「卓越工程建構優質生活」攝影比賽 頒獎典禮 "Technology for Quality Living" Photo Competition 2011 Prize Presentation Ceremony


日期 : 2012年2月6日 (星期一)
時間 : 晚上6時30分(登記) 
地點 : 香港銅鑼灣記利佐治街1號金百利9字樓 
主禮嘉賓 : 香港特別行政區政府發展局常任秘書長(工務) 

現誠邀 貴機構派員訪攝頒獎典禮。




電話 :2830 9071
傳真 :2203 4133
電郵地址 :barbara.kwok@hkie.org.hk

(3 February 2012, Hong Kong) Organised by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), the "Technology for Quality Living" Photo Competition 2011 aims to enhance appreciation of engineering activities at workplaces in various trades and disciplines. 

The results of the Photo Competition will be announced at the Prize Presentation Ceremony with details given below:

Date : 6 February 2012 (Monday)
Time : 6:30pm for 7:00pm
Venue : The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Headquarters
9/F, Island Beverley
No 1 Great George Street
Causeway Bay 
Hong Kong
Guest of Honour : Ir WAI Chi Sing, JP
Permanent Secretary for Development (Works),
the Government of the HKSAR

You and / or your representatives are cordially invited to attend the Ceremony.

The awarded photos will be displayed at the Hong Kong Science Museum from 18 February to 28 March 2012 in an exhibition which will be open to the public.

For details of the Photo Competition, please visit the following webpage: http://www.hkie.org.hk/eng/html/Events&Activities/Others/quality_living.asp

For media enquiries on the Photo Competition, please contact:

Miss Barbara KWOK – Conference and Function Officer
Tel: 2830 9071
Fax: 2203 4133
Email: barbara.kwok@hkie.org.hk
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