How to Become an Engineer

Engineering influences our every aspect of life—be it an infrastructure construction project, a microscopic nano-medical operation that saves lives, or water and electricity supply for daily household use. Engineers are trying their best to create almost everything from tangible bridges and roads to innovative and forward-looking technologies such as virtual reality (VR) or practical fully-automatic self-driven cars. Engineers are essential in every industry, both locally and around the world. In fact, there are unlimited and unbounded possibilities and opportunities, and pursuing a career in engineering will offer people an unimaginable lifelong career!


How to become an engineer 


At the secondary education stage

  • Try to achieve proficiency in languages, mathematics and science subjects
  • Develop interest in keeping yourself abreast of latest science- and technology-related subjects and topics


At the tertiary education stage

  • Apply for engineering programmes accredited by the HKIE
  • Well equip yourself with professional knowledge and good communication skills
  • Participate in activities of your tertiary institute/ university’s engineering clubs and societies
  • Enroll as student member of the HKIE
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