(香港,2024年3月2日)香港工程師學會(下稱「學會」)以「不一樣 · Be the Change」為主題,即日起直至3月3日(星期日),於西九文化區海濱草坪舉行「香港工程師週嘉年華」,現場設一連串精彩活動和超過40個來自不同機構的互動攤位和遊戲,向公眾展示工程界的不同面貌,吸引不少市民和家長專程攜同小朋友前往參與,氣氛熱烈。
相片一: 香港工程師學會「香港工程師週嘉年華」踏入第二天,香港工程師學會會長李志康博士、工程師期望以精彩表演及活動帶動週末氣氛。 |
相片二: 中學生「工程達人—你問我答」比賽冠軍得獎隊伍:順德聯誼總會梁銶琚中學獲頒發獎盃、證書及價值港幣5,000元書券以嘉許他們的傑出表現。 |
相片三及四: 香港工程師學會會長李志康博士、工程師(上圖:左九;下圖:後排左九)與所有中學生「工程達人—你問我答」比賽隊伍合照。 |
相片五: 「N展聯盟」-「香港工程師學會過三關」問答比賽。
相片六、七及八: 嘉年華為公眾送上各類精彩的表演節目,包括花式跳繩、花式足球及花式搖搖。 |
相片九: 藝人王鋒(Travis)獻唱三首歌曲,為第二日的嘉年華畫上完美句號。 |
相片十、十一、十二: 不少市民和家長專程攜同小朋友參與,氣氛熱烈。 |
相片十三及十四: 香港工程師學會會長李志康博士、工程師(上圖:左六;下圖:右四)與一眾來賓及參與者「打卡」留念。 |
香港工程師學會前身為「香港工程協會」,早於1947年成立,隨着協會不斷發展,政府於1975年通過《香港工程師學會條例》(第1105章),正式賦予學會法定地位。現時學會會員人數超過34,000名,當中有約17,000名為法定會員。學會以團結不同專業界別的工程師,為會員謀求福利為宗旨。為確保會員質素,學會亦負責擬定專業工程師訓練及資歷審核標準,將會員資歷分為22個專業界別作出審核。同時,學會並積極推廣專業守則,對會員的操守有嚴格要求。有關本會更多資訊,請瀏覽 https://hkie.org.hk/
梁凱瑩小姐 |
余美玉小姐 |
電話:(852) 2895 4446
傳真:(852) 2882 6825
「香港工程師週嘉年華」 |
日期 |
即日起至2024年3月3日 |
時間 |
2024年3月3日 (星期日):上午10時至下午6時 |
地點 |
西九文化區海濱草坪 (免費開放供公眾入場) |
「N展聯盟」 |
日期 |
2024年3月3日:決賽演講(開放供公眾觀看) |
地點 |
西九文化區海濱草坪 (免費開放供公眾入場) |
「我們的夢想城市」小學生設計比賽 |
日期 |
即日起至3月3日:模型作品展示 |
2024年3月3日:參賽隊伍演講 |
時間 |
模型作品展示 |
2024年3月3日:上午10時至下午6時 |
參賽隊伍演講 |
2024年3月3日:中午12時 |
地點 |
西九文化區海濱草坪 (免費開放供公眾入場) |
(Hong Kong, March 2, 2024) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) is hosting the Hong Kong Engineers Week Carnival (the Carnival) with the theme “Be the Change” at Harbourside Lawn, West Kowloon Cultural District, from today until 3 March (Sunday). The Carnival features a series of exciting activities and over 40 booths and games from different partners. It aims to showcase the diverse engineering industry and has attracted many citizens and parents who have brought their children to participate.
Today, the second day of the Carnival, the “Our Future Engineers” Secondary Student Quiz Contest was held. The purpose of the competition is to inspire students to take an interest in engineering and provide them the opportunities to interact with practicing engineers. HKIE members invite student from their graduated secondary school to form teams and compete on behalf of their schools in a group quiz competition focusing on engineering-related knowledge and science. The first round contest was completed earlier, and three teams were selected out of 12 teams to compete in the finals today. The students demonstrated excellent performance and the contest was intense. After two rounds of competitions, the Champion, first runner-up and second runner-up were awarded to Shun Tak Fraternal Association Leung Kau Kui College, Immaculate Heart of Mary College and Shun Tak Fraternal Association Yung Yau College respectively.
Five finalists from “Engineer Alliance” took part in a quiz competition, demonstrating their professionalism to the public. The final round of “Engineer Alliance” speech competition will take place tomorrow (3 March), and the winner will be determined by a panel of judges and public voting.
Various performance groups entertained the public with exciting shows, including a Singing performance by artist Travis WONG, rope performance, freestyle football, and Yo-Yo performance. The Carnival will be open to the public for free tomorrow, featuring the “Our Dream City” primary school design competition and the closing ceremony.
For more information, please visit:
Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 official website: https://hkengineersweek.com/
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheHKIE
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_hkie/
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers LinkedIn:https://hk.linkedin.com/company/the-hkie
Click here to download the photos
Photo 1: Hong Kong Engineers Week Carnival enters its second day, and the HKIE President Ir Dr Barry LEE Chi Hong hopes to create a great atmosphere for the weekend with exciting performances and activities.
Photo 2: The Champion of “Our Future Engineers” Secondary Student Quiz Contest: Shun Tak Fraternal Association Leung Kau Kui College were awarded trophies, certificates and book vouchers worth HK$5,000 in recognition of their outstanding performance. |
Photos 3 and 4: Group photo of the HKIE President Ir Dr Barry LEE Chi Hong (upper: 9th left: lower: 9th left , back row) and all teams of “Our Future Engineers” Secondary Student Quiz Contest.
Photo 5: “Engineer Alliance”- Knowledge Quiz Competition
Photos 6, 7 and 8: The Carnival offered a variety of exciting performances for the public, including rope performance, freestyle football, and Yo-Yo performance.
Photo 9: Travis WONG performed three songs, bringing the perfect ending to the second day of the Carnival.
Photos 10,11 and 12: Many parents and children participated in the Carnival.
Photos 13 and 14: The HKIE President Ir Dr Barry LEE Chi Hong, (upper: 6th left; lower: 4th right) with guests and participants at the Carnival |
About the HKIE
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) – previously The Engineering Society of Hong Kong - was founded in 1947. In 1975, the HKIE was incorporated under the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Ordinance, Chapter 1105 of the Laws of Hong Kong. Today the HKIE has over 34,000 members, of which around 17,000 are Corporate Members.
The Institution aims to bring together engineers of different disciplines for their common good. The HKIE is committed to upholding the quality of membership, and sets standards for the training and admission of engineers from 22 engineering disciplines. It also has strict rules governing members’ conduct and is dedicated to raising the ethical standards of professional engineers in Hong Kong. For more information about the HKIE, please visit https://hkie.org.hk
This press release is distributed by Creative Consulting Group on behalf of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. For enquiries, please contact:
Creative Consulting Group
Ms Christy Leung Tel:(852) 9103 7182 |
Ms May Yu Tel:(852) 9634 2994 Email: may.yu@creativegp.com |
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Corporate Communications Section
Tel: (852) 2895 4446
Fax: (852) 2882 6825
Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk
Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 Event Details:
Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 Carnival |
Date |
Now to 3 March 2024 |
Time |
3 March 2024 (Sunday): 10 am – 6 pm |
Venue |
Harbourside Lawn, West Kowloon Cultural District (free public entry) |
Engineer Alliance |
Date |
3 March 2024: Pitch Perfect Challenge (open to public) |
Venue |
Harbourside Lawn, West Kowloon Cultural District (free public entry) |
“Our Dream City” Primary Student Design Contest |
Date |
Now to 3 March 2024: Exhibition of models |
3 March 2024: Presentations by contesting teams |
Time |
Exhibition of models |
3 March 2024: 10 am – 6 pm |
Presentations by contesting teams |
3 March 2024: 12 pm (noon) |
Venue |
Harbourside Lawn, West Kowloon Cultural District (free public entry) |