香港工程師學會 工程創新建未來 專業卓越跨世代 The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers "Engineer our Future with Innovation and Excellence"
(香港,九月十四日) 香港工程師學會 (下稱「學會」)會長蔡健權教授、工程師於今天舉行的傳媒午餐聚會上介紹學會本年度的方向。


蔡會長表示為了加強公眾及學生對工程專業的認識,學會將於明年四月期間,舉辦為期一週的活動,活動名稱暫定為「工程週」"Engineering Week",當中包括比賽、講座、展覽、參觀活動及頒獎禮等,希望藉此讓市民及學生認識到工程師的工作,並使他們更了解工程專業及學會,從而激發年輕一代的學生對工程學的興趣,鼓勵他們將來投身工程專業。


傳媒熱線:6398 4599
電話︰2895 4446
傳真︰2203 4133


(14 September 2012, Hong Kong) President Ir Prof Choy Kin-kuen is pleased to announce the new initiatives of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) in enhancing the visibility of the engineering profession at the media luncheon today. 

"Engineer our Future with Innovation and Excellence" will be the theme of the Institution for the year ahead. "The Institution has two important leadership roles to play. We provide a forum for engineers of various disciplines to bounce their ideas off others and to have those thoughts challenged and validated. We also put efforts to build awareness and educate the public and involve them in the innovation process by organising activities to business, community and government stakeholders." Ir Prof Choy highlighted in the welcoming remarks.

Ir Prof Choy remarked that a one-week large-scale publicity programme tentatively named "Engineering Week" was initially scheduled to be held in April 2013 wherein competitions, distinguished lectures, exhibition, technical visits and award presentation ceremony will be organised to promote the engineering profession and the Institution to the secondary/tertiary students and the general public. It was planned that the programme could arouse the interest of the younger generation in engineering profession and encourage them to choose engineering as their careers.

As part of the HKIE's commitment to nourish young engineers, the HKIE President's Protégé Scheme (PPS) is continued this year. These young engineers will shadow the President to attend significant events and observe how a senior figure in the industry operates in the year to come. Ir Prof Choy took the occasion to introduce the newly selected young members to the media during the luncheon. Ir Prof Choy highlighted, "Through the HKIE President's Protégé Scheme, the Institution can nurture these enthusiastic young engineers in the engineering profession, and in return, they will contribute more for the benefit and advancement of the society." 

For media enquiries, please contact Ms Sara Cheung, Manager – Corporate Communications: 
Media hotline : 6398 4599
Tel : 2895 4446
Fax : 2203 4133
Email : corpcom@hkie.org.hk

Biographies of the HKIE President’s Protégés 2012/2013
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