranda of Understanding with the HKIE, establishing long-term I&T cooperation, promoting the development of the local I&T ecosystem, and fostering closer regional cooperation with the Mainland (please refer to the Appendix for details).
On the first day of the event, Dr Alice Ho of Nano and Advanced Materials Institute was invited to share her insights to the latest nano-bubble technology. On the following day, Dr Zhong Changping of Guangzhou Rail Transit Shield Tunnelling Research Institute (廣州軌道交通盾構技術研究所) and Dr Ido Sella of ECOncrete Tech Ltd from Israel will deliver keynote webinars on innovation achievements in underground development in urban area and biomimicry in concrete infrastructure respectively. The HKIE also arranged a series of seminars on technology-, construction-, electrical and mechanical-related solutions as well as specialised engineering solution and engineering-related innovative experience sharing. Experts from different I&T institutions and organisations shared with the public their innovative products or solutions and valuable experience in the research and development phase. After today’s and tomorrow’s premiere of the webinars/seminars, videos of the talk will be made available on the virtual platform of the Expo.
Innovative exhibits from Government departments, engineering and innovation enterprises, incubator centres from the Mainland and Divisions of the HKIE are on display at the virtual Expo. In addition, some of the winning works of The HKIE Innovation Award held annually are also exhibited. Many of these have evolved from preliminary ideas to applicable solutions in engineering projects and in daily life. The Institution will present the prizes to the winning teams of last and this year’s Award, and organise the finale of another highlight of the Expo — The Enginpreneurs Award 2021 (Member Section) — on the second day of the event. The finale will also be broadcast live online.
“The Enginpreneurs Award 2021 – Young Innovators” is a competition organised for tertiary students, and the winning proposals are displayed at the virtual Expo.
With a view to inspiring the next generation of I&T talents, the HKIE held two competitions for secondary and primary students, namely the ‘Smart Health’ Workshops and Prototype Design Competition” and “Engineers of Our Next Generation” video shooting competition respectively. Students are encouraged to pay attention to the engineering projects made possible by engineering innovation around them, and experience the joy of solving real life problems with engineering knowledge. The response to the competition was overwhelming, and the works of the students were innovative. The winning works of the two competitions are also exhibited at the virtual Expo.
The HKIE Innovation Expo Date: 12 June – 31 August 2021 Website: http://www.hkie-innoexpo.hk/ Admission: Free of charge Enquiry: innoexpo@hkie.org.hk / 2895 4446
For media enquiries, please contact:
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Corporate Communications Section
Tel: 2895 4446
Fax: 2882 6825
Email: innoexpo@hkie.org.hk
Dr David Chung, Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology (left 3rd); Ir Prof P L Yuen, President of the HKIE (left 2nd); Ir Prof Adam S C Choy, Chairman of the Organising Committee for The HKIE Innovation Expo (right 2nd); Mr Ye Shuiqiu, Deputy Director-General of Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong SAR (left 1st) and Mr Zheng Qingshun, Secretary and Standing Vice-Chairman of the Party Group of Guangdong Provincial Association for Science and Technology (on the screen) officiated the Kick-off Ceremony of “The HKIE Innovation Expo”
The HKIE signing Memorandum of Understanding with 13 incubator centres in the Greater Bay Area, establishing long-term cooperation in innovation and technology development
Group photo at the Kick-off Ceremony of the HKIE Innovation Expo