一連三日「香港工程師週嘉年華」於西九文化區隆重揭幕 逾45個精彩攤位活動向公眾展現工程專業 Hong Kong Engineers Week Carnival kicks off at West Kowloon Cultural District The three-day flagship event features over 45 game booths showcasing the engineering profession

(香港,2024年3月1日)由香港工程師學會(下稱「學會」)主辦的「香港工程師週嘉年華」今天於西九文化區海濱草坪舉行開幕禮,並邀請香港特別行政區發展局局長甯漢豪女士, JP、中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室教育科技部副部長葉水球先生及發展局常任秘書長(工務)劉俊傑工程師, JP,在香港工程師學會會長李志康博士、工程師、上任會長卜國明工程師、高級副會長馬紹祥工程師, JP及秘書長薛永恒教授、工程師, JP陪同下,為一連三日的大型旗艦活動揭開序幕,加深大眾對工程專業的興趣和認知。


「香港工程師週嘉年華」以「不一樣 · Be the Change」為主題,即日起至3月3日(星期日)於西九文化區海濱草坪舉行,提供超過45個來自不同機構的互動攤位和遊戲,包括國泰航空公司、香港鐵路有限公司、中華電力有限公司、香港機場管理局、市區重建局等,向公眾展示工程界各種有趣的專業技術和知識,另設多項精彩比賽和表演活動,免費開放予公眾參加。


香港特別行政區發展局局長甯漢豪女士, JP表示:「今屆『香港工程師週』的多元主題包括加強行業之間相互合作、吸納年青人才、力求創新,同時強調參與和貢獻國家發展,這些都是政府的目標,我們希望與工程專業一起建設可持續的未來,以及參與和貢獻國家的新輝煌。」


香港工程師學會會長李志康博士、工程師表示:「今年是學會連續第二年舉辦『香港工程師週嘉年華』,今年嘉年華的主題為『不一樣.Be the Change』,希望反映出工程師對於促進社會進步的獨特角色,讓大眾加深了解工程行業的多樣性、創新性和重要性,激發年青人的創造力及對工程專業的興趣。 」
















香港特別行政區發展局局長甯漢豪女士, JP(右三)、中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室教育科技部副部長葉水球先生(左三)、發展局常任秘書長(工務)劉俊傑工程師, JP(左二)、香港工程師學會會長李志康博士、工程師(中)、香港工程師學會上任會長卜國明工程師(右二)、香港工程師學會高級副會長馬紹祥工程師, JP(左一)及香港工程師學會秘書長薛永恒教授、工程師, JP(右一)主持開幕儀式,以創意特效正式啟動「香港工程師週嘉年華」。




香港特別行政區發展局局長甯漢豪女士, JP在「香港工程師週嘉年華」開幕禮上致辭。
























香港工程師學會前身為「香港工程協會」,早於1947年成立,隨着協會不斷發展,政府於1975年通過《香港工程師學會條例》(第1105章),正式賦予學會法定地位。現時學會會員人數超過34,000名,當中有約17,000名為法定會員。學會以團結不同專業界別的工程師,為會員謀求福利為宗旨。為確保會員質素,學會亦負責擬定專業工程師訓練及資歷審核標準,將會員資歷分為22個專業界別作出審核。同時,學會並積極推廣專業守則,對會員的操守有嚴格要求。有關本會更多資訊,請瀏覽 https://hkie.org.hk/  








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(Hong Kong, March 1, 2024) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) has organised the Hong Kong Engineers Week Carnival (the Carnival), and the Carnival kicked off today at an opening ceremony in Harbourside Lawn, West Kowloon Cultural District. The ceremony was officiated by Ms Bernadette LINN Hon Ho, JP, The Secretary for Development, Mr YE Shuiqiu, the Deputy Director-General of the Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (LOCPG), and Ir Ricky LAU Chun Kit, JP the Permanent Secretary for Development (Works). They were accompanied by Ir Dr Barry LEE Chi Hong, the HKIE President, Ir BOK Kwok Ming Aaron, the HKIE Immediate Past President, Ir Eric MA Siu Cheung, JP, the HKIE Senior Vice President and Ir Prof Alfred SIT Wing Hang, JP, the HKIE Chief Executive and Secretary. The three-day flagship event aimed at enhancing public interest and knowledge of the engineering profession.


The Carnival with the theme “Be the Change” is now open and will run until 3 March 2024 (Sunday). Located in Harbourside Lawn, West Kowloon Cultural District, the Carnival features over 45 booths and games from HKIE and various partners and sponsors, including Cathay Pacific Airways Limited, MTR Corporation, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited, Airport Authority Hong Kong, Urban Renewal Authority and more, sharing engineering knowledge and technologies. It also offers exciting competitions and performances and is open to the public for free.


Ms LINN Hon Ho, Bernadette, JP, The Secretary for Development said, “This year, the diversified themes of the ‘Hong Kong Engineers Week’ include enhancing cooperation among members of the industry, attracting young talents, striving for innovation, as well as emphasising participation and contribution in national development, which are also our goals. We hope to work with engineering professionals to build a sustainable future, and to participate in and contribute towards the betterment of our nation.”


Ir Dr Barry LEE Chi Hong, the HKIE President, mentioned “The Hong Kong Engineers Week Carnival, in its second consecutive year organised by HKIE, is centered around the theme "Be the change" this year. The Carnival aims to raise awareness about the unique role of engineers in shaping our society. It also aims to showcase the diversity and innovation within the engineering profession, inspire young people’s creativity and encourage them to pursue their interests in engineering.” 


The HKIE has invited a distinguished group of guests and media to experience the carnival's interactive booths, featuring virtual reality (VR) games, aircraft models, sophisticated gadgets etc. to spark public interest in aviation engineering. The Carnival offers several photo booths for participants to take selfies, providing a leisurely and relaxing spot for the public. 


In addition, the HKIE has organised the first “Engineer Alliance” competition this year to demonstrate the professional standards of the HKIE and its continuous pursuit of excellence in promoting advancements in the field of engineering. The finalists made their debut at the opening ceremony. Each of the finalists introduced themselves and called for votes. The finalists will showcase their professionalism through two rounds of intense and thrilling challenges in the coming two days. The competition result will be announced on 3 March.


For more information, please visit:


Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 official website: https://hkengineersweek.com/

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheHKIE

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_hkie/

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers LinkedIn: https://hk.linkedin.com/company/the-hkie 



Click here to download high resolution pictures.


Photo 1:

Ms Bernadette LINN Hon Ho JP, The Secretary for Development (3rd right), Mr YE Shuiqiu, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs of the LOCPG (3rd left) and Ir Ricky LAU Chun Kit, JP, the Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) (2nd left) presided over the opening ceremony of the Carnival and accompanied by Ir Dr Barry LEE Chi Hong, the HKIE President (middle), Ir Aaron BOK Kwok Ming, the HKIE Immediate Past President (2nd right), Ir Eric MA Siu Cheung, JP, the HKIE Senior Vice President (1st left) and Ir Prof Alfred SIT Wing Hang, JP, the HKIE Chief Executive and Secretary (1st right), host the ceremony with creative special effects, officially launching the Hong Kong Engineers Week Carnival.



Photo 2:

 Ms Bernadette LINN Hon Ho, JP, The Secretary for Development, delivers the speech at the opening ceremony.



Photo 3:

Ir Dr Barry LEE Chi Hong, the HKIE President, hopes to deepen public understanding of the engineering industry through this Carnival.



Photo 4:

Finalists of “Engineer Alliance”, Mr Anthony CHAN Chun Yip (1st right), Miss Miro CHAN Sum Chau (2nd right), Ir Eva LEE Ho Yan (2nd left) and Miss Jessy NG Cheuk Sze (1st left) make their first public appearance.



Photo 5:

Over a hundred guests gather at the opening ceremony and take pictures with the officiating guests.



Photo 6:

Student teams of “Our Dream City” Primary Student Design Contest introduce their works and share their creative concepts and the engineering techniques applied in their “dream cities” with the guests.



Photos 7 and 8:

Group photo of the guests and participating primary school students and teachers of the “Our Dream City” Primary Student Design Contest.




About the HKIE


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) – previously The Engineering Society of Hong Kong - was founded in 1947. In 1975, the HKIE was incorporated under the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Ordinance, Chapter 1105 of the Laws of Hong Kong. Today the HKIE has over 34,000 members, of which around 17,000 are Corporate Members.


The Institution aims to bring together engineers of different disciplines for their common good. The HKIE is committed to upholding the quality of membership, and sets standards for the training and admission of engineers from 22 engineering disciplines. It also has strict rules governing members’ conduct and is dedicated to raising the ethical standards of professional engineers in Hong Kong. For more information about the HKIE, please visit https://hkie.org.hk  





This press release is distributed by Creative Consulting Group on behalf of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. For enquiries, please contact:


Creative Consulting Group


Ms Christy Leung

Tel:(852) 9103 7182



Ms May Yu

Tel:(852) 9634 2994

Email: may.yu@creativegp.com


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Corporate Communications Section

Tel: (852) 2895 4446

Fax: (852) 2882 6825

Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk



Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 Event Details:


Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 Carnival


1 March 2024 to 3 March 2024


1 March 2024 (Friday): 5 pm – 6 pm


2 March 2024 (Saturday): 10 am – 6 pm

3 March 2024 (Sunday): 10 am – 6 pm


Harbourside Lawn, West Kowloon Cultural District (free public entry)


Engineer Alliance


2 March 2024: Knowledge Quiz Competition (open to public)

3 March 2024: Pitch Perfect Challenge (open to public)


Harbourside Lawn, West Kowloon Cultural District (free public entry)


“Our Dream City” Primary Student Design Contest


1 March to 3 March 2024: Exhibition of models

3 March 2024: Presentations by contesting teams


Exhibition of models

2 March 2024: 10 am – 6 pm

3 March 2024: 10 am – 6 pm

Presentations by contesting teams

3 March 2024: 12 nn


Harbourside Lawn, West Kowloon Cultural District (free public entry)


“Our Future Engineers” Secondary Student Quiz Contest


2 March 2024: Final round (open to public)


Final Round

2 March 2024: 11 am – 12:30 pm


Harbourside Lawn, West Kowloon Cultural District (free public entry)


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