The HKIE consists of the following classes of membership:
1. Fellow (FHKIE)
Fellow is the highest grade of membership available for application. A Fellow should have obtained a position of considerable technical and/or administrative responsibility for sufficient duration in meeting the respective requirements.
2. Member (MHKIE)
A Member is a fully qualified engineer, who is competent to discharge duties at professional level.
3. Graduate Member
A Graduate Member is an individual who meets the academic requirements for Member or Associate Member.
4. Associate Member (AMHKIE)
An Associate Member is a fully qualified engineering technologist.
5. Companion
A Companion is not an engineer but is in a position of responsibility comparable with that of the class of Member, in a profession related to engineering.
6. Student Member
A Student Member is an individual who is studying an accredited/recognised engineering programme.
7. Affiliate
An Affiliate is an individual who involves in, or with an interest in engineering.
Fellow and Member are professionally qualified engineers and are recognised as Corporate Members. Corporate Members have the right to vote at Annual General Meetings. As at July 2014, the Institution has over 31,000 members of which more than 14,000 are in the grade of Corporate Membership.