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香港工程師學會新任會長黃唯銘博士、工程師 Newly Installed HKIE President Ir Dr Philco N K WONG

新視野 新動力


(香港,2018年6月25日) 香港工程師學會(學會)欣然公布黃唯銘博士、工程師於2018年6月21日舉行的第43屆會員周年大會上榮任第44屆會長。陳國璋工程師則任期屆滿,成為上任會長。




黃會長闡述「新視野 新動力」將會是學會本年度的主題。他強調要作好準備發掘和接受創新意念和事物,並指出為推動業界的持續發展,學會和工程專業須注入年青人才。黃會長於周年大會上提到:「我們需要作出更大的努力,吸引青年會員參與學會活動,並鼓勵年輕人加入工程專業。我們的使命是要讓年輕人明白學習工程將能為他們帶來發展機遇。」






電話:2895 4446 / 6398 4599
傳真:2882 6825


1. 黃唯銘博士、工程師簡歷
2. 二零一八至二零一九年度理事會名單


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Newly Installed HKIE President Ir Dr Philco N K WONG
New Perspective New Momentum


(Hong Kong, 25 June 2018) The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (The HKIE) is pleased to announce the installation of Ir Dr Philco N K Wong as the 44th President for Session 2018/2019 at The HKIE 43rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 21 June 2018. Ir Thomas Chan Kwok-cheung becomes the Immediate Past President.


Ir Dr Wong, the newly installed President, is dedicated to working hand in hand with members to achieve their common goals for the benefit and advancement of the Institution, the engineering profession, and the community.


In his speech, Ir Dr Wong stated that “New Perspective New Momentum” will be the theme for the Institution for the year ahead. He emphasised the importance of being prepared for finding and absorbing new sources of inspiration. He added that to sustain a continuously evolving industry, it is essential to infuse new talent in both the Institution and the engineering profession. “We need to work harder to attract more young engineers to our events and young people to our profession. It is incumbent upon us to help young people realise that studying engineering means opening the door to a world of exciting opportunities,” Ir Dr Wong remarked.


With his extensive professional and management experience, as well as strong commitment and enthusiasm to serve the profession and the industry, Ir Dr Wong is well positioned to lead the HKIE to new levels of achievement, particularly in promoting the professional image of engineers to students in Hong Kong and engaging young members of the Institution to partake in the growth and continual development of the Institution.


The AGM also announced that Ir Ringo S M Yu and Ir Dr Yuen Pak-leung were successfully re-elected as the Vice Presidents. Ir Edwin K F Chung was elected Vice President for this Session. The five new Elected Ordinary Members of the Council are Ir Francis C Y Cheng, Ir Cheng Ting-ning, Ir Alice K T Chow, Ir Victor K Y Lo and Ir Bobby M T Ng. Please refer to the attached list of all Council Members of the HKIE for Session 2018/2019.

For enquiries, please contact: 
The Corporate Communications Section of the HKIE
Tel : 2895 4446 / 6398 4599
Fax : 2882 6825
Email :

1. Biography of Ir Dr Philco N K Wong 
2. Full list of Council Members of the HKIE for Session 2018/2019


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The newly installed President of the HKIE, Ir Dr Philco N K Wong (right) and the Immediate Past President, Ir Thomas Chan Kwok-cheung (left)

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