(香港,2024年9月9日) 香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」) 今日舉行傳媒茶聚,介紹學會 2024/2025 年度主題「一脈相承 縱深相連」(“Grow the Nexus, Link the Links” ) ,強調香港工程界要發揮好「超級聯繫人」和「超級增值人」角色,協助內地工程師和企業「引進來、走出去」,為國家發展及香港經濟升級轉型出一分力,以打造香港成為國際高端人才聚集高地。
一、「提升學會治理 促進業界發展」 - 學會在香港的工程專業中扮演著重要角色,確保專業標準、促進持續學習和發展。學會在本年度將提升管治,繼續跟從策略性專業維新路綫圖,進行改革,提高學會的透明度和行業持份者與公眾之間的信任度,提升工程界的專業性和效率,從而更好地回應社會對工程師的期望,推動業界發展。
二、「培育人才 薪火相傳」 - 隨著本港陸續推出大型基建項目,如北部都會區、交椅洲人工島等,工程界求才若渴。有見及此,學會積極透過不同方法,全力吸引、培育及留住人才。
三、「促進會員團結」 - 學會亦致力促進會員間的團結、協作,包括透過舉辦多元化的會員活動,凝聚會員,建立更強大和相互支援的群體。學會早前成立創科支援平台Enginpreneurs,協助工程師將科研成果落地,目前已有三個項目成功獲得數碼港旗下的創業基金資助。
學會邁向50週年 回顧過去 建設未來
- 「香港工程師學會大獎」:回顧過去50年本港的工程發展,表揚業界出色的工程項目,並挑選得獎項目作巡迴展覽,加強公眾對工程專業的認識;
- 「香港工程師學會國際會議」: 與海外工程師交流合作,深入探討工程技術;
- 「全港工程嘉年華」:以有趣且深入淺出的方式,向公眾展現工程多樣性,彰顯工程師對社會的貢獻,吸引年青人才加入工程行業。
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(9 September 2024, Hong Kong) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (hereafter “the HKIE”) held a media gathering today, introducing “Grow the Nexus, Link the Links”, the HKIE’s Theme for Session 2024/2025. Emphasising the importance of Hong Kong’s engineering industry to fulfil its role as a “super-connector” and “super value-adder”, the Theme reflects a commitment to supporting Mainland engineers and enterprises in reaching beyond the region and accessing the global market, while attracting foreign talent and investment into the country. The HKIE aims to contribute to the nation’s development and Hong Kong’s economic transformation and advancement, creating a hub of international top-tier talent.
Ir Eric MA, President of the HKIE, said, “We strive to strengthen the Institution’s status as a hub of international engineering community, thereby leveraging Hong Kong’s advantages as a “super-connector” and “super value-adder” to facilitate extensive exchange and collaboration between the Mainland and international engineering industries. As a ‘bridge’, we foster cross-border connections, not only importing more advanced experiences and technologies from the international scene, but also facilitating more engineering enterprises and professionals in the Mainland to go global. These may be accomplished through a variety of exchange tours, study tours, the GBA Federation of Engineering Organisations (GFEO), frameworks for reciprocal recognition agreements, recognition arrangements for Mainland professional titles, etc. At the same time, the HKIE will continue to nurture local young engineers, helping them to integrate seamlessly into the broader developmental scheme of the nation.”
Ir MA continued, “Hong Kong’s engineering industry needs to move with the times. Apart from sustaining our advantages in traditional engineering and construction, we must leverage Hong Kong’s “eight centres” positioning as set out in the 14th Five-Year Plan, so that our engineering profession can play a more active role in emerging opportunities such as the advancement of Hong Kong as an international hub for innovation and technology, and the development of new quality productive forces. Together, we can create a better tomorrow.”
The HKIE proactively organises and participates in different conferences and exchange tours within the Mainland and beyond. These include the four-consecutive-day “ICEE Conference 2024”, which, co-hosted in July 2024 by the HKIE with professional bodies in China, Japan and Korea, explored the vital role of electrical engineering in advancing a smart society and low carbon emissions to foster a sustainable environment; as well as “高端人才北京交流團” in August 2024, which facilitated in-depth exchanges between Hong Kong and the Mainland on collaborations in the field of engineering technology and talent cultivation. Going forward, the HKIE will continue to roll out a variety of exchange activities, such as Division Chairmen’s Study Tour to Guilin/Nanning, Guangxi and Presidential Visits to the UK and Australia, to strengthen connections and dialogue with global engineering professional organisations.
Three Sub-Themes: Governance Enhancement, Nurture Engineering Talents, and Promote Member Unity
- Enhance Governance of the HKIE and Promote Industry Development – The HKIE plays a crucial role in Hong Kong’s engineering profession, ensuring professional standards while encouraging continuous learning and development. The HKIE will strengthen its governance during Session 2024/2025, continuing with the “Time to Change” Roadmap, executing reforms to enhance transparency and build trust between stakeholders in the industry and the public. At the same time, the Institution strives to advance the professionalism and efficiency of the trade to meet the society’s expectations of engineers and promote industry development.
- Nurture Talents and Pass on the Torch – With large-scale infrastructure projects in the pipeline, such as Northern Metropolis and Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands, the engineering industry is thirsting for talents. With this in view, the HKIE is committed to proactively attracting, nurturing and retaining talents through different means.
Besides the HKIE President's Protégé Scheme which imparts knowledge and experience to the next generation of young engineering talents, the HKIE continues to drive STEAM education in line with the Government’s emphasis. In collaboration with the Education Bureau, the HKIE has launched the “Fly High Engineering”, “One School One Engineer”, “Back To School” schemes. These schemes match engineering alumni to participating primary and secondary schools and provide schools with advice and support on engineering-related education, in the hope of cultivating youngsters’ interest in engineering from an early age and attracting them to the engineering profession. In addition, the Public Service Committee under the HKIE conducts educational and promotional programmes for secondary and tertiary school students. In terms of talent retention, the HKIE continues to organise different professional seminars to promote exchange and collaboration within the sector, encourage engineering graduates to enter the profession, and expand the reciprocal recognition agreements on qualifications with technologist and professional organisations in the Mainland and overseas.
- Promote Member Unity: The HKIE strives to promote member unity and cooperation. Through a diverse range of member activities, the HKIE aims to strengthen connections between members and create a stronger and mutually supportive group. The HKIE has set up “Enginpreneurs”, an innovation and technology support platform, to assist engineers with launching their scientific research projects. Currently, three projects have successfully received funding from Cyberport Macro Fund.
The HKIE at 50
Reflecting on the Past and Building for the Future
To celebrate its 50th anniversary next year, the HKIE will launch a series of activities to reflect on the past and build for the future. Details will be announced later. Key activities include:
- The HKIE Grand Award: A review of Hong Kong’s engineering projects over the past 50 years to commend outstanding projects; selected winning projects will be displayed at roving exhibitions to enhance public understanding of the engineering profession;
- The HKIE International Conference: To bring the international engineering community together to share ideas and discuss advanced engineering technologies;
- Hong Kong Engineering Carnival: To present the diversity of engineering disciplines and careers to the public and highlight the contribution of engineers to society in an interesting and easy-to-understand way, thereby attracting young talents to join the industry.
In addition, the HKIE has submitted its views regarding the Policy Address to be released in October. As the engineering industry will play an important role in a wide spectrum of future developments, the HKIE has made proposals in diverse areas, from innovative technology and new industrialisation, streamlined development procedures, talent cultivation, education, land and housing supply, aviation hubs, to infrastructure, smart city and sustainability. The HKIE hopes thereby to facilitate the all-round development of Hong Kong and the engineering industry, and, with Hong Kong’s advantages well-leveraged, build a better and brighter future.
President Ir Eric MA (3rd right), Vice President Ir Rupert LEUNG (2nd right),
Past President Ir Aaron BOK (3rd left),
Executive Ir Edmond FONG (2nd left), Executive Ir William LUK (1st right),
and Chief Executive and Secretary Ir Prof Alfred SIT (1st left)
attending the media gathering and sharing the HKIE’s latest developments
President Ir Eric MA (centre), the Executives, and the media spokespersons
President Ir Eric MA (6th right) and the President’s Protégés
This press release is issued by Bentley Communications on behalf of the HKIE. For further enquiries, please contact:
Bentley Communications Ltd.
Mr Ian Li
Tel:3960 1905
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Corporate Communications Section
Tel: 2895 4446
Fax: 2882 6825
Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk