香港工程師學會推出首本聯合國可持續發展目標電子書 (永續工程:香港對聯合國可持續發展目標的貢獻) 集結香港超過40項可持續發展工程項目 The HKIE Launches its First-ever UNSDGs eBook “Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals” Showcasing over 40 Sustainable

(香港,2024年11月21日) 香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」)宣布推出首本介紹香港工程業界實踐聯合國可持續發展目標 (UNSDGs) 的電子書《Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals》(永續工程:香港對聯合國可持續發展目標的貢獻),集結本港近年超過40個標誌性的公私營工程項目,對應17個可持續發展目標,並從工程師角度深入淺出作出分析,以展示項目的特點和前瞻性科技,並提高業界以至公眾對UNSDGs的認識,攜手以行動支持可持續發展。


香港工程師學會會長馬紹祥工程師表示:「聯合國的可持續發展目標,旨在建設所有人更美好和更可持續的未來,當中很多目標都與工程息息相關。今次推出《Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals》,冀可讓公眾及業界更了解不同工程專業如何同時顧及環境、社會及經濟,實踐可持續發展,包括在工程設計、建造、翻新、營運和再使用方面積極相互配合,使用電子控制系統、物聯網、推動新型工業化、自動駕駛技術、可持續的能源系統等。」




國際工程聯盟 (International Engineering Alliance, IEA) 於2021年更新了《畢業要求和職業勝任力》(Graduate Attributes and Professional Competencies, GAPCs),以配合UNSDGs。作為IEA成員,學會正檢視把UNSDGs納入用作評審工程課程的《畢業要求》和申請成為會員所需的《能力標準》。學會新的《畢業要求》和《能力標準》預計於2026/27年實施。


另外,學會現正為《Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals》電子書舉行封面設計大賽,旨在讓學會會員及公眾可一同參與此書的創作,增加對UNSDGs及可持續發展的興趣,作品提交截止日期為2024年12月31日下午5時,詳情可瀏覽網址  https://www.hkie.org.hk/zh-hant/news/event_detail/679/ 。優勝作品有機會成為電子書下一版的新封面。


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副會長兼工作小組顧問陳帆教授、工程師(右三) 、
工作小組主席郭偉信工程師 (左三)、




《Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals》



請按此連結瀏覽電子書《Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals》


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附錄:《Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals》之香港可持續發展工程項目名單



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(21 November 2024, Hong Kong) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (“HKIE”) launched an eBook, Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which introduces Hong Kong engineering industry’s progress towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).  The eBook showcases over 40 iconic engineering projects, corresponding to 17 UNSDGs, in both the public and private sectors in Hong Kong over the years and provides insights into their distinctive features and advanced technologies from engineers’ perspectives.  Through this informative publication, the HKIE hopes to deepen understanding of UNSDGs in the industry and wider society and inspire collaborative efforts and active participation from all stakeholders to support sustainable development.


HKIE President Ir Eric MA said, “The UNSDGs aim to promote prosperity while protecting the planet.  Engineering plays a major role in achieving many of the UNSDGs.  Through the launch of Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, we hope to strengthen understanding among members of the public as well as within the engineering sector of how various engineering disciplines can integrate environmental, social and economic considerations into their practices.  The engineering industry is in a unique position to lead sustainable development through actively collaborating across the aspects of engineering design, construction, renovation, operation and reuse, using electronic control systems, IoT, promoting new industrialisation, autonomous vehicle technology, sustainable energy systems, etc.”


“Last week, Vice President Ir Prof Frank CHAN led a delegation to the UN Climate Change Conference - COP29, where he shared the efforts taken by Hong Kong’s engineering industry to address the challenges of climate change, including strengthening the resilience and sustainability of urban infrastructure.  The HKIE will continue to champion sustainable development, including continued updates of the eBook and encouraging industry sharing of sustainable projects, empowering engineers to put UNSDGs into practice as part of our commitment to building a better and more sustainable future for the planet,” President MA added.


The International Engineering Alliance (IEA) resolved the proposed changes of IEA Graduate Attributes and Professional Competencies (GAPCs) to align with the UNSDGs in 2021.  As a Member of IEA, the HKIE will review its Graduate Attributes for accrediting engineering programmes and its Competence Standards for admitting members to factor in the UNSDGs.  The reviews are in the pipeline and the new HKIE Graduate Attributes and Competence Standards are planned for implementation in 2026/27.


In addition, the HKIE is currently holding a cover design competition for the publication, Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.  The competition aims at encouraging members and the public to actively engage with the UNSDGs by participating in the creation of the eBook.  The deadline for submission is 5:00pm on 31 December 2024.  For details, please visit the website https://www.hkie.org.hk/zh-hant/news/event_detail/679/.  The winning entry may become the cover of the future edition of this publication.


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Ir Eric MA, President (4th left),

Ir Prof Frank CHAN, Vice President cum Advisor of the Working Group (3rd right),

Ir Wilson KWOK, Chairman of the Working Group (3rd left),

 Ir Norman CHAN, Member of Working Group (2nd right),

Ir Kelvin TANG, Member of Working Group (2nd left),

Ir ZHOU Yan, Member of Working Group (1st right),

and Ir Prof Alfred SIT, Chief Executive and Secretary (1st left) attended the launch of

HKIE’s UNSDGs eBook Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Please click here for the eBook Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals


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Appendix: Sustainable engineering projects in Hong Kong featured in Engineered for Sustainability: Hong Kong’s Contribution to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals



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This press release is issued by Bentley Communications on behalf of the HKIE. For further enquiries, please contact:


Bentley Communications Ltd.

Mr Ian LI

Tel:3960 1905


The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

Corporate Communications Section


Tel: 2895 4446


Fax: 2882 6825


Email: corpcom@hkie.org.hk




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