(香港,2023年5月17日) 政府公布擴大「人才清單」,涵蓋更多專業,以吸引更多高質素人才來港,其中包括發展及建造專才。香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」) 認為有關措施有助解決業內短期的人手問題,唯有關措施須確保工程師的待遇得以持續改善。
電話:2895 4446
傳真:2882 6825
(Hong Kong, 17 May 2023) The government has announced the expansion of the Talent List, which now covers more professions, in order to attract more high-quality talent to Hong Kong, including those with expertise in development and construction. While The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (hereafter "the HKIE") believes that the measure will help address the short-term manpower shortage in the industry, it also emphasises the need for corresponding measures to continual enhancing the engineers' remuneration packages.
The HKIE has always aimed to promote the professional standards of engineering in Hong Kong, protect members’ benefits, and enhance the profession’s qualification standards. While cultivating high-quality successors, it also actively motivates engineers to provide the public with highest quality engineering services in a professional, scientific, and dedicated manners. In response to the ever-increasing demand for engineering talent in various fields—which is a demand engendered by society’s future developmental needs—the HKIE submitted three reports to the government last year. In the reports, proposals were made to curtail significantly low bids by reviewing the procurement systems and thereby improve the remuneration package and working conditions of engineers, especially the young ones; to enlarge engineering’s and related professions’ local talent pool by reviewing secondary school curricula; to deliver engineering projects with fewer resources but greater efficiency by promoting the use of innovative technologies and the streamlining of submission and approval processes.
The HKIE noted the government's statement that the main thrust of its manpower policy is to nurture local talent and that the attraction of outside talent is supplementary. The expansion of the Talent List will help attract more top-notch talent and support Hong Kong’s high-quality economical and societal development. The HKIE considers that, in order to solve the imminent manpower problem faced by the industry, it is inevitable to tap actively into non-local engineering talent. In fact, applicants are required to hold a bachelor's degree or above in a relevant discipline and have at least three years of relevant work experience, while the existing requirements for professional qualifications remain unchanged, a fact that ensure the quality of Hong Kong’s professional engineering services unaffected. Under the current system, simplifying the relevant application procedures can not only help meet manpower demands in the short term but also achieve greater efficiency (while maintaining a high level of professional services) by sharing the workload among more construction industry practitioners.
The HKIE will, as before, continue to provide our society with professional, objective, and scientific opinions, ensure the sustainable and healthy development of the engineering profession, and respond to the developmental needs of society. The HKIE is also obliged to provide the government with relevant professional opinions, thereby doing its part to contribute to our society.
For media enquiries, please contact:
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Corporate Communications Section
Tel: 2895 4446
Fax: 2882 6825
Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk